Christian sexuality is irrelevant

Can we just acknowledge that Christian sexuality is totally irrelevant? No one just has sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation anymore. Even priests are doing deviant shit.

There was a time when there was genuine Christian sexual morality in Canadian and American society. That time is gone.

God is dead and we have killed Him. Just try to not get AIDS.

We should go back to a Roman conception of sexuality. The penetrated are "feminine." The penetrator is "masculine." Getting pegged by a woman is 10 times as "gay" as fucking a tranny in the ass.

Get with the times Sup Forums. You and I both know that you know her name and you've fapped to her. Stop pretending to be some kind of Christian fascist.

Other urls found in this thread:

Joe Rogan masturbates to this

Go to bed, Trudeau.

/pol is filled with virgins yapping at everybody that they're degenerate for liking fun in bed

What if both penetrate at the same time?

>No one just has sex in the missionary position

A fucking LEAF....

Wonderfully said OP

Bigots need to recognize that "Feminine" refers not just to literal females but to anything that possesses or is imagined to possess stereotypically female qualities.

A man can be feminine or strike a feminine pose. various cultures attribute "femininity" to obviously genderless features of the natural world, like the moon or the soil (ancient chinese identified the ground as feminine with a masculine sky above). there are feminine rhymes in poetry. if an abstract linguistic pattern can be feminine, why not a penis?

A feminine penis is soft, small, and cute. But the thing you notice most is how non-threatening and friendly it is. Every time it rises in greeting because it's happy to see you despite it not even having the vigor to go up the whole way anymore always puts a smile on your face.

That earnest joy and pleasure it shows when you're around lets you know the girl really is in to you, too. With how lovable and inviting it is, you'll find that it quickly becomes your best friend in the whole world.

For example, a slender, smooth penis, contrasted with a blunt and veiny member.

...a graceful penis.

...a receptive penis that does not aggressively penetrate but rather allows itself to be engulfed. To be licked


and isn't dribbling semen reminiscent of a breast's warm milk? a nurturing penis, a penis like a doting mother.

How it can be gay?

>pic related, a true goddess

>No one just has sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation anymore.
This is how I'll lose my virginity.

Take your faggot leaf strawmanning and shove it up your Marxist ass

kys maplefaggot
you have to go back, cunt
>in all fields

Yeah, and they masturbate 3 times a day, which is unbiblical.

I think fixating on the cock is kind of gay. Personally, I would just like to hear it flap against their stomach as I destroy their asshole, maybe give them a reach around if they make me happy.


Do you know that Marx was a social conservative by today's standards? I doubt he would approve of gay "marriage" and trannies.

Eat a burger, you'll feel better.

I can never take traps seriously because I have an odd kink that I can't ever fap to a bitch that looks like she wasn't popular in high school, and so everytime I see it's a shemale, I know it was the biggest repressed little faggot dude that I would've definitely bullied and I just can't fap to that.

God isn't dead
He's been too kind
And that's everyone's fucking problem
God has hit tipping point, and the world is about to witness a shit storm of epic proportions
And all you faggots are going to pull your balls out of your asses and become men real fucking quick

>can't ever fap to a bitch that looks like she wasn't popular in high school

This is an 18+ board. Get out.

>muh idle threats

No one believes in your skydaddy anymore.

Sucks to be you limp wrist

I'm 37 leafie

Digits confirm, God is coming and you guys are not ready

Archived it for you

How to get trap gf?

source on this girl?

off yourself degenerate faggot

They're all over OKCupid. Just chat them up like you would a normal woman. They're usually way more eager and receptive.

Actually... If you read the bible it says more or less God doesn't care about the sexual acts between hubby and wifey as long as it's both consensual. It also doesn't have to be just for procreation either.

Awesome gonna give this a try


Thirty seven years old and you still haven't explored your own sexuality.

I would say I'm sorry for you, but because of your mean-spirited behavior in this thread I can bring myself to do so.

I really hope you fix yourself before its too late, but I would be lying if I said it'd be easy, someone as sexuality boxed in as yourself.

kys, leaf


Stop buying real estate in Vancouver. I need a cheap pad to fuck trannies in.

