Did you notice your intelligence go up after you started reading books?

If yes what books did you read?
>INB4 Quran and Mein Kampf

Yes. The Holy Bible.


Differential Manifolds, Lie Groups, Complex Manifolds, Feynman's Lecture on Physics, Landau's Lecture on Physics, and Elliptical Operators all improved my intelligence substantially

No, but finishing CE basically made me good at IQ tests. I don't think I'm actually more intelligence? Studying philosophy made me seem more intelligent, but again I'm not actually more intelligent.

>women on public transport reading fiction believing they look intelligent

You've got it. Reading non fiction does make you better at IQ tests.

Reading doesn't improve intelligence, it just gives you ideas which you can synthesize into your own speech. Any dumbass can read a philosophical text and parrot back statements from it, but only an intelligent person can deconstruct and apply the teachings.

Yes. The Lightning and the Sun.

You have to read to get smart. there is no shortcut.

read philosophy.


Yes, Emotional Intelligence for Dummies, Self-Esteem for Dummies, Confidence for dummies, and Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies

And this

You get smarter when you read Sup Forums until you reach some level where you realize Sup Forums isn't smart enough for you


lit has the highest IQ of any board if that tells you anything

I have an IQ of 230 after reading countless doujinshi in sadpanda.

/lit/ is also extremely left leaning. After embedded images kept getting banned there is no use for /lit/.

Yeah, the difference before the art of war and after is insane, in my experience.

I thought this was about chevy big blocks at first

120 Days of Sodom

thats not a real game, isnt it

Why is Lord of the Rings on there?

Disclaimer: I don't know shit

i would play that game

I can give you headpats, user.

So like I've never read a book cover to cover.

When I was in like 3rd grade my older sister taught my about spark notes. That evolved over the years and grew followed me through college. I would watch Prezis instead of reading scholarly articles and required readings. If a professor assigned us some chapter, I would read like the first 1/2, and skim the rest. I just don't have the patience for reading, and I'm a very patient person in general. Wouldn't read in my free time. I get bored reading articles online.

Yes but it wasn't my intelligence going up per se. That never really changed. What happens is that the desert of my mind that was made baron by public education finally became irrigated by the great writers

Particular books that opened my eyes to the world: The Discarded Image (book on medieval history) by C.S. Lewis, and basically everything he's ever written; too numerous to count, but discarded image is my favorite. He was an Oxford Don who taught medieval history and had his degrees in the study of medieval languages. It's amazing how much he has opened my eyes to the blatant lies people give us about the medieval era.

Other books: Dish of Orts and Phantastes by George MacDonald, Aeneid by Virgil, On The Shortness of Life by Seneca, The Discourses of Epictetus, all Shakespeare but I particularly love King Leer, Henry IV part 1&2, Hamlet, and As You Like It. All Chaucer is good too. I like the play Peer Gynt by Ibsen, but once you've read all of Shakespeare, you realize every other playwrite is just a lesser of Shakespeare, so why settle for less?



I will also caress your face and tell you what a good girl you are. Bet you'd enjoy that.

I noticed my vocabulary expand and my speech became more eloquent.

Some people believe the orcs represent the industrial revolution.
Fordo leaves the shire, where people live traditionally off the land. Grow crops, brew ale and enjoy life.
He is then forced to go on an adventure to destroy the ring. The ring has many different interpretations. The wonton evil of man if you like.
When Fordo returns from his journey, he discovers thst the shire has been taken over my saruman and the orcs. They have destroyed the natural beauty and traditional living and replaced it with industry. Fordo is so sick of this shit Merry and pippin merc some orcs and Fordo leaves for valinor. A land of untouched undying beauty.

The modern world has destroyed a simpler way of life thst we all wish to return to and our spirits would greatly benifit from. And it's up to us to carve out our own sections of the simple life or face being crushed by a soulless modern society


I wouldn't mind having a cutie like you as my pet, user. You would get all the petting, cuddles and kisses you wanted.

No homo right guise?

In both intelligence and creativity, my household was very strict on computers and game consoles, so i had to spend majority of my time by reading either books or drawing. Read LotR like 4 times, along with a lot of other fantasy. As an adult moved to soviet scifi, and lovecraft,etc. Currently im consuming The Name of the Wind.

Only the retarded book readers will claim their intelligence would go up because of their hobby. Non of the other hobbyists are this desperate for intelligent points

If anyone's interested: mega:#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

I've been reading since the age of 9, I wasn't particularly aware of my intelligence at that point but yeah I would say mein Kampf and artic home in the Vedas brought me here