>Are you ready to take me to the opera user? I can't wait to hear Verdi's La traviata!
Are you ready to take me to the opera user? I can't wait to hear Verdi's La traviata!
Casual sex is degenerate
but the sign an the entrance says no animals allowed
>I can't wait to hear Verdi's La traviata!
Why are you speaking German all of a sudden? Are you a Nazi?
Oh, you're ready?
Because it looks like you're wearing a bathrobe.
Put some damn clothes on and don't make me hit you.
Why does it have pink claws?
>Verdi's La traviata!
Was Giorgio /ourguy/ ?
HAHAHAHA! While hip hop garbage plays in the background and you wonder how the couch stays so white with her skank sitting on it. Opera. Ha.
> what the fuck are you talking about woman
> the opera is GAY
> howd you get in here
They're playing something different tonight.
>wanting to hear opera
haha funny because it never happens
Farm implements should not be allowed inside the house.
Colorism Social Justice Warrior -- The Run Down..
The Sauce for Race mixing Shill post.
PRO-TIP: Most race bait threat about "Black women with White men" are DARK SKINN black women...
The Run Down.
Within Black Society is a concept called "Colorism"
Colorism: Where Black men desire lighter skin black women with more European features (or non-Black Women).
The Activist:
Dark Skin Black women who resent not being seen as the standard of beauty by the General Society or even their own men.
These women are usually the most Single and Unmarried regardless of their social, economic status.
The Movement:
Organized multi angle campaign to change Beauty standard within the black community and the general white community.
1. Devalue European Beauty Standard
2. Project Images of Dark Skin Black Women
2. Project Images of dark skin Black women dating white men
3. Attack Black Men who date woman who are light skin, racially ambiguous or White
4. Attack light skin and racially ambiguous women
4. Lobby to get more Dark Skin Black Women represented in Media (TV, Ads, Etc)
5. Project Dark Skin Black Women as being desirable.
It’s like the Body Positive movement, except for Dark skin black women.
Most Race Baiting Shill Post with dark skin black women are from these people.
Know you know, and knowing is half the battle.
very beautiful.
Maybe if the nigger wanted to see Wozzeck, but not for something like Traviata. Not impressed with you, nigger.
>implying she just doesn't want to be seen seeing opera
black or white, she's still a pleb
Ay yo hol up lemme just finish this episode.
I would genocide the fuck outta the white race with her
Wouldn't stick my dick into it even for free.
>tfw no qt black gf to go to the opera with
Come on cracka ! take dat pussy !
What if she says "bleach me faggot!"
bringing a hooker to the opera would be terribly embarrasing
It wears a lot of makeup and photoshop
Look at those creamy thick thighs. God I would love for her to lock my head in as I eat out that pink pussy
>That's not very nice user, I've worked really hard
>a night at the Opera
This triggers the PTSD.
Were outworldly tentacles involved?
Sheboon shill post!
A mix of that and the Deep State selling out humanity.
>bringing a hooker to the opera would be terribly embarrasing
No, it is not. I hate going to the opera alone. So I bring hookers. After 3 hours of Wagner they typically start crying, giving me back the money I paid them and asking me whether I want to marry them. Every fucking time - Wagner is that good.
Stop posting hot, black chicks. You won't fool anyone, satan.
>going to the opera
>dresses like a ho
really activated my almonds
disgusting nails
And why are you in my home ?
*call police*