Why does Sup Forums fear the intellectual fortitude of this man?
Why does Sup Forums fear the intellectual fortitude of this man?
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I fear his teeth
what did he do go left? I really dont know the dude other than he nuthugged on the anti sjw crowd pretty hard
What an Intellectual Powerhouse.
back to bed sweetie
It's so much fun to watch his demise in real time
Lefties need to stop huffing paint.
because only he understands that the top 20% of blacks is smarter than 50% of whites
so close.
>digital who
never seen him before today
He's the Ken Hovind of 2017.
Reminder Kraut once kidnapped a woman
>the septic community
Every single one of these twats is unhinged
I fear the gravitational force of his fat ass
I don't even know this fag.
It's intellectual fortitude to talk a lot of untruth, inviting an expert to be off topic and then get one of your fellow e-celeb fired?
goyim always falling for e celebs. don't think for yourselves that's our job
>wafe ifin't real pohl
>de alt wite finks tat black feeple lay eggs lol
What did he mean by this?
>1 post by this ID
Even his shills are embarassed to spam his threads.
How can Kraut get everything wrong?
That politicaly correct moron Kraut screwing himself up:
And some racial education (it's a video response to Kraut's anti-racial nonsense and debunks a lot of liberal arguments like his):
This is a lesson to be learned about the mind of every anti-White liberal ever, and morons in general: youtube.com
*Note when they say alti-right it also can mean any pro-White person.
Reminder his neurologist expert tweeted this out to "debunk" race realism
Why do they all have gay-ass avatars, its so fucking cringey, like is this how they actually see themselves
His shitty attitude, immoral actions, and poor arguments are leading to his public downfall. His autism is accelerating the process.
I'm not a Millennial Woes fan but I thought his reply was near perfect.
>larger populations make the mean change
I actually don't know what he's trying to say here. Guess I'm just too retarded
AS is another pseudo intellectual, retard.
this dude is the absolute worst - I tried watching a few of his vids and the animation of that fucking thing was enough
hahahaha I thought they had to learn statistics
Hi Kraut
You hust can't debunk his feorries.
Guy thinks hes fucking space cowboy
Everytime woe's would crack up, I'd crack up too. This Kraut retards videos really are hilarious.
Go away, Kraut. No one gives a shit about your schoolgirl drama shit.
Kraut doing intellectual masturbation on Youtube.
I don't get it kraut. Do people seriously not understand how statistics work? I mean it's not even anything you have to learn, this shit is common sense. I can't believe that people don't understand this.
It's kind of depressing. It doesn't take long at all to figure out that June is really the one in complete control in the relationship, and he's kind of got this subtle lost puppy thing going on, and his ego has been so over-inflated with hot air from June that he comes across as a beta who acts and dresses how thinks an alpha would.
He is the destroyer of strawmen.
he said race doesn't exist because some niggers have high IQs
He went after the "alt right" and made a fool out of himself by strawmanning hard and being wrong.
Kraut's argument against race realism and r/k selection theory is basically one strawman after the next without addressing any of the actual science.
He thinks having a british accent makes him sound intellectual, when in reality he comes across as a complete moron.
The notion that there are no differences between human subspecies after tens of thousands of years of separation and varying environment and temperature is the same as being an evolution-denier.
I mean, we KNOW that all the out-of-Africa races have some small percentage of Neanderthal DNA in them. Sub-Saharan Africans do not. However, Sub-Saharan Africans possess DNA from other, extinct, hominids that they interbred with locally that the out-of-Africa races don't possess. So even just that small different in extant hominid DNA that isn't shared across Sub-Saharan Africans and the rest of humanity would lead to genetic differences.
Here you go, Kraut, study up:
My favorite part is @19:55 when he quotes Kraut saying "categorizing people racially on the basis of intelligence would make a black person with a high IQ a white person". The sperg (Kraut) basically shot his own argument against a straw-man in the foot.
yeah i had trouble understanding what he meant since it is completely illogical, but it turns out he's just utterly retarded. he's actually saying race doesn't exist because races have overlapping IQ ranges.
This is ironically true.
I like at 16:25 when he laughs because Kraut decided to attack race realism by going after Ryan Faulk.
>you fool, he's going up against Ryan Faulk...WTF were you thinking?
Ryan is a race realism data powerhouse
> we will eventually come together
> beige power
What did the paki mean by this?
