Saw a UFO one time

saw a UFO one time.

I was standing outside and looked directly above me into the sky. There were fast moving clouds all around but for a brief couple of seconds, the clouds formed a pattern where there was a perfect triangle of clear sky whose edges were formed by clouds. It's like this pattern "locked" into place for a few seconds then the clouds dispersed and kept moving evenly distributed again.

After I saw that I looked lower on the horizon and saw a gun metal gray triangular ship flying low to the ground, maybe 600 ft with no sound at all. I saw it disappear behind some buildings and trees.

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Iv seen the triangles too. No one believes me. Got a cabin in northern mn. Can see them almost every night when the fire is low.

Of tremendous size if validated, keep me updated on the status of such affair.

I just found out aliens are a jew trick made up by kikes in hollyjew. Earth is flat

Hurricanes don't move, the earth moves below them

and now
you're gay

It's just swamp gas, goys. Nothing to worry about.

Yeah, the one I saw was flying low about 600 ft from the ground, it was a taller triangle ship in terms of height, not as flat as the representations you see when you google triangle ufo. It was about 80 ft long, 30 ft wide, 20 ft high, I would guess. Totally silent with a few lights on it.

And that's why niggers are niggers

I saw a swastika shaped one shoahing a jew goyim trick camp

fuck off to /x/

I saw ufo lights over Hanford Atomic Works in the 70s. I just turned to my friend and said, "We didn't see that." Nothing else ever said.

I saw a Dumbbell shaped one when I was getting off a school bus when I was in first 1969

Nice sock puppet array, you know we're all going to laugh as you autistic elites try and convince us that your disgusting Chimera's that you cooked up in Antarctica are from another planet.

Go get a sex change

Is this common knowledge?

I saw something like an explosion in the sky that was so bright at night and it was never reported, the coast guard was out watching it too.

We were going 4wd around some sand dunes and then stopped to look at it. I tried to record it with my shitty phone at the time but the camera couldn't capture the image properly.

It looked something like this, i had a theory it had to be some sort of freak atmospheric ionisation.

Fuck if i did manage the capture it, i would have at least had something to my name.

wow you need to go back to shitposting school

I saw 8 or so of these things flying around my city last week, at first I thought they were soaring birds but they never flapped so I grabbed my camera

My friend and I saw nine figures in the sky shoot out of sight in different directions at incomprehensible speed. We were in the backwoods of Southern California. We still talk about it sometimes.

Me too one night a little over year ago walked outside for a smoke clear night except for one cloud bout size of the moon in the sky but it was not right had a strange glow with inner outer bands rotating different directions it passed over midsky about to tree tops it condensed to a bright teardrop that hoverd a couple mins then descended below tree tops. maybe military but was spooky as shit.

And you faggots need to go back to the drawing board, your tricks don't work post msm dying lol.

Once you faggots lose control of the goyim, do you think you'll ever get it back? We're at peak deep state now, these are your glory days. Enjoy it while it lasts

I was like 7 and they were just dots that snapped back and forth in impossible speeds...hood of a car trinidad with my mom.....sue has bad eyes so she didnt see them....i might he nutty and only thought i say them

wtf? more?

It was probably just some DNC tomfoolery. Go back to bed, sweetheart.

Only 2 shots I got of them

They kind of floated?soared like the mass production Evas from End of Evangelion

Your creations will be killed with fire.

I get abducted sometimes, aliens are in no way friendly or good, it's scary as fuck. I also set off metal detectors in stores now damn those sneaky space Jews

darpa remote fakebirds


They aren't "bad", either. This is a lab for cybernetic meat-suits.

Cops aren't aliens and that'll stop happening once you stop getting caught stealing.

CIA niggers glow in the dark

I saw one in 2013 went outside cause it sounded like a helicopter was flying way to close to the ground. Its hard to explain what it looked like but about three helicopters were flying about the place after it disappeared

I'm not a filthy nigger you know. Strange how niggers never get abducted eh

I think I saw something like that in France. At least it appeared flat, almost like a glider but darker, super long with lights on each ends. It was flying too low for it to have been an actual glider and I was accompanied by a friend who saw it too.