I actually have no idea who she is, but that's probably cause I mostly fap to Asian chicks. As for the rest of what you say, yeah, I agree. I'm not really sure there was ever much Christian sexual morality in the past, either. More than now, but not that much.

What the fuck is this retarded shit?
I talk about God and you talk about dick research?

I don't know why I'm replying to this shitty thread.
>No one just has sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation anymore.
I actually do. I've always liked vaginal. I really really like looking my wife in the eye when we have sex. We want as many kids as possible to fight against this white genocide.
Even when I masterbate to porn I exclusively watch creampie videos with white women in the missionary position. I want to see faces, boobs, and the pleasure of cuming in the best place possible.

>We should go back to a Roman conception of sexuality
>Get with the times

I'm not a clever man,but...

Im not gonna take advice on how to have sex from a dogfucking leaf.

Take your poz somewhere else

>dick research

I think your tongue should research my dick whiteboy. Mmm daddy's hungry.

>Even when I masterbate to porn

You're more proof that Christian sexuality is dead.


Is it hard being a shitskin?

I just started going down the trap rabbit hole. I seriously wish I could be this cute and sexy!


Hurrdurhur boners hard, dat maekth it okey to shuv things in my butt hole hurrnurrhurr
Fuck you retard

>That time is gone

Only because weak men allow pornography to control their sexuality.

>most people today continue the practices of the sottomites
>The practices of the sottomites are normal
>you should become a sottomite too


masturbation addiction is reaping hell on western society

I'll go along with as long as effeminate bitchboys like OP and women are deprived of the vote, just like in Roman times.

You can babe

Makeup, sissy clothes, and lots of spunk to absorb that extra estrogen

>Even priests are doing deviant shit.
Whoever said priests are going to Heaven? Didn't Jesus say, the blind leading the blind, they both fall into the pit?

>God is dead and we have killed Him.
No you haven't you 14-year old. Jesus is Alive and He is waiting for you to repent and turn to Him.

Who cares it's hot

Slug is fucking mental. She's cute as fuck, but she was disecting road kill on a livestream a couple weeks back.


Its not irrelevant its just you are totally jewed into thinking the butt is a sexual organ and your fag mouth needs shit on your tongue. Try eating your soy through your ear. Its gonna suck

Slugbuggy!!!!! Ily

I already have a feminine/girly passing face but I'm too lazy to learn how make up works

You don't take hormones do you?

traps aren't gay

Why does that dude have boobs?

agrred you wanna fight the jew the only ones to defeat them temporaly and eternally are those who march under the Cross

Anal sex is older than human language.

>Even priests are doing deviant shit.
What are you, 10 years old? Priests have been deviant fucking sickos since the church started.

>No one just has sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation anymore.
Literally just did that


>Even priests are doing deviant shit
not an argument, pedoscum.

Technology has dulled your senses to a purely visual form of stimulation. Sex is all senses working in tandem. The smell, taste, sound and feel of a woman are all primary to the experience.

Dominating a woman with the intent of turning her into a mother is the most gratifying sexual experience a man can have.

Fucking the mentally ill is degenerate. It debases your natural manhood. Sort your life out.

T. Chad (at least by pol standards)

I'm not her just a chaser who wants to fuck her and choke her senseless
Oh hey it's you again

sorry real chads fuck trannies its a fact

Remember that the fewer and better men reproduce, the stronger society becomes. These degenerates are doing civilization a favor by removing themselves from the gene pool.


Sexual morality is the only part of Christianity worth keeping... Morals are there to make you and society healthier and happier, not just to ruin your good time. Liaze fair sexual practice does not lead to happiness anymore then smoking crack does. Plus it wrecks your race ,the family unit, and leaves a empty hole in you. Go ahead be a good goy and watch porn until your impotent or can't cum with girl. Pay half your income out to some thot who hijacked your sperm for welfare. Or just don't reproduce at all...

>white people generally have bigger dicks
>more white people are generally gay
makes sense

That just means humanity has had to fight this degeneracy since time immemorial.Theft is older than language as well, maybe that should be celebrated?

