I'm part of DACA I'm not going anywhere. Congress will pass a bill tomorrow to let me stay. Even republicans know Trump is unconstitutional.
I'm part of DACA I'm not going anywhere. Congress will pass a bill tomorrow to let me stay...
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You got to go back
Then Trump vetos the bill and you still have to go back hahahahahahaha
make me
Go back, Pablo.
Your family coming over here illegally is what's actually unconstitutional.
They will. :^)
>Top ten reasons we need to reintroduce the flu to latin americans
I can here when I was 5 I'm not going back
your family being here is violating my constitutional rights OP.. fucking idiot wetback
Pack your bags, Manuel. Maybe you can get a job in M*xico building the wall.
I just wish they shot all the spics instead.
So if you believe in "open borders" you are already a subscriber to "no nations", everyone is equal and the one world government, So you are ejected form Trumps Sovereign America and you go back to what you believe in, open borders and World government, Mexico is just another ZOG province, so you should be happy. If you don't believe America is a country, you have no right to stay here.
you dont know anything about the constitution
So if I break into your house and pop out a baby, and demand you pay for it and educate it and give it everything you earn, that is ok?
Why don't you fuck off to your own country and make it better so that people don't have to escape it in the first place?
I live near a few middle schools with a fuckload of beaners there
I'm hoping that they lead em all out single file one day and sift through them
finaly it feels good to be american again
Umberto...you WILL be dragged from your roach motel dwelling.
God I hope you bounce when they throw you back into Mexico
hahaha I doubt he would but that would be hilarious
no obama was unconstitutional dickface
you have to go BACKKKKKKKKKKKK
You're going back. This country doesn't want you.
Also even if they did pass a bill, Trump will veto it
you are done kid
this isnt your country
we will make sure the people never accept you
what are the illegal figures now? arn't they down by some rediculous % just by Trump being in office? Nice try Spic, your going back, they have your name
I'm not building any wall. I've been here just as long as everyone else has.
He won't
Not even the same thing. No one pays for me besides myself
Apply for citzenship you fucking retard.
If you have something to contribute you will surely get the accepted.
If not don't worry there are shitholes like my country that don't ask for anything and you can even leech the social security right after application like the other parasites.
Trump can veto it.
You Are leaving your intent to stay makes you a criminal.
Deffered action means you will NEVER be allowed to stay.
thread theme song ----- youtube.com
See ya Pedro.
You have to go back.
At some point you're going to realize your parents fucked you and that is where all your anger should be directed.
Why do Americans want to punish children who had no control over this?
cool so you'll be reliably voting reliably for the rest of your life then?
> you're gonna get ICEd
Why doesn't Finland offer to take all the illegal immigrants being deported?
Congress passes bill
Trump vetos
Juan a try again
If you didn't come here legally you can fuck off Pedro. I don't give two fucking shits how old you were when you or the parasites that birthed you decided to come into my country illegally and steal from my countrymen, as well as pollute my country with your filthy culture.
You have to go back.
Your presence alone is a detriment to the country. You're going back.
>Breaks law as first thing in new country
>Mediocre president breaks law to allow your law breaking ass to stay
>New guy says "Uhh, how about no more broken laws, m'kay"
get out, salsa face
>dat pic
>dat argument
>the board
jesus christ, this baits are getting worse with each passing month. Oh what the hell, i'll bite: trump is just using this as a means to identify who are the back-stabbing pricks that will attempt to stand in his way to fullfill his agenda, nothing more. At most he will make you believe things will change for good and then flip flop, as usual, and get rid of it with a single swing of his pen and in a blink of an eye ICE will be knocking at your door, that is if you're lucky enough tobe visited by friendly officers and no those hardcore dudes, and be back here or the contry your parents cme form in no time. Deal with it fagget, the party is over and it is time for you all to wake up to the reality, you belong to nowhere, culturally speaking, and will have to get ot of burgerland whether you like it or not. Sage, OP's a fagget
You have to go back until you are able to figure out WHY your original statement doesn't make any sense.
Trump is unconstitutional????
How is Trump unconstitutional? You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means....
Yes you are
No they won't
You clearly have a poor command of the English language
all these clowns love the country they came from and hate america until they're forced to leave america and go back where they came from
then it's a big problem
honestly mestizos are just as pathetic as blacks
>when I was 5
>I've been here just as long as everyone else has.
Pick one, Paco, because my birth certificate says I've been here longer.
>meme flag
>gigantic faggot
>mexican sage
It really is absolutely pathetic, on the same level as we wuz kangz.
too fast
Is this just a stock image or is this an actual person we could SWAT by ICE? Legally, of course.
