Alright Sup Forums, time to CHOOSE!

Alright Sup Forums, time to CHOOSE!

cure cancer

why does this keep being posted

cure cancer.
a lot of people are hungry because of their own poor choices

Cure cancer. Then you'll have to stop posting this carcinoma.

First time it ever got posted here, amigo

Kick keith in the balls, for fuck sake, he's gonna betray you later anyway user, screw his options, bring out the big guns.

Cancer and starvation aren't the only things that kill people

>not making your president a big titted, blonde haired, blue eyed goddess
why even play?

cancer, obviously.

Fuck Cancer.

Cancer is pretty fucking terrible, probably cancer I guess

Eliminate hunger, wonder what exponential growth will do to civilisations.

Cancer because you can grow your food

Feed cancer

>Greece wiped off the map
haha how'd that happen?

cancer is the most obvious answer its so much harder to get rid of

A lot of people have cancer because of their poor choices too mate.

this the correct choice. Hunger can be beaten other ways, cancer is far harder to beat

What game is that?

Google reverse lookup

I don't want over population, curing cancer is better.

This is a slide thread

Cure Cancer.


Cancer, it's a lot more likely to affect anyone I care about

cure cancer because eating cake makes cunts fat

Needs more Fat

Feed everybody. Cancer is necessary to keep people form getting too old.

Is there some way to make starving africans even hungrier?
Let's do that

Just want your opinion, that's all

Saints Row 4

So you're "that guy" are ya?

You get rid of cancer and overtime you get a sigificant increase in population with no increased resources to match.

Clearly infinite food resources is the better choice.

Why isn't their a choice to stop hunger with cancer?

Cure Cancer. Some cancers you just get and there was nothing you did to get it you were just predetermined to get it.

Hunger we can deal with ourselves, everyone can grow food.

>tfw we'll never get a sequel

Cure cancer. I might get it one day, and the poor almost always eat in the West.

Spirulina says otherwise. Oh wow i heated up some water and ate the algae and it has more protein than beef

and which do you think is more prevalent/easier to fix?

God damm you are stupid. Cancer kills first worlders. Hunger kills third worlders. Your choice.

Eliminate hunger, people dont have to eat anymore. We can re-allocate much of our farmland to other purposes. Space flight becomes much easier as less storage is needed. All around better.

We got Gat out of Hell and Agents of MAYHEM, but yeah, sucks that we didn't get a true sequel to Saints Row 2 - as much as I love 3 and 4 (especially 4) they just don't seem to "click" as well as 2 did

>people dont have to eat anymore

Where the fuck did you get that from?

That's not how this works. The person in the picture is supposed to be the president, and those things are fixed by allocating resources to them. Not magic.

You are thinking too short term. In the long run the rapid increase of third world populations relative to first world populations, with no increased resources, will cause even more massive migration of third worlders to traditionally first world countries. Eliminating cancer will only accelerate this resource crisis.

Solve the resource issue and third world countries are far more likely to become politically stable, and thus they have no reason to migrate.


i want the third option, make anime real

Gat out of Hell was "fun" but I was hard pressed to finish it.

I spent months fucking around in 3 and 4

It's already real in Saints Row 3/4 though so your option can't be considered

Third world population explodes and then they consume resources OTHER than food at a comparative rate. India has begun to consume immense resources and create huge amounts of pollution.

India's loo consumption alone is leading to world-wide shortages.

Try buying a loo for under $60 now

This is the one game I never thought to roll a president trump character. How could I be so blind?

cancer, easily

>Fund cure for cancer
>Declines in fund requirements after cure is found
>Saves a bunch of white people's lives

>Fund ending world hunger
>Mostly save nignogs
>All of them breed, making fund requirements go through the roof as the population needing to be fed rises exponentially

Easily cancer.

Eliminate hunger > population rises > more people to have cancer

If you cure hunger you are literally causing cancer.

I would think more people die from hunger on a day to day basis than cancer. So, probably hunger.

Cancer is a white mans disease

Starvation is the browns disease

Cure cancer is the only choice

not true, i've seen this thread hours ago

Yeah, but think about the usefulness to society of the people who are dying of hunger versus the people who are dying of cancer.

Quality over quantity.

Great minds think alike

Cure cancer, niggers are less likely to live long enough to get it.

That game was shit

That's not what he asked. He asked which was more prevalent and easy to fix. Don't move goal posts.

neither. Cancer and starvation are both good things

Cancer, hunger can be solved much more simply

>Eliminating cancer will only accelerate this resource crisis
Lel, and feeding all those faggots, so they can multiply even faster doesn't?

Let them starve. They are natural selection gone wrong. Every animal on this planet can survive and feed themselves except africans.

The reason why they still haven't been wiped out by mother nature still perplexes me.

Show cock, wink and blow a kiss.

we need death or the world will get more over populated than it already is and turn to shit even faster.