Why Does the Media Blame Gun Crime on "Rednecks"?

I'm new here, forgive me if this has been asked and discussed to death before, but I can't exactly ask this elsewhere. I'm a "normie."

When it comes to guns... it seems the problem is much less the guns themselves, than who has them. All of the shootings and guncrime are in the heavily black and mexican ghettos full of gangs. And yet the media constantly focuses on white school shooters and hows "rednecks with guns" when they want to take our guns away. The rednecks aren't even really killing anybody. What the heck is going on?

Have an unrelated medieval Boba Fett.

This is the right place for enlightenment normie


>((((((((((((((((((((the Media))))))))))))))))))))

Because it's somehow racist to say it's niggers killing each other even though we all know it.
It's weakness

Wow. Holy shit. I always heard "Jews control the media" but to see it laid out is fucking weird.

Wait. Why the fuck do I constantly see articles about how women and minorities are oppressed and the glass ceiling exists and the proof is that "some high percentage over 50% of CEOs are white men." Why the fuck is that an issue but not this?

88 checked




Holohoax never happened.


This is now a redpill thread!
Dump commencing

Because they actually do wanna confiscate ALL guns. Turns out grandpa was right.

Rednecks with fancy riles is scarier to the public than the reality where pistols are responsible for the most gun crimes and most shootings are 1 on 1 affairs.

My my no one likes you cause of what you do jew.

Shut your fucking mouth cunt.

How do we make all of this information common knowledge and get the general population outraged?

You're forgetting who holds most of these pistols.


This would be better if maybe it provided some reason why they were expelled in each case.


Legally or illegally? There's a big difference there if you follow the statistics.

They were expelled because they did what they continue to do today user.



the media doesn't blame it on rednecks, they blame rednecks for the fact that zero improvement can be made to laws regarding the propagation of firearms willy nilly because muh 2nd single issue voters

The fact is that the right wing has the guns. If you want to establish a totalitarian socialist regime, who do you need to disarm?

Right wingers. Lots of times, these are "red necks". It's propaganda user...

I'm new here but even I know to say Fuck Off, Faggot.

Because an armed conservative group is the biggest threat to leftist hegemony. Europe and US states like; Cali, NY, NJ, Etc. Have been completely taken over by (((these people))) because gun rights have been diminished. It's only the fear of death by the angered citizenry that keeps tyrants and traitors in check.

I should I know I've lived in blue shitholes my entire life. I know the character and nature of those who vote for feel good policies. They are scum.


Because the Media is liberal and Jewish.
Their voter base is blacks and Minorities so they can't portray actual gun crime statistics because it'd go against their narrative that whites are evil. Think about how brainwashed people are into thinking about how only whites shoot up schools when its mostly Asians. The "red neck" is a easy straw man to go against. They want to steal your guns but need minorities to help with it. I'm not even white and I see past this bullshit. I grew up with drive bys and friends being shot but the media brainwashes my kind to think it's nothing and then entertainment teaches them its fun and cool to be in gangs. Hard to see my own friends and family destroy themselves then blame whites.