Enjoy your free ride to mexico, subhuman.
What exactly does Trump stand to gain from NOT ending DACA?
All DACA does is tell the world that the USA has open borders if you have children you can bring with you.
95% of the people who come, probaly more, are non white scum slave classes of Central America who will vote for bigger and bigger government.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
you're also ugly as sin, subhuman
consider suicidr before i geolocate you
dude post this shit somewhere else we are all well aware of the matra
>At some point you're going to realize your parents fucked you and that is where all your anger should be directed.
I've already done this. My mother keeps trying to make amends and my father doesn't want anything to do with me.
>at flea market a few months ago
>truck battery died because it was time for it to go
>needed a jump
>had jumper cables
>mexican vendor all dressed up like hot shit refused to help me
>write down his license plate
>call a buddy of mine later that afternoon who works for County Sheriff where the flea market is at
>he runs the plates
>stolen vehicle
>Tells me if I see them again, to call him ASAP
>go to flea market next day after I got a new battery
>low and behold those same fucking spics are there
>call buddy
>30 minutes later here comes four fucking squad cars rolling into the fucking flea market with their lights on, Mexican is like deer in headlights
>as he's arrested, I waved at him with one hand while holding a pair of jumper cables in my other hand.
>friend told me guy had federal warrants and state warrants in three states and Marshal services came and picked his ass up.
>ICE came and got his wife, who was an illegal and also had a criminal record
>plus a nice white couple got their vehicle back.
You look like a faggot
Make Mexico Great Again.
Why should your hard work make rich Gringos richer?
You should go home and work hard to improve your own country, you racist!
nice user
thx for your service
>trump decides to end DACA
>congress passes a bill to reinstate DACA
>trump decides to start DACA
All he had to do was jump my car, but he looked at me and said "no". I said it won't take a minute and you'd be doing me a favor. He shook his head and said no, no and did a little move along gesture with his hands.
I didn't take took kindly to that.
>an illegal
>saying a duly elected president is unconditional
Is this it lads? The sign of the end times? Right is wrong. Up is down.
It was unconstitutional to implement DACA.
Additionally as an illegal immigrant the constitution does not protect you.
Take this sage faggot.
>Congress will pass a bill tomorrow
Congress isn't going to do shit. You're going back, spic.
scraping the exif data off your uploaded picture, will have your location in about 5 mins
hope you like ICE coming for dinner paco
You are justifying genocide.
your digits are weak and tepid. they need some ICE.
American in Guadalajara now. Don't understand why you would want to stay in USA shithole
DACA is un-Constitutional. Our laws foillow from the Constitution, not from violent, leftist, whiny bitches. That is why we are USA, and not a 3rd world shithole. That is what you do not get, or respect. That is why we do not need you here.
God works in mysterious ways /brother/
protip: ICE sometimes gives monetary compensation for tips
>Dead eyes
>Has no concept of American government but still has deeply held opinions
>No self awareness at all
Yep, you're definitely a spic
you did a good deed, user
Actually, not so much: youtu.be
your picture is now saved by Hilliary Clinton who will use it in a satanic ritual that kills hispanic immigrant children, i hope youre happy now
>seems like a good way for the NEETS on here to make some good boy bucks.
ur ugly paco
In all fairness they should have to walk out. Ala Trail of Tears.
What's with that big ass nose you got?
I mean holy fuck tuck that thing in before you poke someones eye out.
if a billionaire offered up a bounty that gave 25 dollars to every illegal arrested, I bet you that the NEETs on this board would take advantage
it might even make them into extroverts once they have to start stalking spics
I personally dont even need the money, just the knowledge that we're fixing the country is enough
you spics will know what we're on about once you start fixing your country
They'd work for Microsoft bucks too
A god damned patriot! I admire your moral fiber user.
Fuck, I would round up entire towns of them. It's not like they're hard to find.
>something that never happened
They have to go back
op is what the future white american male will look like
>100% pure germanic ancestry
DACA was the unconstitutional part. It wasn't legislatively passed. We can deport your ugly subhuman ass whenever we like.
>Trump's policies hurting the Sup Forumstards who voted for him
>they complain, and are thrown under the bus by other Sup Forumstards
>progressively more and more cucks getting screwes by Trump while the other cucks laugh and wait their turn
Mmm the tears are delicious
You can stay, but you have to deport/off 2 niggers!
Laws apply equeally to both young and old .We dont discriminate here.
Can u show ur face with a timestamp so we can be sure its you?