She's not entirely wrong

She's not entirely wrong.

hardly anyone gets past Sup Forums and if they do they're autists and redneckers

Wow anime nazi is pretty far down.

she's dumb.

milo was a part of breitbart
voat was an attempt at a free speech reddit that preceded all of this

wtf is red panels


Why is red panels included in this? It's far more lite than Sup Forums.

Boils down to "everything I don't like is Nazis"
In other words, just another day in the mind of a liberal

>going places besides Sup Forums

>anime nazis
>below Sup Forums
But Sup Forums is where the anime nazis converse.

Sup Forums should be much further down

What the fuck is voat doing there

>Tee hee, I'm going to type "alt-right" into google, write down 20 things that pop up, and then list them in no specific order to pretend I know what I'm talking about, Tee Hee, I'm trendy!


Is that a tranny?

And the starting point is the level ground. The reasonable opinion. After 3 years, she's agreeing that gamergate was justified.
Irks me more that none of it is intentional, just spitballing words without any forethought. Leave the memes to the professionals.

Sup Forums should be further down

Thats a man named ana

nah. I stopped at Sup Forums

also these people are goddamn fucking stupid

>People actually believe gamergate was important in setting the stage for the current political climate and wholly responsible for catapulting the presence of the alt right movement into the political mainstream

These people are willing to hastily scrap anything together anything that'll fit their narrative. In this case, they'll purposely misinterpret and misplace events and entities in their warped perception of the development of political discourse into the state it is today, evident by the high degree of anachronism in their version of the sequence of events. This is pure, unadulterated, unbridled, revisionism of the highest order. What's worse is that their judgement is so clouded by their ideological lens that they will whole heartily believe their interpretation of how things went down.

What about the diapered anime nazis?

>Ralph retort

We seem to have a shitty here. Pic related is every single troublesome person on that list.

Ok, fuck anime, fuck stormfront I get what I need here, and fuck Richard Spencer he's just controlled opposition.

No it's a man in a wig.

kek at that order