Absolutely cucked

Yes goyim, white liberals are the problem. Stop looking deep enough to see who is promoting their ideology...

After Charlottesville Baked Alaska has shifted more and more into Alt Lite territory and clearly signaling he doesn't want to be called a nazi to the extent of rather having jews, niggers and chinks than mislead white people. What a fucking coward he is.

Other urls found in this thread:


White liberals are by far the worst because at least the kikes and blacks and beaners and muzzers are working for their own people's best interests

Good post, nip.

The biggest haters of whites are white progressive liberals

He had the ideology maced out of him kek

Based Angler????

His lack of understanding about race realism and regression to their mean as well as their implications on multiracial society is worrying.

Implying libshits wouldn't be thrown out of copters.

the mean*

is this faggot still blind