Million dollar extreme thread

what's your guys' take on Sam Hyde?

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pretty wacky guy hahahaah

Guy didn't deserve to be kicked out off his job.
Since then he went off the deep end, honestly kind of worried about him.

Heeb dindu nuffin

Doesn't understand that whites need their own Israel to protect their survival when all of their countries are being invaded and they are being used as tax cattle for their own replacement.

That's a funny way of spelling Cody Cigar.


How the fuck do I get this version of Faceapp?

(((Sam Hyde)))


Whoa dude... Cody's coming to post later?

he hasn't made good content in like a year
he looks like shit

Cody Cigar is the most prolific driver of peace

How is he still on the run?

he changed his identity to evade arrest


He says some pretty nasty, unnecessary stuff about gays. I mean they aren't really our biggest worry right now, nowhere near it.


here (You) go:

Hasn't made good content? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.

Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?

And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as outlet to deal with his demons?

If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.

no joke one of my biggest idols. I fucking love Sam Hyde, guy's great.

When is he going to be in a self-defense situation at 2 am already?!

>all it takes to entertain your fans is to record a shit quality video of yourself doing or saying literally anything and upload it
>he could just upload a video of himself eating breakfast for 10 minutes, not saying a word, and his fans would still love it

why does he torture us by not uploading anything for up to a month at a time? what could he possibly be doing that's so important and time consuming that he can't spare 5 minutes to make a video every few days? I am literally crying right now because all I want to do is see or hear him again and it's like he doesn't even care about us at all...

>what could he possibly be doing that's so important and time consuming that he can't spare 5 minutes to make a video every few days?

you know it japanon

Also I've never gotten my keks so goddamn hard, its all thanks to kickstarter tv

black grapes are the sweetest

Who's dick is my nigga Sam sucking?

his own

If you watched his early videos you'd know he was always off his rocker. In reality he is a real normal, nice guy

He looks and sounds how my soul feels, damn this all to hell lads. Im sick of this Union, Im hangry for happenings.


Made good content in a year*

Those videos were good. The new

>real normal, nice guy

Hahaha, but seriously no. What kind of normal, nice guy gets high on the thrill of abusing underage adolescents in some desperate attempt to convince himself he's really straight?


I loved Smocaine 3. I've rewatched it a few times.

>not hebe

His comedy is funny sometimes but I watch him for his serious talks like in HydeWars. He's actually really smart. But I feel bad for his fans who donate money to him, he obviously spends it on jack shit that's useful and scams a lot of people. I think he secretly hates the Sup Forums and altright fan base or sees them as worthless losers. I mean technically that's what got him off Adult Swim in the first place, when trolls from this site fucked with Tim Heidecker and name dropped MDE. Even though Tim deserved it.

Funny as fuck but flawed, stuff like world peace and the ted talk were god damn hilarious and I wish he'd do more Hyde wars like the first couple where him and Charls are just shooting the shit. It's a shame WP got cancelled but Sam being publicly alt-right in fucking Hollywood was a fucking death sentence and he should've realized that and reined it in



Man, Sam is not looking healthy. I just bought kickstarter tv so I hope that prevents him from actually blowing up a school for a few days.

Master of Self-defense.


if million dollar extreme ISN'T a psy-op I would be very surprised.

>be me
>well adjusted dude
>not racist
>plenty of great friends
>active social life
>discover sam hyde
>show it to friends
>we all laugh at "lee me alone" and "2070 paradigm shift ted talk"
>friends move on to next meme/other things
>I continue watching MDE
>discover "Ideas man" "antiquing" and other great videos
>friends getting "good jobs" and starting families
>I keep listening to sammy diamonds
>get fat
>world peace airs
>its glorious
>the ratings are great
>sam says he'd like to nut on malia obamas forehead on twitter
>sam argues with Joe (((Bernstein))) on youtube
>gets show cancelled by turner
>sam gets even fatter
>I get fatter
>meanwhile my friends are curing cancer and becoming hollywood directors
>fat sam with neck brace deep down wants to save western civ
>just comes off as a fat edgelord

when do I start winning sam?!?!

Begone Thot!!!

you didn't buy the book

one of my favorite sam hyde moments





>tfw bought the book and sam decided to scribble a fucking dick on the front
gee thanks my dude

An actual 100% fucking genius.