Wait, what?
>intellectual fortitude
This guys such an egotistical faggot. Shoe was good when she first started but she's kind of boring now, same with most "skeptics" though (what did they used to go by during GG?)
Yeah Woes' videos on this are great. Nice to see him laughing, most of his videos are so gloomy (but comfy af).
>tfw no alternate universe nigger woes who preaches black nationalism
JF is literally the most underrated person on YouTube.
Can you expand on this? I can't remember the story but I know he locked a fangirl in his house because he was such a sperg.
basically what you said, and threatened to leave her in a non-english speaking area filled with niggers/sandniggers if she left him.
What? Need source on that
How did this happen exactly? I just don't get te set up or his intentions. It doesn't make sense.
he made a serie of videos to mock the altright on how they don't understand genetics
instead it proved he didn't understand abstract thinking (thinking the r/K method was a legit way of looking at blacks and whites reproductive strategies rather then just a metaphor,saying horses and donkeys are part of the same species, ect)
You know what?
He's fucking right. Everything he says in his videos is correct
Refute his arguments instead of appealing to emotion
>some nigerians in a 180mil population are smarter then germans
He didn't make any point though.
He either strawmanned or was wrong.
Because I only fear that which does not exist.
I legitimately don't get the point he's making. He says race IQ differences don't exist and shows a graph that says mean IQ in Nigeria is 15 points lower than the mean in Germany and that only the top 15% of Nigerians have the IQ of half of all Germans.
What's his point?
You know at what time Kraut says that in his video? That's hilarious. So he openly accepts IQ differences but is arguing against.... against what? Against whether or not we should speak of it?
see then kys
Donkey and horses are subspecies though.
But that's wrong though
He says horses and donkeys are subspecies which is correct
It's not a strawman when he refutes your argument
No user, you're going to get raped by a trap.
Daily reminder that Kraut is an ugly manlet with a bad haircut.
He's arguing against people using the term subspecies wrong just for political feels
No, no they aren't. He never really even presents any real arguments worth replying to, they're all strawmen and shit. Here's The Alt Hype BTFO out anyways though. You have to understand race-realism I guess to understand how ridiculous his videos were. Let me know what you want answered that these videos don't and I'll help you out.
Calm down Sargon.
Lets see...
>Video 1
Kraut failed to completely address the actually point the alt right argues. That K type species (humans) are increasingly engaging more in R type social behaviours that K
>Video 2
Kraut got focused on semantic definitions/taxonomy, argued against a strawman argument and did not really touch the fact that you can reliable make predictions of a behaviour or genetic quality and have it correlate with someone's race. (Yes there are overlaps, but the averages don't lie)
And btw, i don't consider myself alt-right. If you want REAL alt-right criticism, look up "The Distributist" channel on youtube.
Just shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about, you have Google for fuck sake. You're a shitskin Paki without a fucking doubt.
need a fucking sauce on that one m80
In what sense? Not gonnz watch his 30min vids. He argues that human races can not be labeled subspecies? Because biology us just a clusterfuck of pick and choose in that regard. There isn't a strict definition on what constitutes subspecies.
Why does he fear the intellectual fortitude of my cock?
not really he is just kraut on ritalin, more snark and even more condecending, but what can you do, he knows his shit.
The sauce is the tweet thread which is the pic in the post
They're in the same family but are different species
A clear cut definition of subspecies is they cannot produce fertile offspring on a reasonable level
>Race doesn't exist
Dunno why he's targeting the Alt-Right. They have even less of a boner for Race Wars than the mainstream liberal establishment.
I'd like to see him Rumble With The Hoteps next.
No. He's applying his Skeptical Mind to racism - He's deduced that race doesn't exist, therefore racism is as irrational as religion.
Look. As much as the alt right pretends it black people are not a subspecies because they are 100% genetically compatible
You have a better chance with neanderthals
He's arguing any biology the alt right attempts is simply applied sociology which is correct
>niggers don't lay eggs
>le olt-rite bfto
the eternal kraut is a genius
I don't need to.
Skeptic God (and highly regarded evolutionary biologist aka not a teenage YouTuber) Richard Dawkins did it for me.
>"Social construct"? Forget it. Race is biologically real.
*He does go on to say the differences are not substantial enough to mark a meaningful distinction between human populations.
