h-how screwed am I guys?
I live east of Palm Coast
stay safe, I'm dealing with nukes on the west coast myself, we're all in this meme war together
>triple trips
>tfw kek is the fp
stay safe brother
Welp, If it happens tonight, I won't have to teach tomorrow?
What app is that? Fellow miami fag here, hopefully my house doesn't go flying
>predicted to make landfall right on mar-a-lago
god hates drumpf. first he destroyed the rural retards that voted for him in texas. now he is destroying his golf resort
mar a lago will be open for you if it get's rough
Sorry. Florida will be underwater next week. Stay dry friend.
What app is that? I just moved to Orlando and I've never experienced a hurricane before. I was told I wouldn't have to worry about them in central florida
Might want to get supplies and pack your shit within a few days.
I still secretly hope it turns to aim straight for NYC and you'll be entirely safe. But it doesn't look like that's going to happen anymore.
We can't get lucky every time. Good luck and I'll pray for wherever it makes landfall.
Are you a leftist and not an atheist?
get out while you can friendo. if you can't buy guns bullets water gas and food
buying supplies today just in case and driving as far away from this shit as possible. Gonna make it a road trip. This hurricane season is looking to be one for the records already with Harvey. Now its Florida's turn. I say fuck this. I'm getting bad vibes. Just get out. Don't give me any of that i'm too poor or I have a job bullshit. Take a bus or fucking skateboard to Ohio or Canada.
you sick bastard, may karma be served on you
Im just using ventusky.com its what i used for Matthew
Sorry, it was meant for the lefty I was replying too. But also, welcome to Sup Forums.
This is why no one likes you fucking russians.
who here /386/
I was all messed up when I saw that vid for the first time.
And then I realized there were worse videos on Sup Forums
No fucking way, me too