An unironically inspirational person. He is one of the few people in the arts who has done anything interesting, ground-breaking, or sincerely edgy in a very long time.

Literally anything he does makes me crack up. I visited his twitter the other day and immediately burst into laughter within 3 seconds of skimming it.

Some of my favorites

Literally every male who's not on Estrogen treatment.

Sam unironically hates homosexual people

thank you for links Sam


He had that video bashing Trumpsters for the "4d-chess" meme. After that, his content got way less political

just reading about the battle of Didgori. Good job Georgia

Top fucking kek

Sam has unironically be a horrible influence on me too. His content is just too redpilling

>Sam Hyde
Who? You mean *You can Sam but you can't Hyde* Mr Cody and Doctor Hyde?

All I can think about are those shit west African action movies.

Imagine some dindu screaming "Milen Dola xtreme!"

He's pretty autistic and not very funny, but he has a good heart

That'll be worth 10 litecoins in the post-2070 apocalyptic future.

Holy fucking shit my stomach is literally sore from laughter

How is he so fucking funny? Barely anything makes me laugh

thats hot

It got shoah'd by sjws who complained about it and the fake news articles which condemned it within 12 hours after it was released it's not in any version it's part of their computer at company headquarters which they can turn off anytime they ant for any version of the app.


anyone know the name of the song the girl is singing?

Thanks mate, we used to do that kind of shit pretty frequently.
Now those same muzzies come here and fug our women for 50$.


What part of "don't eat anything between now and tomorrow sweetie" do you not understand? He fucked her in the ass, probably with his eyes closed imaging a dude instead. Guy's a complete degenerate.

Sam Hyde is unironically a visionary. I become furious and double down on wacko far-right beliefs when I think about how faggots who DON'T EVEN WATCH ADULT SWIM brigaded hard-working and talented man out their jobs.

Donated a bit to his Patreon (and Charls'), hope he keeps his eyes on the kind of success that he deserves.

I remember falling in love with this man

Didnt he suck someones dick on camera. Sure looked like him.

>be me
>timid fragile submissive loser
>watch Sam
>learn to criticise people who I used to think we're at a higher authority level then me
>learn not to regret things I say and stick to my own thought process even of people openly disagree with it
>become a more confident and more dominant person that people like and respond to more
Think it's just you lad

>soda stream will do for soda what the 3D printer did for assault rifles

I still lose it over this.

Curtis Mayfield?

that picture seems legit

Same, learned a lot about being alpha without adopting a bland Chad or redneck facade

I love him

lookin like a pedophile

yeah I'm sure this is what happened in your life man

now that's funny

Sams at his best when he just doesnt try too hard. Like where he fucks around with shitty rental cars and caricatures things. Paradigm Shift was obviously hilarious though.

World Peace wasn't that funny.

it was still pretty well made for what it was and hell of a lot funnier and fresh than whatever adult swim was shilling


The fact that you think it's unbelievable makes me laugh. Hahahahhahahah

Had its moments. The PUA sketch where Sam was helping the cripple get laid was legitimately very very funny. Then there were things that I liked mainly because they were pure fan service for his nazi viewers. In general I think the biggest draw of the show was in fact the fanservice that he got away with like referencing David Duke and diatribes about single mothers, not necessarily the humor.

We miss you Jontron

First of all fuging a sexually developed underage girl in the ass doesn't equal to imagining a gay anal domination. It takes long stretch of mental gymnastics to connect the two.
Also, even if he was a closet faggot, I don't fucking care. He doesn't publicly advertise or propagate sodomy as far as I know and what he's done behind closed doors with biologically matured people is none of my god damn business.

is that meg baird?

the david duke drop really sealed the deal

Post High-tier Sam "they can run but they can't" Hyde vids:

Let me take that a step further and say that it was complete garbage. Absolute garbage. The best skits were the tapwater skit, the apartment laceration, and the raging entrepreneur (that one was genuinely hilarious), and that one was a gem in a pile of dogshit. Here's what they should have done: cleaned up the MDE online formula, put it on the screen, and toned down the Sup Forums pol redpill autist brand. They're casually funny when they're not being retardly political.

I'm sorry he fucked your oneitis, m8

sam is the based nigger of 4chin. every1 love hyde!

better than getting one of the ones he shot

Hes the fuckin johnny

did you like smocaine 3