Me thinx nein

>some weird proto-bird
>living gods

Yeah cos they keep forgetting the bullshit story to tell the media. No one cares, gay n fake.

I remember seeing "something" once as a teenager. It was in the middle of a sunny day and hanging in the sky in front of a hotel was a blob of light. The only way I could describe it is as a non euclidean form of green/gold/blue light that both morphed and sparkled. Think of a firework that just kept growing and contracting instead of fizzling out.
Still don't know what it could have been.

stationary sphere seen over los angeles recently -- filmed by multiple people and approached by helicopter. never heard anything more about it.

>non euclidean
speak english m9

Prepare your butt tonight kid cause I'm sending them your way


whatever it was it was silent , moving slowly in a straight line , clearly not an airplane and well before anything like the small drones you can buy now. I saw no features but it seemed to be quite a distance off.. .. I just happened to glance up to the clear sky as I stepped off the bus and there it was.. made enough of an impression on my six year old brain I recall it all these years later.

A shape that did not appear to fall into the realms of three dimensional space. Like I said it was morphing, contracting and expanding into itself. Along with it's unnatural brightness it was very difficult to keep looking at.

so wheres your pix then

any pics for comparison?

Big if true

send a few spares over my way

>friendly reminder that the problems of today stem from a virus laced comet that landed in Egypt circa 1800BC, a second comet hit England in ~550AD and caused the dark ages.

Something I dont quite understand happened around 1200AD.

The comets returning soon.

>X level Activated

zero-point energy doesn't exist goy

Just one of those tricky things light does user.
a bird
a plane
it's called a firework, lad

Chozo from Metroid are real?

I've seen many weird-ass things in the sky. Last one I saw had to be probably 1.5 or 2 years ago. It was a glowing orb that was above the horizon to the west. It split into 3 orbs and floated around for a while before combining back into 2 orbs and finally when covered by clouds they disappeared.

>tricky things light does
absolutely preposterous.. this was as clear as could be right in the middle of a clear Blue sky over miles of forest . Nothing anywhere around to create a reflection.

It was kinda like this.

>Nothing anywhere around to create a reflection.
Ever hear of a mirage?

Literally 7 nights ago I saw a swastika in the sky in front of the 2nd quarter moon. the clouds had a strange pattern that night. As I was driving home, they formed a perfect swastika, even with the perfect orientation. Could it be a sign?

>It was a glowing orb that was above the horizon to the west
probably ball lightning


saw a /x/ thread on Sup Forums one time.

I was standing inside and looked directly below me into my slide thread monitor. There were fast moving shitposts all around but for a brief couple of seconds, the shitposts formed a pattern where there was a perfect triangle of clear posts whose edges were formed by shit. It's like this pattern "locked" into place for a few seconds then the shit dispersed and kept moving evenly distributed again.

After I saw that I looked lower on the monitor and saw a gun metal /k/ shitpost in my /x/ thread low in quality maybe 600 post counts later with no regard for topic at all. I saw it disappear behind some other unrelated shitposts and eceleb threads.

Theyre not metal detectors.
They detect the chips in certain merchandise.
They also detect magnets. We have magnetic keys for the razor boxes amd the door will beep if i walk outside with one in my pocket.
Work across from a police station and cops never set it off

I don't think so. I believe I've witnessed ball lighting prior to that event and it was quite different by comparison. Maybe you're right though, who really knows

Lol ayyyyy lmao

fucking lawl, good one m8ie


Not exactly a UFO story, but I used to live in a small town near an air force training area. Couldn't sleep one night and went out to do some stargazing around 2:30 am and as I'm laying on the lawn I noticed two stationary craft almost directly above my house. Fairly high up, all I can make out is the lights, but not making any noise. Watched them sit there for a couple minutes, then a third joined them, and they headed off toward the training area. Never heard a sound. It was just weird laying there on the grass, knowing I'm probably not supposed to be seeing this.

If it looked like that video that you posted, I would suspect an object, meteor or otherwise entering the atmosphere at a fairly low angle, and the right derection from you to appear not to move. That said, if it was much larger or appeared much closer than that video, I wouldn't apply that.