Maybe if the alt right laid down some actual biology instead of sociology and metaphors.
No they haven't.
You have literally nothing to back up these silly opinions
Which is why all the altright Bobby's are resorting to personal attacks
You seem like a retard but I'll bite
The point was that there is enough variation in humans to classify subspecies. Point which Kraut completely missed by the way. Kraut started refuting an argument no-one ever made and gave us all a lesson in high-school mathematics from a high-school dropout
It's more like psychology mixed with biology and genetics. Broofs: thealternativehypothesis.org
He's cherry picking a rarely used metaphor among the Alt-Right (more specifically MRA's) and strawmanning it. In his next video he then targets the notion of race itself, arguing that race doesn't not exist, therefore it's impossible to be both rational and racist.
This doesn't really add up, and he doesn't provide any evidence of his assertions.
>As much as the alt right pretends it black people are not a subspecies because they are 100% genetically compatible
Subspecies can mate with eachother. Y'know like how different subspecies of horses can breed.
r/k selection is actual biology. Kraut simply failed to understand that it's a continuum. There is variation on the r/k continuum between species and within species
>it's a German
Makes me feel so ashamed.
Our only international e-celeb is a fucking centrist cuck.
I don't need to see them as sub-species to still derive the same real world predictions & observations.
The whole thing about sub-species seems like a pointless red herring discussion to me.
The central claim is:
There are groups of people who share visibly distinct physical attributes (skin colour, eye colour, hair types, skull shape, brain mass, etc) and psychological atributes (IQ, agressiveness, etc)
These changes derive from many years of geographic isolation and interbreeding where humans adapted to the specific environment they inhabit.
Some of the members of these groups might share characteristics with other groups but they tend towards the average of their own group.
A high IQ black person doesn't become a white person, the same way a high IQ white doesn't become an asian person. If you can also tell that a albino black person visibly doesn't look like a white person because it's not skin colour alone that defines them.
>black people are not a subspecies because they are 100% genetically compatible
It's another episode of a 16 year old who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Quit conflating "sub-species" with "less" or "inferior". It has absolutely nothing to do with it you fucking idiot.
>Among this set of 42 world populations, the greatest genetic distance observed is between Mbuti Pygmies and Papua New Guineans, where the Fst distance is 0.4573, while the smallest genetic distance (0.0021) is between the Danish and the English. When considering more disaggregated data for 26 European populations, the smallest genetic distance (0.0009) is between the Dutch and the Danes, and the largest (0.0667) is between the Lapps and the Sardinians. The mean genetic distance among the 861 available pairs in the world population is 0.1338
There is CLEARLY enough separation BIOLOGICALLY to declare speciation between certain populations.
Here's a Phd Biologist dismantling Krauts argument line by line. Shut.The.Fuck.Up.And.Read
Gotcha famalam
>You have nothing to back up these silly opinions
Yah. Why would you listen to one of the most respected human beings to ever work in the field, when we can take the word of an unemployed German gamer on YouTube?
*appeal to authority
**In this case it's fair since Kraut provides no evidence of his assertions, just appeals to a non-authority in his second video
It's besides the point - Whether the distinction between humans is great or small, it's evident enough for human populations to notice it and make rational decisions about associations between the populations.
If population A contains a larger sample size of low IQ, high test individuals, population B, with a larger sample size of high IQ, low test individuals may wish, for their own safety, to disassociate from that population.
Or, as we've seen lately, it may be a hardwired biological function to discern between in-group populations and out out-group popualtions to prevent bacterial cross contamination.
There's probably a higher degree of OCD among conservatives too, but now I'm autistically rambling.
>Which is why all the altright Bobby's are resorting to personal attacks
>Be Kraut
>"Race doesn't exist"
>"If you disagree with this statement, ugh, you're just, ugh, fuck off. You're too stupid to bother talking too"
China is using CRISPR for gene editing meanwhile some youtube faggot is arguing that hereditary genetic attributes do not affect human cognitive or physical performance.
Kraut is a euphoric gentletard fedora tipper who's view on race and genetics was developed via magical thinking about God-endowed Enlightenment and Genius in the 1700s and has no relevance in modern scientific discourse, no more worthwhile then debating geology with a young earth creationist.
You forget Rage After Storm.
Plus she's a qt.
Go away, Kraut, you worthless faggot, and quit shilling. Saged.