This is the answer.
Stacey Nationalism > Chad Nationalism
disgusting pancake tits
she looked better before though. does being on Sup Forums make you more ugly
Only on the inside.
Should I know who this slut is?
Princess Margaery of House Tyrell
She was also in that shitty hunger games movie.
her tits make me want flapjacks
Shouldn't Stacey Nationalism and Chad Nationalism complement each other?
> tfw no French ethno-nationalist, super-racist, anti-Islam literal 10/10 turbo-Stacey Brigitte Bardot gf to be nationalist with
whats wrong with her titties? why so flat and gross looking?
>This is a 10/10 in bongland
First of her name
Bardot: /ourgirl/ x1000
Why would a nazi get a side cut? That's punk rock territory.
Y'all are crazy. I would rub my face in her titties all day.
yeah almost certainly.
you've seen the kek rallies
This is a very specific fantasy
The picture on the left looks like one of those creepy ones where you mirror half the face.
For some reason I really like it when a girl shaves the side of her hair like that...they're usually dirty whores too...unfortunately they're usually heavily tattooed as well which is a turn off.
Stacey Nationalism immediately follows from Chad Nationalism.
Women will go where the men are.
Well all of the descriptors which made it seem super specific are what Bardot literally is, she's an explicit and known Front Nationale supporter and has been to court for hate speech regarding Islam numerous times IIRC.
Shame she never had any kids, I can only image how Right-Wing they'd turn out to be.
Nigger, you'd faint if a real woman even touched you...stick to humping your waifu pillow