Try to refute this theists without using fallacies

try to refute this theists without using fallacies.
just try to prove this false.

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Easy, our view of loving/kind is flawed. God being omnipotent knows what love and kindness is.

god allows evil to happen and does nothing about it
god is evil

Or you just dont know what evil really is

It's all outlined quite clearly in Christopher Langan's Cognitive-Theoretic Model if the Universe

Take a crack at it if you're not too much of a brainlet

i know full well what evil is
but does your god?
if he does why doesn't he do something about it?

Prove to me that without metaphysics, all is not purposeless nihilism, and truth doesn't matter any more than anything else. Only the individual and his arbitrary subjective preferences are left to matter. Kys, fucking degenerate.

>i know full well what evil is
thats just your opinion, you can never prove what acts are evil and which ones aren't

>but does your god?
if god is omnipotent then by definition god knows what is evil and what isnt

>if he does why doesn't he do something about it?
prove it is unloving or unkind to allow evil to exist

mental gymnastics from the brainlets
asking theists to defend their evil god is like asking a dog about quantum psychics

You are like a kid
Watch this, boy

Because we limit god by saying he's all good.
God is both as god would have to be in order to be infinite. Yin and Yang, light and darkness.

Universe destroys in order to create.

Evil is subjective and changes definition based on context.

Every wave has a trough. We have a definition of good and therefore we have a definition of evil. You can't have one without the other.

God is universal when ants kill each other is that evil to you? Or simply something that doesn't even register?

so you have no real response? you can prove which acts are evil but just choose not too? what a shame, if you published your work proving something to be evil you would be the first in the world to do so

False dichotomy.

Evil is a punishment we bring on ourselves. When human beings stray from God's path, we invite destruction. The lazy farmer starves not because of some outside "evil" force, but because he reaps what he sows.

Is George RR Martin evil because people in the book he writes die Or have evil things happen to them?

genocide is evil your god lets it happen
murder is evil your god lets it happen
rape is evil your god lets it happen

this list can go on forever
everyone knows the difference between evil and good

false equivalence

We know from quantum mechanics that characteristics of particles do not exist until they are observed. This is something fundamental to the particle that God cannot know.

Even God *cannot* know this.

Therefore God is not omniscient.

so when a child gets raped
did she bring it on herself?

>genocide is evil your god lets it happen
>murder is evil your god lets it happen
>rape is evil your god lets it happen

prove it and become the most renowned philosopher in history

>everyone knows the difference between evil and good
only brainlets who have never opened a philosophy book in their life think that, is that what you are? a brainlet?

Free will

stop moving the goalposts and refuse my posts if your able to that is

The truth is that god does not operate on mortal ethical/moral terms. God is not human.

George RR martin is omnipotent in relation to his creations and yet he still allows bad things to happen. He is not evil though. It simply depends on how you see god, as an author writing the universe. Or a programmer or a gardener or a king?

what goalposts were moved?

I stated from the start you dont know what love/kindness is and that you dont know what evil is

you have yet to prove one evil act, looks like your memory is abysmal

>he thinks he can debunk god with human logic
God is beyond what our tiny, mortal brains can comprehend.

If belief in an untruth makes me more satisfied, helps me attain my ends, why should I worry about truth? Why is anyone obliged to care about truth, if they get more satisfaction by not doing so?

therefore he is evil
martin writes fiction but god (if he exists) allows evil to happen for no reason whatsoever
you still can't refute the original picture
god is evil


already did, in the first post.

It shows if god does not prevent evil he is not good/. I said you dont even know what good or evil is.

now you could try to disagree and prove what is evil or good but we all know you can't, just like every other philosopher out there, no shame in it. The only shame is that you are too stupid to realize it

>then God is evil
does it even matter at that point?

If God exists you're on his side no matter what.
He's supreme being of the damn universe and you suddenly care that he's "evil"???
Meanwhile you support human politicians are jut shittier versions of evil?

fuck off op.
Evil is subjective anyway. Everyone has a different opinion on what evil is.

If no human even knows what evil/good is, why leave them with the information of the all-loving god in the first place?

The evil of someone like a child rapist is caused not by the individual, but by the community that allows such a person to live. It is also caused by the rapists parents who sinned by not raising him right, and the community who did not step in and correct them.

The parents of the child can also be held partially accountable, depending on the circumstance (If they did not reasonably protect the child).

good goy keep believing in (((theism)))

what am I, God?

What is evil? Where did this saying come from anyway?

he knowing allows suffering to happen when he could easily stop it

Looks like I have defeated you

Freewill equals evil.

god doesn't care
he created a reality tv show to watch to laugh at
he is without a doubt evil

Atheists cannot claim evil exists, so they cannot use this argument.

If God does not exist, evil does not exist because it is just a moral judgment, and moral is just a social construction.

you still haven't refuted the picture
theists never can refute it
they know it's true

Don't start this argument. You can't have rational conversations with theists because it always boils down to "You don't understand, just have blind faith." The Old Testament is filled with contradictions and when brought up theists just reply "That's not the true meaning, you just don't understand the way God meant it. Just have blind faith." It's not worth the time or effort to discuss religion when there is no empirical evidence to support it.

