Juggalo March on Sep 16????

Fuck I want this to happen so bad.
Can't wait to see the memes that come out of this.

Dropping some propoganda for your inspection.

Other urls found in this thread:



Really interesting stuff on here.


NO WAY. That's muh birthday!
Best timeline.


Best timeline indeed.
Anyone here own a charger?

Or challenger, whatever.
A car?

So trust fund commies like white trash now?

Hmm. They appear to plan on arming themselves, in DC. This is going to be great. Cops love pig jokes and meth.


Whoop whoop

Woop Woop!

This shit is cringy as fuck. I hope for Antifas sake they can get along with rednecks because thats what youre getting lol.

Fave meme by far so far

I think this is the same day as the Mother of all Rallies. Gonna be a wild day for sure.

doesn't that mean they are representing the racists? Looks fake, but I'm fine with it.


Can we get furries to join antifa too

And muslims

and uh

the untermench jews to make my bloodlines stronger?

My god this will be great

Mother of all Rallies





Need a furry slogan
>fur against fasc
>furry brings fascist the fury

I say we get people to bring bags of candy and hand it out saying Happy Halloween when they are marching to fuck with them.

>Fascism? Furr-get that!

>Mother of all Rallies
Looks like it needs a big bump on the socials...
Not much chatter. Do you know what to do still?

dig this:
How a Jewish Soda Company Helped the Insane Clown Posse Fight the Nazis

Faygo, started by Jewish immigrants, helped fuel the Juggalos’ anti-Fascist march on DC
By Gabriela Geselowitz


Honestly, the best way to stop people from "taking action" is to humiliate and embarrass them.

>fascism in your persona? Not in my fursona!!
>only fur-gins vote for fascists

fuck me:
Faygo is short for Feigenson— yes, really. The Faygo website euphemistically describes brothers Ben and Perry as “Russian immigrants,” but a quick Google search will confirm the obvious. In 1907 they began their bottling business, and soon began flavoring soda water with frosting flavors (they were originally bakers).

>(((WOOP WOOP)))

I think I'm already dead, and this is a dream:

The Wild Juggalos and Hasidic Jews Have More in Common Than ...

Violent J explained himself unapologetically to a New Jersey newspaper: "You have to speak their language. You have to interest them, gain their trust, talk to them and show you're one of them. You're a person from the street and you speak of your experiences. Then at the end you can tell them: (((G*d))) has helped me."

juggalos weave their pubic hair

I've come to Milwaukee because ICP have just released their most audacious Christian song to date: Miracles. In it, they list God's wonders that delight them each day:

Hot lava, snow, rain and fog,

Long neck giraffes, and pet cats and dogs

Fuckin' rainbows after it rains

There's enough miracles here to

blow your brains.

The song climaxes with them railing against the very concept of science:

Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?

And I don't wanna talk to a scientist

Y'all motherfuckers lying and

getting me pissed.

What would the goal of a juggalo march be exactly? We've got plenty of clowns in congress

One of the ICP road crew locates the video on his iPhone, and it is indeed withering: "The [Miracles] video is not only dumb, but enthusiastically dumb, endorsing a ferocious breed of ignorance that can only be described as militant. The entire song is practically a tribute to not knowing things."

"Fuck you, man," says Violent J. "Shut the fuck up."

"Did you anticipate this kind of reaction?" I ask them.

"No," sighs Violent J. "I figured most people would say, 'Wow, I didn't know Insane Clown Posse could be deep like that.' But instead it's, 'ICP said a giraffe is a miracle. Ha ha ha! What a bunch of idiots.'" He pauses, then adds defiantly, "A giraffe is a fucking miracle. It has a dinosaur-like neck. It's yellow. Yeah, technically an elephant is not a miracle. Technically. They've been here for hundreds of years…"

"Thousands," murmurs Shaggy.

