Characters that nobody likes except Sup Forums
Characters that nobody likes except Sup Forums
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Tywin and the High Sparrow were the best characters on the show
What movie is this?
game of thrones
Go outside, Sup Forums. Plenty of people outside of your tendieden appreciate Tywin
Euron is /ourguy/
Sparrow was a fundamentalist zealot shit. Tywin was the fucking man though.
>Sparrow was a fundamentalist zealot shit.
yea thats why he was so great, he shamed degenerates regardless of position
my bluepilled non-white friends loved tywin. stannis would be a better example.
I told a girl I matched on Bumble, that I was a Stannis fan, and she unmatched me.
I would do it again.
show plebs are unbearable.
A true leader is willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good
Plenty of people like Tywin actually. He frequently came across as the smartest person in the room. He had a tragic backstory as to why he became such a dick, thus giving him some excuse.
>tragic backstory
What was it?
I was going to say the obvious:
but then I realized it's a GoT thread and I stopped watching when I realized they weren't even trying to hide the propaganda
> all women conference with a few dickless men prepare for war
> white folk lands being overrun by "superior" brown people led by the dragon bitch
That shit got on my nerves, refuse to watch it wholly.
OP here, it's NOT a GoT thread but yeah Hitler is too easy, come on, try harder.
Heh, were you referring to Stannis or this guy directly.
In a way, your comment is relevant.... other user gave up some poon for the greater good. lel
Red Skull
Modern Red Skull is just badass Trump. It says something when the fuckin villain of the comics is more beloved than the "hero" (Jew boy Cpt America).
The writer wanted to make Red Skull undesirable to modern teens, or at least that was the goal of their brainwashing. But people are coming around to realize Red Skull is more "American" now and NOT a Nazi/Commie villain.
Damn right. "Villains" make more sense than the heroes nowadays.
Gods, he was strong then.
Red Skull is based
Old man potter
I'm TRIGGERED muv fukka.
Get that hook nosed bitch outa here.
She ruined the video games that kept so many of us placated in this Jew-run world.....
Pic related is her only good use, now. Keep politics out of gaming as a whole. It's up to the individual to decide what he wants in his game and the consumer to decide what he buys to enjoy.
I just tried to correct this thread by posting a picture of Stannis the Mannis, but got the message in pic related.
this fucking board going to pure shit
Sucks that Ned and Rob were killed off in the first season. Good characters, not to mention they were played by the best actors on the show.
I think its rather telling of the modern Left when they attempt to portray sanity as the bad guy. I bet whoever wrote the sequence is insanely triggered at how many people agreed with Red Skull.
Basically his dad was a really shitty head of House Lannister. Spent frivolously, had his mistress walking around in Castlery Rock like she was the queen, shitty in military affairs.
Tywin had to essentially completely rebuild the Lannister clan's power over decades to get to the point where they were when the series starts. He became a pragmatic sociopath by necessity because he saw how bad a foolish ruler could be.
Don't forget his wife died giving birth to a manlet
Sup Forums loves this guy. Most normies don't.
Oh right yeah, that too. He never forgave Tyrion for that. It's sort of implied that he was aware of Cersei & Jamie's wincest as well.
Tywin is admirable but GRRM makes him too evil to be realistic and thus he is a caricature of a jewish boogeyman representation of Hitler, Hitler literally being an avatar of Vishnu and a fks among men. Heil Hitler! Heil Mein fuhrer!
Rob wasnt killed off in the first season.
been one of my personal fictional hero's since i was a kid
Boar wine, your grace?
V.M Vargas
Tfw found myself rooting for based alpha dudebro chuck in riverdale
Tassadar was a fool and a race traitor. Around dark ones beware.
Stronger! ALE!
Go back and watch some of the Joffrey scenes. This show is unrecognizable. It was much better before they killed him off.
Most of the show is irrelevant when you consider than it was ultimately going to a show down between Jon/Dany and ice zombies
W-were out of ale your grace
>A song of ice and fire
>Features dragons, and monsters in the icy north
>Ice and fire
You didn't have that figured since day one?
Careful u might cut yourself on that edge
only likable character in the whole fucking movie
oh my red skull is fucking based
Build your filthy world without me!
I did. Ice zombies were a mistake
Way back in 2009 I was not even close to the Sup Forumsack I am now, but I still cheered for this guy and the girl I was with gave me a dirty look.
Speaking of which lads I just finally saw Dunkirk today and I feeling feelings at the end but these women behind me couldn't stop talking about Harry Styles.
Women are insufferable.
we natives now boys!
idubbz and maxmofoe are bad influence
Am I the only one who thinks that was written by a sane person stuck in the comic hellhole undercover? It's far too true for a leftist to come up with.
Book euron would be better.
He's real. Bill Poole.
Did more in one moment, than all the kingdoms, and all their armies combined.
>tfw mankind is fucked because of alien ecomentalism
Yes, Avatar had a plot about acquiring an essential resource without which the earth would go bye bye.
Surely there cannot be a character that NOBODY likes.
Book euron yes,show euron looks like a theater geek
Aerys II, Tywin, and Steffon Baratheon (Stannis, Renly and Robert's father) were close friends when they were younger. Steffon was related to Aerys, so they were nobility while Tywin was, compared to them, a pleb who wanted to be a Targaryen so much that he married his own cousin. Tywin's ambition started to grow at the same time Aerys' paranoia, so Aerys became wary of him to the point of insulting and humiliating him (he publicly called him his "servant"). By the time they were adults and Aerys was already King, they weren't close any more and Aerys needed Tywin but really didn't want him any closer because he realised Tywin was a petty man. Tywin was smart and pragmatic, but there is no "tragic story" behind it. He was just a petty man who couldn't stand people reminding him that there were others above his station.
Game of Thrones is for cucks. In fact all TV is for Cucks.
My favorite character in the Syrian anime.
He sacrificed himself for Aiur. How is he a cuck like you and your country?
everyone liked Tywin
On this board only
everyone loved tywinn? Literally my gf's favourite and she stopped watching when he died.
Sparrow wasn't a good zealot though. He didn't shame people because of his religion, he did it because he had the power to do it. He was too proud of himself for my tastes. He wasn't dignified like Tywin was.
Lancel Lannister, what a STEWPID name
That's not the real thing?
Do not belittle the messenger, it's all they have now, it will show who is cucked or not.
>the movie ends up being garbage because it follows the villain
Robert Baratheon, First of his name, titles titles, blah blah blah you know how it goes.
the sparrow was just there to endlessly drag on the plot and buy them time
it was absolute shit