All based leaders are Christian

Isn't it ironic how all the leaders we like are all christian?
Tony Abbott - Christian
Le Pen - Christian
Trump - Christian
Putin - Christian
Nigel Farage - Christian

Really makes you think.

I mean it's obvious to anyone with half a brain Christianity is the only thing stopping the tidal wave of atheist degeneracy overtaking us

Pretty much. I'm strongly considering becoming a christian.

Not ironic at all. I prefer christian leaders

Add Merkel, Macron, Clinton, Bush familly and basicly every leader in the west.
Oh, and the pope.

Christianity is the foundation of Western culture, technology, values, and character.

Literally none of those leaders are based you fucking jew

If you are considering it, it is probably god telling you it's time to come to him... Not trying to be preachy, I'm just saying.

They're about as christian as a cockroach is a butterfly - including the pope. Please don't tell me you don't see that. Also, the
church was ready for a hostile takeover by the secular left and picked Francis in an attempt to stay relevant. Talk about lack of faith.

>when i don't like someone they aren't a christian

The problem is that everyone is a political christian.

dear Sir,

>In some of the delightful conversations with you, in the evenings of 1798--99, and which served as an anodyne to the afflictions of the crisis through which our country was then laboring, the Christian religion was sometimes our topic; and I then promised you, that one day or other, I would give you my views of it. They are the result of a life of inquiry & reflection, and very different from that anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other.


Join us on /christian/ imageboard and discord where we hold all those leaders in high regard. Every Christian denomination that follows the Nicene Creed are welcome, from Tony Abbott's Roman Catholicism, to Putin's Eastern Orthodox, Nigel Farage's Anglican roots, and Trump's Evangelical Christianity. Links are in pic related. God bless!

>Implying that religion matters

This. Sooner racemixers fuck off to their own board, the better.

>everyone saying they are Christians are real Christians

The actual decent Roman leaders: Pagan

>you have the authority to decide who is and who isn't a "true christian"

It's almost as if the majority of people in Western countries are Christian, and the people that get elected reflect this average

>What is Islam

Unfortunately it's really easy to reverse this by pointing out that Merkel is a self-proclaimed Christian, or at least heads the party of the Christians in Germany. No doubt that a lot of serious Christians raised from birth into the faith and lifestyle are just a bit on the naive, brainwashed side.

Don't worry, Christianity is slowly adapting to the 21st century, and then the umbrella will be holding back the next tidal wave of scientific development such as gene modification in humans, semi-sentient AI or something like that, etc.

This is how it goes.

There is also the fact that white american christians are valiently fighting against the only thing that slows down their own demise.

that's what Jesus teach, beware of who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves

Jesus also teaches to blindly respect ALL secual authority.
And to not worry about earthly things.

yeah, but merkel is not Christian

Its almost like having a moral foundation and traditionalist values makes you a better leader then someone who doesn't care about right and wrong or what degenerate habits their people are forming.

>Implying that religion is the only way for people to have these

And you base it on what exacly?
Her dad was a pastor, she calls herself a christian and leads a party of Christian Democrats.
What else do you require?

Yes, faggot, whether you like it or not moral values in the West, the most basic ones, were formed by Christianity.

Religion is only useful in that uneducated people are more likely to support leaders that pretend to be religious. Actual Christians (non-powerful middle-class and lower groups) should only be tolerated insofar as they are subservient to the interests of the state.

What values christians bring that were not already in either roman law or teachings of philosophers?


I wish being a Christian was as simple as saying you were Christian and then never following any of Christ's teachings.

>Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Matthew 7:21

And Christian values come from humans who made them up, wrote about them in books, and then re-interpreted those books as they saw fit throughout the centuries.

But don't let that stop you from believing in whatever gods you worship.

Except for the most based leader of them all.

havent you seen the opening of the hadron colider? didnt she was part of that event?


See Pascal's Wager

That is neither a good argument nor a relevant one at all, this board is for 18+


romans were gay as fuck, also they got destroyed, why do you want to bring that back?

And then decide to praise Osiris?


>4+Sup Forums
Too many people on there like their cheese pizza if you know what I mean

>they got destroyed
AFTER adopting christianity and outlawing worship of old gods?
Show your flag, i have a suspicion you are some BASED mystery meat.

Alright, lets say that Christianity is the origin of our values. That doesn't mean we have to keep it.

Pascal's Wager is retarded, you'd have to be stupid to think it's a good argument.


look up the gotthard base tunnel ceremony


well their gods were shit and fell to the true God, dont you think?


>mfw when
This is why protocucks need to get out. You can't just rely on belief - or the claim of it. You have to show good works, and in particular christian works. If you advocate for gay marriage, uncontrollable immigration that undermines a nation's culture, legalization of drug use, and so on, then you are not christian. Christianity - REAL Christianity is the only force stopping the tide of degeneracy laid out for the west. Atheism wouldn't hold for a minute against degeneracy.

Her last name was Kasner before she took her husband's. And if you're going to hold all Christians the same then we can hold all atheists the same to the communists that favor it.

>what is modern art
Yeah, it's retarded.

>Likes Tony Abbott

Gtfo nigger, go eat an onion.


Did you seriously avoid the entire point of his reply? They were destroyed AFTER they adopted Christianity you fuckwit.

Abbott is the only decent PM we've had since Howard



>I'm a double nigger

Get in a boat, and fuck off.

>Trump - Christian

You have no idea what you're talking about.

As a Catholic I'm clearly biased but I don't really believe that goodness can exist without God. They are shadows of goodness if they are separate from God, like a corpse of a beautiful woman. Unless you're into fucking corpses

i dont know what romans did, but Christianity is still kicking but rome fell, why do you blame Christianity and not rome?

There is no jew nor greek, user.



yeah just a coincidence dont you think, every european leader, europe is falling down


Before God. Not before man.


Great image, OP. So true.


>i dont know what romans did
Then maybe shut your retard face? Show your flag instead.

Christianity is the foundation of all western civilisation and Christianity is the only thing that can defend us from evil and degeneracy.

are you saying she's a jew saying she's Christian? makes sense, that's what they do


We will welcome you with open arms, brother. You may not believe in God just yet, but God believes in you.

I'd suggest reading some thomas aquinas works


Exactly, remember what you render God, and to what you render to the worldly nations.


Rome lasted 1000 years after the introduction of Christianity, not considering the split. That is a pretty damn long time

/christian/ is completely sfw - any porn of any kind is explicitly not allowed, and can result in permabans


Of course.

>promotes pedophillia, justified gang rape, breeding like rabbits, and beastiality
Yeah nah


As a small, vestigal city state. Until it was destroyed by crusaders and then taken over by muslims.


Abortion also aborts white babies.

she was a communist
communists cannot be religious

Yeah it's fine if you are an actual christian WHO READS AND STUDIES THE BIBLE and not some insane cult member.


Come home, user. Join us on the path to self-actualization and divinity.

>Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew 6:26. God will always be with you.

Even if it's segregated I still won't visit that site. It's like saying "Come on over to the sports forum on! Don't worry, talking about shit eating isn't allowed there, we just talk about sports!". Maybe thats true, but I still have in my history, don't I?

>promotes pedophillia
something something catholic church
>justified gang rape
Christian africa. Look it up.
>breeding like rabbits
And that is bad becouse?
You got them there.


Based Aussie pointing this out.

>not just saying you want to keep the white race alive