"Have you ever stood next to an elephant, my friend?" asks Violent J. "A fucking elephant is a miracle. If people can't see a fucking miracle in a fucking elephant, then life must suck for them, because an elephant is a fucking miracle. So is a giraffe."

We watch the video for another few seconds: "It becomes apparent that Shaggy and J consider any understanding of the actual workings of these 'miracles' to be corrosive. To them, knowledge is seen as a threat… For ICP a true understanding of 'fucking rainbows' would reduce them to, as Keats put it, 'the dull catalogue of common things'."

Violent J shakes his head sorrowfully. "Who looks at the stars at night and says, 'Oh, those are gaseous forms of plutonium'?" he says. "No! You look at the stars and you think, 'Those are beautiful.'"

Suddenly he glances at me. The woman in the video is bespectacled and nerdy. I am bespectacled and nerdy. Might I have a similar motive?

"I don't know how magnets work," I say, to put him at his ease.

"Nobody does, man!" he replies, relieved. "Magnetic force, man. What else is similar to that on this Earth? Nothing! Magnetic force is fascinating to us. It's right there, in your fucking face. You can feel them pulling. You can't see it. You can't smell it. You can't touch it. But there's a fucking force there. That's cool!"

Shaggy says the idea for the lyrics came when one of the ICP road crew brought some magnets into the recording studio one day and they spent ages playing with them in wonderment.

"Gravity's cool," Violent J says, "but not as cool as magnets."

"I did think," I admit, "that fog constitutes quite a low threshold for miracles."

"Fog?" Violent J says, surprised.

"Well," I clarify, "I've lived around fog my whole life, so maybe I'm blasé."

"Fog, to me, is awesome," he replies. "Do you know why? Because I look at my five-year-old son and I'm explaining to him what fog is and he thinks it's incredible."

"Ah!" I gesticulate. "If you're explaining to your five-year-old son what fog is, then why do you not want to meet scientists? Because they're just like you, explaining things to people…"

"Well," Violent J says, "science is… we don't really… that's like…" He pauses. Then he waves his hands as if to say, "OK, an analogy": "If you're trying to fuck a girl, but her mom's home, fuck her mom! You understand? You want to fuck the girl, but her mom's home? Fuck the mom. See?"

I look blankly at him. "You mean…"

"Now, you don't really feel that way," Violent J says. "You don't really hate her mom. But for this moment when you're trying to fuck this girl, fuck her! And that's what we mean when we say fuck scientists. Sometimes they kill all the cool mysteries away. When I was a kid, they couldn't tell you how pyramids were made…"

"Like Stonehenge and Easter Island," says Shaggy. "Nobody knows how that shit got there."

Please let this happen if I'm going to die in the coming armageddon I'd rather do it laughing.

holy shit that is some weapons-grade stupid. how has the UN not sanctioned them?

So they plan on trying to appeal to the "nazis" through God? Oh dis gun be gud!
>mfw atheist Pantyfa rejects God openly and Juggalos are like wtf bro
>mfw Juggalos and "Nazis" realize they have more common ground than not
>mfw everything turned out better than expected

I dont want juggalos associated with regarding any facet


Neither do I, really. But strange times make for strange temporary allies, user, and when you are a ship out on the sea and a storm whips up, can you afford to go further out towards your home port or would it be more prudent for you to take any port you can find during the storm?

Apparently it's to protest the FBI declaring juggalos a criminal gang.

>when the fat one thinks she can fly under the radar

>The Wild Juggalos and Hasidic Jews Have More in Common
it's all starting to make sense

>National Lawyers Guild
Leftist faggots I hope they all get visited by a Right Wing Challenger Squad

I hate you.
Thanks for perspective.

Fuck me, is this real?

>fuck white people fuck poor people fuck drumpf

Wait, juggalos think its still 2005 and drumpf is le ebil republican like bush?

Wtf I love the poorly educated now! Poor white people are the BEST

Love you too, user. You're welcome.