Stupid liberals and Republicans

Fuckin' neckbeards and your cardboard signs. Looks like those art classes weren't a total waste after all.
You take a constitutional republic and turn it into a corporate socialist state. Then complain that "democracy" doesn't work and you need more socialism. You fucking idiots. Socialism is why the United states is so fucked up as it is. You elect greedy cum guzzling gutter sluts who are joansing to make some coin out of being career politicians. Then you're blown away when they drag in more corporate socialism into the system. Of course they are going to give themselves more power. Stupid people elect greedy people who fuck shit up. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

literally any system would work here if we got rid of all non-whites

The browns would be especially bad then

mostly this desu desu~

>Monarchism doesn't work
>NatSoc doesn't work

That feel when you realize that Fascism is predicated on the formation of a parliamentary senate comprised of professionals rather than politicians who represent the interests of the industry commissions and report directly to the State who intervenes on their behalf

That feeling when Sir Oswald Mosley described Fascism as identical to National Socialism in it's application.

What about white hispanics? Im not committing any crimes, im not illegal, my grandparents came here LEGALLY, and i am for Donald Trump and agree with him on the wall and DACA

That feeling when National Socialism are incorruptible Republics.


That feeling when you reply to yourself