Climate Change

Seriously, what the fuck is up with global warming? Why is it so heavily politicized? Why do people look at you like you're an idiot for criticizing it?

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(((air tax)))

Global Cooling was politicized as well. The Green / Left is building a religion with a Doomsday prophecy, but they can't keep it straight, like many Doomsday preachers who's prophecies failed, and they moved the date.

People who are not fucking retarded can see this.

Fucking bump
Come on Sup Forums I know intellect is scarce around these parts on this Norwegian anime cooking board but for once, I wanna see well thought out thread not go to waste and get 404d. Perfectly reasonable threads die all the time while "OMG TRUMP IS FINALLY FINISHED" or "HAHA LITERALLY NOT WHITE JEWS THIS JEWS THAT" gets instant replies, every time.

They've been fully propagandized into thinking that the world is on the edge of climatic catastrophe and that the only people that can stop it is the same people that run the DMV.

Because it's a marketing campaign, just like the fag rainbow shit.

It's because idiots take it as fact when it's a theory. A very loose theory.

>Why do people look at you like you're an idiot for criticizing it?

The same reason people consider you a retard for being an anti-vaxxer or flat-earther. There is a clear scientific consensus yet idiots continue to ignore it because of political reasons.

they heard, it was such 4 years ago,
and it causes an massive shitstorm, soo it must be real.
because if it was not, they would look dumb for believing.

>There is a clear scientific consensus yet idiots continue to ignore it because of political reasons.

If that was true, why is not called Global Warming anymore?

Because athiests need religion too.

Goddamit I love /pol.



>Norwegian anime cooking board
Vietnamese Wall Painting enthusiast forum
Anyway, the short of it is that its just under public dogma at this point, you can criticize in the company of individuals, just not in public

It honestly seems that way.

>Vietnamese Wall Painting enthusiast forum

Somalian Cat Exportation Depot

Global warming is the overall effect of climate change. Climate change makes the weather more extreme (In some region it gets colder, others it becomes hotter) so changing global warming was necessary as the people living in regions that became colder started complaining. But overall for all of Earth, the average temperature has been growing.

People that don't accept the facts about climate change are retards that keep us back. Meanwhile China (supposedly the country that created this "hoax") and other countries have already invested hundreds of billions in renewable energy because it's the future, while Trump is still talking about bringing coal back. Climate change deniers are worse than flat-earthers, one is an idiot, the other is a harmful idiot.


'You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.'

kek, that one got me, I give

Why is it that academia refuses to publish any papers that question it?

The kikes will use anything as an excuse to demand more power over us.

If the majority of the populace thinks the sky is falling then they'll give more of their money to the government to waste on "green" technologies that almost all create more pollution than they'll ever offset and laws that extend federal power over industry.

The climate is changing ("climate" is a metaphor for "change") but there is fuck-all that humanity can do about it, we barely even understand what all affects it.
I've done some research into what may have caused the Roman Warming Period (during which temperatures were significantly warmer across Europe than they are today which also allowed for enough food to be harvested to feed the first city with a +1,000,000 population) and there's interesting theories that the warming was caused by a change in ocean currents. But mostly I think climate is mostly dependent on that giant sphere of nuclear fusion that everything literally revolves around.

>Seriously, what the fuck is up with global warming?
Global average rises, sets various climates into a tizzy.
>Why is it so heavily politicized?
Because the right wing of the country is generally more anti-regulation, pro-big business, and is often in bed to some extent with oil companies and traditional energy companies. This is in contrast with the left wing that has always been very R.R.R. montra'd since the 60's. Because of this the left wing makes things out to be worse than it is and the right wing becomes science deniers sometimes reaching Alex Jones tier tin foil hat.
>Why do people look at you like you're an idiot for criticizing it?
Because most forms of "criticism" tend to be outright denial using either outdated sources, language semantics, tin foil theorizing, or are frothing at the mouth rants. Generally these are people who are made uncomfortable by the fact that man has reached a point where we are capable of fucking ourselves on a large scale and there's little we can do about it in the long run.

Because it was called global warming due to the base cause of the issues being a global average increase which has effects on how an area's given climate works. This is why it was called "Climate Change" to better reflect the actual outcome because people wouldn't stop with the
>Cold winter day

Science is an evolving process in which models, names of hypothesis or theories can change with mounting evidence.

Academia doesn't "refuse" to publish the material it's just as I myself had previously stated that more often then not the research is found to be faulty or funded by a group considered untrustworthy or biased as hell. It's also buried under the mountain of evidence saying otherwise.

they can blame mass migrations of african rapists on climate change, the syrian civil war on climate change etc and most importantly for them tax the rich to subsidize the 3rd world. Milankovich cycles explain this is nothing new

>Why is it that academia refuses to publish any papers that question it?

It does, but any questioning is quickly brought down as all the large science agencies such as NASA, JAXA, ESA, etc that have the means to carry out experiments to confirm climate change quickly disprove any holes left by the global warming theory. Look it up, every single space agency in the world believes in climate change.

>The following are scientific organizations that hold the position that Climate Change has been caused by human action:

The Chinese believe in climate change the most and have invested the most money into renewable and pledged to reduce CO2 emissions the most in the world, yet the US acts like it's the only one that has anything to do in the Paris Accords. Trump is a retard.

a fucking leaf

Got it. AGW is just like the JW's, they keep revising scripture and moving up the date for the rapture.

AGW is the lefts answer to fundamentalism.

Stop driving trucks you fucking graduated apes.

They even have a "Self righteous pedo priest" allegory in Al "many mansions" Gore.

Because even though it's backed by science, snake oil peddlers in the form of Democratic politicians continue to use a geologic-scale effect to justify local decisions.

The left, too stupid to understand science, has heavily politicized an actual scientific observation and turned it into a joke, so the only answer to tell these idiots is NO. ANYTHING with "global warming" as a justification should be voted against until they learn.