Did you know Hillary Clinton is a legitimate shapeshifter?


Other urls found in this thread:


welp thats my spook tonight

Show the jewtube video of her taking a swig of water and releasing 2 green orbs in to the cup

egg desu eggs

That was clearly KEK himself interrupting Hillary's press conference.
You can see the outline of his face.

Did anybody contain the hatchlings or have they been flushed?


video related

Shes gonna die this month

not really but shes gonna get sentenced to death

Publicity for her book.


"descendants of Majuws"

tell me what this term is referring to -


Deanag Demiurge. Reptilians are real

Found it. Action starts at 2:15


People didn't know this?

omg so legit

Seriously though, I've never seen a single explanation for this.

Reminds me of this.


i got y'all, pham


thats phlegm

Spooky threads. I wonder how he's doing now...

whats that and why is it staring into my soul?

if only you knew the truth

tbqhfam I do.

It's a sketch of the reptilian that was giving a medical student special knowledge before he turned on a reptilian he knew of. Shot him multiple times with a .45. Yet, the man miraculously survived. The man that survived forgave the young man, as he was a pastor.

Tell me about this tho.

It's cough drops. This was when she had the cough

Jesus, Sup Forums.

Why are you still here? like seriously? What the fuck is the point of you guys being here anymore? You seriously can't keep shilling, can you?

>coughdrops bigger than gumballs

Yeah, no.

Fuck you, faggot. Guarantee I've been here longer than you. How about you focus on the real crimes she committed and not bark up reptillian trees of bullshit.

You literally think reptillian eggs is more likely than cough drops during the period where she had pneumonia.

There was a thread earlier where user thought he could read minds. People actually believed him. Fucking Sup Forums.



Maybe because her crimes arent't the biggest issue. THE REPTILIAN ROTHSCHILD DEMIURGE KIKES ARE THE BIGGEST ISSUE.


The fucking vindication this man is going to get soon. I know we're gonna be vindicated to the people we know but this man made this shit his life.

Icke will be bigger than Alex Jones if that happens.

I was about to sleep, asshole

Her husband was accussed of everything from sexual assault to rape by 17 different women

She's directly responsible for the murder of over 80 men, women and children in the Waco incident.

She has been surrounded by suspicious death for over 40 years. Anyone who might have compromised her winds up dead.

She's run a criminal organization with her husband since his time in Arkansas politics

She used to threaten, intimidate and silence Bill's many rape victims

She defended a man who she knew was guilty of raping a 12 year old girl. Raped so brutally she would never be able to have children.

She had some very suspicious deals with Russia

She took money from Suadi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar.

Huma Abedin is her lesbian lover.

She most likely has parkinsons but it's being covered up.

She's directly responsible for many of the problems Trump has been having with the press.

Barack Obama hates her. He only supported her because he had to.

She's such a piece of shit she had to spend millions to pay people to defend her on social media.

I figured it was gross phlegm. If you ever had pneumonia, than there is a chance you know abou the gross looking/tasting shit you can cough up. Not saying she is not a reptilian interdimensional shapeshifter, but I need more proof.

doesn't Obama need to go to prison too?

But seriously. She is.

I think it's phlegm. If you take a look at the 2nd big glob that comes out of Hillary's mouth you see that it wiggles around

>nazi flag

dude youre paid to sit on an imageboard and fucking larp/shill. Youre quite the piece of shit aren't you?

Can you provide sources for each of those claims that isn't Alex Jones? I want to repost without looking tin foil hat

lazy fuck

Take the Icke pill. Alex Jones did and he's been a meme superstar ever since.


That's not an outlandiah question.
>Make a claim
>Provide evidence to support that claim
That's how it works, I don't know why Sup Forums struggles with this concept.

because if you wanted to repost it its ur personal problem. kys


>hillary's handler is pepe


>muh jews


>still says it was cough drops
thats phlegm pham

G'day m8.

Shes a reptile


Where were you when Pepe was real?

cough drops.


some one help me here. that looks like nothing.

Can you provide a source for each of those claims that it is of Alex Jones like you assumed? Link to his videos with timestamp please good luck have fun



Watching it live



I don't want to repost it?

>Can you provide sources for each of those claims that isn't Alex Jones? I want to repost without looking tin foil hat

kill yourself

Not like this

im sorry user i was wrong ur the wrong guy

dude i dont know whats going on anymore

Are you guys serious ? That's a fucking backpack- the thing right before it is some lady wheeling her luggage.

In reality the cameras cut to what appears to be people leaving a dark room and entering a brightly lit area but the backpack of the person in front looks vaguely like a frog, this was during the height of kek posting and often attributed as a sign of kek.

Where can I get a pepe backpack?

Holy shit

Kill yourselves

>Are you guys serious ?

Am I ever?

Nigger that's a parachute. At 0:10 you can see the pullcord

that straight up looks like the fucking donald trump pepe i can't stop laughing at this shit

seriously though wtf is going on here???!!!

Dude we have to be in a video game and the code is glitching out.

This was widely held as Kek making an appearance when it happened. This thread is borderline blasphemy.



That just raises more questions.

Could this be why she denounced pepe? Because she didn't want her cover blown?


You guys are stupid, the feed clearly cuts to a whited out image of two people walking and wearing backpacks.

You're clearly a draco shill

>implying bill is the one with the penis

idk why they lie to their adrenochrome batteries like they do.

watch it again




Why does noone ever answer this question? Any occultist/gnostics and can answer this on rn? How the hell do you take these fuckers out?

Expose the pedophiles

>Any occultist/gnostics and can answer this on rn?

That specific combination of groups is your first line of inquiry for something you don't know?

>Barack Obama hates her.

hol up

so you be sayin dat obama only hired her for sec of state to get her busted?

1. Is there a better pic than this (with the light editing)
2. What made the camera suddenly change?

an act of God perhaps?