What if God is the particle, wouldn't he know

hmmm, is that a strawman fallacy coming from the person who said no fallacies?

>suffering is bad

what a pleb you are

that's true
i really pity them

already refuted and explained here you have no response other than jew words

evil is born from action.

a universe without evil is a universe without free will.

God made us in his image. God primarily believes in the power of Choice. If God intervenes, he interrupts free choice. GOd intervenes upon the time where the damage to choice is minimized or he himself ironically has run out of choices.

Choice is the most powerful thing in the universe

God can prevent evil, he knows about the evil, he wants to prevent evil, but the reason evil exists is because of free will. Man has to be allowed the opportunity to rebel against his creator, if only to see the price of it.

>b-but god would know what we would do if we were tested
You're thinking in such a 2 dimensional way. Think of time as a branching series of paths that branch infinitely outward towards a never-ending series of conclusions. God is aware of all of them, but he only influences it to the extent of his plan, which is to save mankind from satan. Everything else he leaves to us. Whether we become evil or good, that's a choice we must make on our own. If we let him make it, can we truly say that we had free will?

I like to consider Jehovah (the god of the hebrews) to be much more merciful than many religions paint him out to be. I don't believe in a burning hellfire where people get tortured for not being obedient, because that undermines free will. It then becomes emotional and physical blackmail, wherein you're threatened into following his way of life, or you burn forever and suffer. What kind of loving god would do that?

Real Epicureans beat Hume's strawman Epicurean.
>“[O]ne must have a strength of mind which fears neither death nor pain, for in death there is no sensation, and pain is either long-lasting but slight, or intense but brief. Thus intense pain is moderated by its short duration, and chronic pain by its lesser force.


Also, he is not.

Could God have created a universe with free-will but without evil? no?
Then God is not all powerful

free will and omniscience can't exist together. If God knows everything he will know every choice you make before you make it

refute this godfags

This bullshit is literally explained in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. We were kicked out of paradise. /thread faggot niggers


Can't refute logic. Only faggots believe in magical sky fairies.

>calling people faggots
>magic sky fairies
>kekistani flag
Kys fat slob

we didn't do anything so why do we suffer?
should someone else suffer for an act that someone else did?

godcucks are a sad existence

Apparently yes, idiot. When you become able to create a universe let me know how things should go.

Defeater: God has sufficient reason to allow the evil to subsist

Humans have free will and are unbound from God. You cannot apply something as shallow as good and evil to God.

>Why doesn't god adhere to my morality!!!

quit being a little bitch

The entire paradox hinges on the belief that "Evil" is objectively identifiable. Is Murder "Evil"?

the leaf gets it.

There is no such thing as an "Objective Evil". The only area of life that can even remotely be considered "Objective" is mathematics, and even at the Quantum level, Objectivity begins to merge with subjectivity.

That being said, the ability to convince a person that something "other" is "evil" just playing on their instinct to fear what is outside the perimeter of their own mind. Even to ability to shape a mind to perceive evil does not make the perceived subject evil.

This can be applied to the modern era: Nationalists vs the muzzies. Neither side is correct; neither side is wrong. All that matters is you have a conviction and fight for it.

77 Trumps that 00. Kek finds your abstract thinking lacking. Of course God could be nothing and everything, he's God anything is possible. Is self awareness considered to be observation, honest question.

Refute this Rather than shifting to a strawman argument.

I am a theist. Not religious, just theist.
I believe that 'God' is not 'good' as we think of it. I believe that if there is a singular God, then he does things rather for the greater good as opposed to the emotion-based good that people prefer.
The old testament writes God in this way; he is painted as a wise, powerful, and just along with being vengeful, unpredictable and selfish. However, these traits are all for the betterment of the world as a whole.
This is more realistic than the "Jews are the chosen people and Jesus says love thy neighbor so refugees welcome pls" version of God preached by the pussy ass new testament.

Easy, just don't make the dumb mistake the Abrahamic religions made of being the 'but I had a forcefield so it doesn't count' kid on the playground

Nearly every other previous religion said the Gods were ambivalent, capricious, or just plain assholes, and shit just happened. Then the Abrahamics came along and had to say, 'Yeah...well, my god has INFINITE LOVE, INFINITE POWER, IS EVERYWHERE, CAN DO ANYTHING EVER AND HIS DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO' and then wrote themselves into a corner

God dose that have to be perfect to be worthy of worship - if there's some incredibly super being that created the Universe, that by no means requires them to be infallible. They fucked up a bit is all

Nice argument
God cannot do things contrary to his own will, which is namely orderly and consistent. He did invent such things, and model a universe around them.

It's like the pointless "can God create a rock so big he cannot move it?" paradox.

Can God create a universe where everyone is free to do whatever they want but in which no one ever suffers the consequences of their actions or does anything mean?