We should attempt to accelerate it for all to feel the full impact. Pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, etc. Push all of it at once. I really don't think anyone truly cares anymore. From what I've seen, normies just don't. If Sup Forums attempted to accelerate the moral decline, that would be something.


Maybe you fucking morons shouldn't be taking sex advice from "religious" people that either haven't read or can't understand the bible. Procreation comes from sex, but procreation isn't the ONLY purpose of sex.
Sex is not evil with a caveat. Enjoying sex is not a sin. Every sperm is not sacred. The missionary position is no more righteous than any other. And stop with the fucking condoms and birth control until white Christian you are your white Christian wife have had 3 or 4 kids.


do not quote Nietzsche if you dont know what he meant by that.

I'd be more incline to call a straight up homo a Chad than some loser who bangs a trap and then deludes himself into believing he fucked a she. You're a fucking embarrassment to the male order.


duhh i'm a stupid normie duhh gibs me iphone duhhhh



True. I'm an advocate for poligamy at this point.

Having standards of behavior doesn't necessarily mean you adhere to Christian morality. Only a faggot hipster cuck leaf would simultaneously quote Nietzche and misinterpret everything he said and worked toward. What a stupid retarded faggot you are, then again you're fucking Canadian. A nation of people the world would not weep for if you would all just die tomorrow. Kill you'rself.

this is good pasta ima rethread this quality bait

>muh Nietzsche was actually super esoteric and hard to understand
>muh you have to read it in the original German

I'm not interested in having a pointless argument with a leaf who thinks he is le epic rusemaster.
I'm just here for the memes.

Real chads don't even think about gender they just see a soft submissive boi offering themselves up to him and he fucks. He doesn't even think about gender when he's slapping your little thing with his monster. It's just somthing that they are, not somthing you can immitate.

I watch porn once every 2 days or so and I hate myself for it, but who tf is this bitch in the OP I've never seen her before.

It's only hard to understand if you're a fucking retard. Nietzche railed against degenerates endlessly. learn to read, dumbfuck.

Jesus is the truth and the way. Your obsession with sexuality is only there to fill your souls void.

God is love, and that's the true love you are seeking.

Yeah let's all just give up become leftist degenerates.

>male and female don't exist
>masculine and feminine do

Define these terms.

>Masculine traits are typical of males and feminine traits are typical of females

but I thought gender didn't exist

> holy shit i am so retarded xD

have some OC.


I think that there is a problem that we are using hormones, plastic surgery and whatever other medical procedures to make people appear differently. Why is this barbarism okay?

triggering the shit out of libtards on atheists on twatter. MAGA


>willing to fuck a man because you can imagine it as a woman.

>same line if thinking as some scumbag prison inmate.

Somehow I'm a faggot? Go clean your room, you fucking low life.

javier, we all know you want that grande papi chalupa, it's ok. just go on backpages and find yourself a silver daddy. you don't have to be lonely hombre

>non-threatening and friendly
good pasta mate
nice digits

It's frankly 10x as gay to be so in the closet about being gay that in order to mindtrick yourself into thinking you aren't a gigantic dick sucking faggot that you are fucking something feminine. Trap faggots are the biggest gays on the planet. So far in the closet they don't see sunlight.

I'm serious when I say accelerate it. People aren't going to turn around. Gay marriage approval rose from 25% in 1995 to 64% now. Transsexualism is starting to be accepted, and usually the most outspoken ones against transsexual men tend to be jealous women when they see passable ones. Choosing gender or sexual orientation is being accepted for children. Just let it burn by accelerating the moral decline. Normalize everything.

Traps aren't men and they aren't gay either

Explain how this is a man. It isn't, it's a feminized sissy who looks better than 99.9% of "real" women. Some were just born to service cock. Look at her body and tell me that's a man you faggot.

>Explain how this is a man
It was born with and has a penis, fag.
>Look at her body
Man hands
No breasts
Man frame
Man skull
Man chin
Man dick
Man balls
etc, etc, etc

You can't reproduce with it. Waste of effort.

>you've fapped to her
Actually no I haven't you faggot, and that's not a "her" it's a man.

Fuck you.

t. Salty roasties