Get 'Em While They're Hot!
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did i do it right?
Also anyone find it interesting the source is rotated and pushed to the left? Trying to read it sideways is an extra chore so why bother goyyyyiiiiiiiiiima
OP of Orignal thread
>keep this in mind
>easy meme maker
use #hashtag #verrit #correcttherecord
can someone make one with HRC calling black people super predators and saying she's against gay marriage? k thsnk
I still can't even visit the site.
change your dns to 8.8.8,8
Yes, just let (((google))) know every site you ever visit, goy
>check it
OP: give the fucking font they need to use. I am phoneposting without my notes.
Remember: we do not have to actually post our dirty work there. Merely crossposting our work over twitter w/ "omg how can they say this" can work as a succesful false flag because regular stacies or normies do not actually use that shit site.
The key is to keep it believable and spam it i to oblivion.
>tfw you leave Sup Forums for a only week and you have no idea whats going on
Its so cute how the Left thinks they can build their own meme warriors. With control, and verification, and "tolerance" (Intolerance to opinions that question SJW ideology).
Burn it down bros. Don't give them an inch.
>Soros and DNC front a tech startup to create their own version of Sup Forums
>Its to be an opensource meme factory where only verified leftists are allowed to create content for use,
>Its an invasion beachhead in the Meme war, Sup Forums has mobilized to throw the invaders off the internet.
Bois, I just registed verrit.me
When I find the time, and if verrit becomes popular enough I'll put something together where we can correct the record
I have looked at this "Verrit"
It is a pile of shit. No cause for alarm.
yeah I don't get it, it doesn't even look nice. Who the fuck would use it?
The cards are pre-formatted for easy shitposting on facebook, it's for normies so they can paste a link and then act smug and shut down the conversation.
oh, like infographics.. but they created a middleman link?
so basically you write whatever the fuck you want on this template and it links it to the image with a "source"?
this is low tier shit. even the most ambivalent of people are starting to see beyond this shit.
What is this and how do I fuck with it?
Pls spoonfeed me.
They're "verritting" facts, so when people tell them they're full of shit they can go, "Oh no, sweetie. This fact is verritted. You been tricked by fake news."
The irony is lost on them because everything is terrible.
It's pure Ministry of Truth
it's like linking news articles from known lying outlets, who lie in the article posted, but somehow more retarded. when will those rascals learn
Up has always been left.
They were actually honest about one thing at least
No cause for alarm but an cause for a shitload of /fun/ at their expence.
Font used is Oswald Regular
Previous thread
Nice and thanks