L.A. Marzulli, OP

Big if true

What UFO believers fail to explain is what the aliens WANT. If they can travel to a distant star system they are far, far more advanced than we are -- why would they just fly around without communicating? If they wanted our planet they could just TAKE it and we could do nothing about it.

>and it was quite different by comparison
ball lighting is known for being unpredictable and displaying lots of different behavior. It's not uncommon for it to split apart and come back together again




We are talking about our weird experiences? I have one I still struggle to talk about.
I stayed at a hotel in Estes Park CO while on vacation. Never again. Some Cowboy looking fuck was in my room then disappeared.

It was a nice hotel too.

The real thing. RIP thread



Thats a pretty easy question to tackle though.
First of all their motivations could be entirely outside our experience and imagination considering they could be so different from us in every way that we cant even imagine it and would be so evolved and developed that we wouldnt be able to understand their reasons for being here.
Another possibility would be that they're here to observe and gather information like survey of sorts or experiment or any number of things.

is this the real thing?

>when you nut but she keeps sucking


Just a fucking Draco and people freak out like that?

He's not even a guard

These niggas are so ugly If they can fly triangular spaceships without so much as a whisper why can't they put a fucking tshirt on and get some cosmetic surgery fuckoff aliens are wack

I saw a UFO on Sept. 7, 2007 when I was 15. My parents had their RV at Port Mansfield, TX so we would spend our weekends there over the weekends for a awhile. So at like 9:55 pm, right before Real Time was going to turn on, I went outside to grab a coke from a mini fridge we kept outside. As I'm walking back to the door of the RV, I see on the eastern horizon a white orb flying high towards me. It passes above and pass a few clouds at a tremendous speed without disturbing them. I keep my eyes focused on the object as it passes over me. So far its only been about 2 seconds. As it passes over me and to my upper left it pauses in midair for a brief moment. Then takes off to the north for a fraction of a second and pauses again, which probably went at least 5 miles. Again, after a fraction of a second to resumes its westwardly path over the horizon. The entire sighting was totally quiet, the object did not make a sound. I run over to my parents who were in a family friend's trailer playing cards and tell them what happened.

I saw black triangle flying over the expressway from my backyard over a year ago but I don't really consider that a significant sighting.

Top kek




so you're saying that one is actually real?

>We are talking about our weird experiences? I have one I still struggle to talk about.
>I stayed at a hotel in Estes Park CO while on vacation. Never again. Some Cowboy looking fuck was in my room then disappeared.

>It was a nice hotel too.

Dumb nigger, The Stanley right? Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining there. Jim Carrey filmed part of Dumb and Dumber there, he said he'll never go back.

Bring back memories? For believers in orbs, this place was hot!

god fucking DAMNIT cone and basket is such a dank meme. we can't meme like that anymore. why even live

most likely human tech. did you get an idea of the size?

t-this is h-hard for me to say. I was abducted by aliens who looked like giant majin buus from dragon ball z, they tied me up and forcibly anal probed me for hours on end. I tried to tell my friends but they just laughed and told me to stop watching so much anime.

Just giving black program aircraft a final test before using on the Norks.

ayy lmao

I thought I saw a UFO once.
I was looking out my bedroom window and noticed 3 lights in the sky that looked like they were kinda trembling a little, like something trying to hover in place.
I stared for like 5 minutes trying to discern what it was, how it got there, what was going on.

Walked outside and found out it was actually just my nearest streetlight. Government replaced the old orange bulb with a new florescent one.

Shit that was the hotel.

That explains all those tourists. And the cardboard cutouts of those twins.

There was also this warehouse thing that was boarded up.

theyre 8th gen stealth fighters, you should be proud our country is badass enough to develop stealth and cloaking tech

I saw a UFO and looking back right now it was unremarkable

>be outsize
>clear sunny day with a few low clouds
>notice cylindrical object floating around low in sky
>shoots off towards horizon
>continue day

The Emus have perfected space flight. They want to return to power after the 2nd Emu War in which Emu Field was Nuked and Australia gained it's independence from the emu menace.

Emus are flightless birds with brains the size of walnuts and my uncle shoots them for sport

Then why did Australia lose a war agsinst them in the 1900s?