Ex gf I haven't seen in years is coming to visit me for a few weeks, but she has no idea about how Sup Forums has changed me. I'm afraid of revealing my power level, but on the other hand I want to drop redpills. We're in Southern California and both white. What do Sup Forums?
Ex gf I haven't seen in years is coming to visit me for a few weeks...
Drop redpills
Do the right thing and help raise her half black kid.
your faggotry elsewhere
>interacting with an estranged ex
>not being a cuck
Pick one.
Just fuck her and don’t say a word about here or your politics retard
how red are your pills?
drop some itt and we'll see if you're ready to reveal your power level
Bang her, then tell her everything. Make her orgasm as many times as possible on the first sitting, this should make her open to new ideas.
nigga u serious? go ultimate chadpill and hatefuck the shit out of her constantly while terrorizing her mind with your new found political identity. shit will drive her crazy.
They're called "exes" for a reason. Cut that thot out of your life.
We have a winner.
Fuck her while keeping your sunglasses and socks on.
Jesus fuck is nobody really gonna say it?
kill her, then yourself
Just fuck her until she leaves. Dont talk about politics. If you arent going to bang make her leave.
This. I found out the hard way.
>a few weeks
How many levels of cuckoldry are we on here?
OP is taking in a hobo.
You could just be yourself, say offensive things if you really feel like it, and then chuckle when she hits you. I though this is how it was done.
Anyways seems to always work for me.
Women are so high and mighty they don't really expect men to be anything but dumb ogres anyways so as long as you're a charming dumb ogre you can say whatever the hell you want.
She's gonna hit you.
But you're a giant dumb ogre so that shouldn't hurt. You can punish her later.
This should have been the most obvious answer, fuck first, talk later.
Drop the pills, she's your ex for a reason and you owe her nothing.
Also you better not be trying to get her back after the cock carousel she has just been on, your ex gf has changed too and now carries the title 'roastie'
tl;dr drop pills, fuck, bail
Maybe drop small hints like making fun of not-so-controversial things like cultural appropriation if the opportunity arises. Even normal lefties can laugh at some of the extreme BS the alt-left spews.
Im not gonna give help to a couple of spic niggers on a Mongolian basket weaving image board you wanktard.
This user knows what's up
Fuck her and right after you cum whisper "Hitler did nothing wrong" into her ear.
I changed my mind, do this instead
how do you know she's not already BLACKED.com?
>Southern California
i think it's safe to assume she is
quads tell the truth
Show her the Venona decrypts and then Sarkozy talking to France, with a little talk about the admitted Lavon Affair/USS Liberty/9/11 she will break