WTF is wrong with POO IN THE LOO'S?



They have the lowest sexual market value

why do indians name themselves Baljeet?

WTF is wrong with women that she wouldn't block him after the first couple days?

lots of indo canadians, many turn into incels because they realize they can only get bottom 20% of indian women. because the media loves minorities other than them lol

kek based poo in loo

Because poo in loo's are named after the sound of the literal poo coming out of their mother during labor.

They secretly crave his poo cock

how do I get a cutie FOB Indian girl? Without getting her or myself killed by her brothers and cousins

They're not white. They shit in the street. They stink

It's like the perfect meeting of instawhore thot culture, globalization and traditional poo culture with thirsty men who can't fuck thots. This thot probably votes for loads of pajeets like this guy to come to her country.

/r/ Do Milk

Pajeet knows what he wants.

Bitch probably screwed him to tick off poo in loo on a list.

>Pausing to read all of those individual messages

>I will become business man
>we will meet one day
>bye for some years

He's way in the wrong, like off the deep end levels of wrong, but fuck I feel bad for the dude in certain aspects.

>not already knowing that women crave every bit of attention they can possibly get

summer's over, phonefag. back to high school you go.

fucking do milk..that one always gets me

>he doesn't make fake Indian guy accounts on social media to be creepy and shitpost badly
Oh the laughs you've been missing

u son of basterd bich

Its attention, not only from someone undesirable, but attention from friends when she shows them this creepy guys messages. Theres pretty much no downside for her.

Because it's fucking funny. I doubt she's very distressed over this.


On another note why the fuck do they buy so much milk at the store. Every time I see them they have a cart full of milk.


Our diets are based around milk products a lot, most of India is lacto vegetarian

Trains is hard job

ok rape u next week

>he doesn't like milk
how can you be aryan if you don't like milk?

This is the level of creepy obsession that shitskins have with white girls. This is why they are literally risking death to get into Europe.

You shitty dickbitch basterd! I stick my lulla in your mother's vagina you shitty fuck basterd!

It looks like the men are passionate, but the women are frigid. Kinda like YTs.

wow thats actually really sad

milk isnt that good for you dude, its good some what but a huge diet of it can wreck you and your stomach

We are the alpha beings.

What kind of faggot doesn't like milk??

I feel like Indians are on some higher level of irony which nobody else can comprehend. We think we are laughing at you but really the joke is on us.

>"U look like ghost"

>Bye forever Kass
>Good morning Kass i love you

Even my quads think fags don't like milk

>or rape you next week

Their grammar

imagine all their mass dairy shits

Below blacks?

The question is which country is more autistic, india or binland?

WTF i love Indians now

Yeah I was wondering the same thing

Poor guy thinks he's being romantic by being persistent and she exposes him to the world

binland for sure

indians are just dorks and social inept and also ugly

you finns actually seem asocial

also :DD

u fuck u motherfuckr ALALALALLALALALA

every time

>falling in love with those dirty ass nails


I have this rn
feels good

poor guy just fell in love with this arrogant american bitch.

these bitches must be killed.

>crafted with bure milg from homo-owned farns
kek the jokes write themselves


delet pls

That's sad bro

>he believes that's real

Hahaha fucking hell

>drinking the estrogen jew

some guy is gonna marry that girl. In fact she could put on 200lbs and adopt a totally cunty attitude and there would still be a line of dudes on social media begging to put a rock on her finger

>joke goes right over bongs head

they were born as street shitters

>1 billion of them

street shitter pickup artists. No wipe, no worries.

Why haven't scientist studied the poo mind, they have less shame than niggers

Gotta give it to that poo, he's persistent

Bitches love the attention

shwo bob n vagene


Poos are so fucking alpha

There are two types of poo in the loos that talk to western women on the internet:

a) desperate
b) desperate, but using the chat bot scatter shot method

Pajeets need to pipe down and stick to being the underpaid codemonkeys that they are. That's all they're good for.

This, went to a drug store to buy bus tickets and this Sihk family had a cart full of milk. Didn't think much of it at the time, but yeah kinda strange.

wat is ur boon size

I don't fall in any of those categories. Then again I don't talk to western women on the internet, just western men.

Asian Autism combined with sandnigger sex drive, and lack of decency

They got fucked from both sides.

ok rape u next week

So you're a gay poo?

>The Virgin Chink and Pakistani vs The Chad Poo

basically a diary he has of his crush except he knows she can read it
Roastie kept the convo and didn't block because she enjoys the attention

One of his messages is
>why talking always about politics

I reckon this bitch is some opinionated libshit who couldn't bring herself to block him because he's a non white.

>Have a job.
>Don't smell
>Don't be a momma's boy
>Be good in bed

I've worked with a couple of attractive Indian women. All of them in arranged marriages. They were all fucking white dudes on the side, and they treated their husbands like shit - which, honestly, they deserved. Indian men are arrogant, spineless little cockroaches, every one of them. They will marry whoever their parents tell them to marry. Also, in their retarded little backwards 10th century culture - which still believes and practices the caste culture - if a woman isn't "pure", then the woman is a whore, and they will be rude and gross to her, while thinking they have a *right* to have sex with her, because they're better than her.
India and it's culture is beyond fucked up. The only one worse is arabs. But because internet access is cheap and plentiful in that god awful country, we're forced to endure them like the plague of retarded, shit-reeking locusts that they are.

Is that Kassy Dillon?

n-no, I only talk to you guys. That's not gay, is it?

The reality is quite the reverse. Indian women are quite passionate - just not with Indian men.

Go check out Bollywood movies. Indian woman are DYING to get romanced and seduced in a Western manner, by a man who acts Western, no some shitheel in of of their shitty cities, running around in sandals, running pants, and a button down shirt, reeking of shit, curry and arrogance. Indian women want passion, and they get...Bajeet.

idk lol

They are animals.
They have no self awareness.
I remember I worked in a place near a pajeet.
The fucker would spend all day on the company phone speaking hindi to who I can only assume was his family.
Fucker was so goddamn loud I could barely think.
If he was white he'd realise he's making a racket and go talk in a conference room or something


Ah well I was half right

I'm American hindu Indian and we are aryan people to, we founded original western religion. There is nothing wrong with going out with Indian we are good people and smart too and aryan

>the big faces

They have as many hands as their goddess shiva to creeppost like that.

>they can beat you in war
But in the past 500 years, chinks has only suffered defeat from Pajeets

I work with a planet he smells like my underwear would if I wore them for eight days straight absolutely horrendous



>goddess shiva
>literally, a /trap/ deity
>/traps/ more accepted in poo culture than fags
>worshipping the master race

Bitch lasagna

That's sad man.

>do milk