>call out dumb ass for using fallacies, despite specifically asking people not to
>uses false equivalence to "prove me wrong"

Why do you assume all this isn't fiction to god?

This is such stupid fucking logic since it defines god as good. If god helps pedophiles molest children than pedophilia is apparently a good thing since god supports it.

OP's chart infers too much upon what the nature of evil is. If god were truly omnipotent/omniscient and he allows what our definition of "evil" is to exist then your pic is correct in saying either A. God is evil, B. God is not all powerful. However, a C option of "evil is not necessarily what we define it as" also exists. In Buddhism, for instance, suffering is key to human existence and overcoming it is key to expanding upon our understanding of the world and going forward as a species. Eliminating evil and therefore suffering would then eliminate our ability to grow as a species, and we would end up as stagnant apes lounging around in Eden eating fruit and fucking all day. Beyond that, you also have the fallacious argument that "we just don't know about His will and why he's doing", which is a cop-out explanation but is also one that Epicurus didn't really address.

Not even a Christfag but the epicurean paradox was debunked centuries ago

"Don’t be turned away from Islam by the terrible situation of the Muslims today, for our rulers in general abandoned Islam many decades ago, but our forefathers were the leaders and pioneers of the world for many centuries, when they held firmly to Islam."

Win any argument on pol by saying "(((good goy))) you must be a (((real shabbos goy))) if you believe [thing], it's the jews! And anyone who says otherwise will get swarmed by hordes of pollacks saying you're a goyimite!"

Fuck, we get it. The Jews faked the rollercoast and did 7/11.


A God that is omniscient would by definition know what is good and evil, if it even exists

>If god helps pedophiles molest children than pedophilia is apparently a good thing since god supports it.
Helps or allows it to happen?

If we are just characters in a book written by god than god is clearly a teenage boy.
>I am going to have half the people in the world worship me as a god
>And I'm going to get some hot girl pregnant and she's gonna give birth to my half-human half-god son who is the messiah and a descendant of the best Jewish king ever
>And my rival is going to be one of my followers who can't disobey me but he disobeyed me and still opposes me even though I am all powerful
Would you worship this crappy an author?

hahah did he think of something you weren't able to? That's why you ran out of things to say earlier, right?

You said you knew what things were evil, why did you never get around to proving any of them? Did you lie? or just realize how stupid you were?

No one takes ancaps seriously, kys plox

Wanting a good god is like wanting heroin without side effects

Because the God who actively created the world is not perfect and the God who created the soul of humanity is perfect, all knowing, all powerful but passive because the material world means nothing to him and only to satan.

Welcome to Gnosticism, where you get to think beyond the material world. Fear not those who destroys the flesh that cannot destroy the spirit.

A thought became aware of itself.
It explored itself and its surroundings, and eventually decided to split itself into pieces to be able to experience infinitely more at all times.
It created experiences for its other selves, but it was boring because it and they always knew what was and what would be.
It invented free will, but still the other selves were complacent because they knew the reality of their origin.
So the Source created a veil.
This veil kept its selves from realizing and remembering where they came from.
They had complete freedom of choice to do whatever they wished.
The Source is always a part of its pieces, and experiences every bit of itself at all times, but only intervenes when truly called upon because of free will.
The only opportunity for growth of the Source is to experience separation and then reunification.
This should answer all of your image's questions.

The existence of evil allows for greater overall good. A universe without evil is paradoxically less good than one with evil, because to be truly good requires the option of also being evil.


>Helps or allows it to happen?
Creates is honestly closest since he created the situation that allows them to arise just like he creates schizophrenics and psychopaths. After all god created a system where humans can have such flawed genomes that some inevitably develop autism, schizophrenia, psychopathy, etc.

godcucks can't refute this
god must be a downie

Because it has nothing to do with us directly, God has put Satan on trial and we are a part of Gods evidence to show Satan that the majority of a flawed creation with free will and sin natures will choose faith in Christs salvation over damnation, thus proving Satan's arrogance in his defiance of God.

>Nobody takes ancaps seriously
Says the man who literally interprets genesis


God is good, by definition he is good and infinitely good. It is not within his nature to create or endorse evil things. Evil is outside of his domain, it is outside of creation. Evil is the absence of creation. Evil is the lack of good. Can anything be Evil? No. There is only evil actions done by people who willfully turn away from their humanity and choose to do the unnatural. The unnatural is the ungodly. The notion of god is much more complex than you may initially believe. You should read Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.

It's entertainment or a simulation for god. There is some purpose we just don't know it. If it isn't just like some SIMs or something I'd guess our being creates energy or some thing necessary who knows but evil and goodness certainly do exist the question is however. Is this a test to see if we will do evil and later be punished for it or not. My guess is this is some kind of test depending on how your thought process works. If you can justify it internally then so can god but if you can't and you still murder etc then you'll suffer. Survival of the fittest is this worlds motto.

He is mentally 13 and just found out about atheism

easy. where does evil exist?


this a bullshit flowchart.

Flawed argumentation because we don't know real good or real evil


Something you considere evil may be good to others.

Stop being a self centring fagget