Why does the media like to pin violence on video games???

why does the media like to pin violence on video games???

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in order to regulate access to that medium, duh
when you play DOOM you do not work to repay those loans goyim

to distract people from their role

>why does the media like to pin violence on video games?
they don't, anymore. the new game is to pin it on white people

To distract from the main cause of violent crimes in America

Because they'd be called racist if they actually didn't scapegoat.

No fun allowed. They MUST have complete control over all aspects of media. (((they))) try to get the goyim to turn everything they make into a neoliberal shitshow, because their plan depends on it.

they stopped blaming it when Jews injected their politics
same as pop music and movies

doom is a christian game.

This is doing God's work

because they dont want you to know that

1. lack of sex or love causes bitterness and hatred
2. lack of spirituality causes emptyness and chasing materialism to fill in the gap
3. lack of perspective causes black and white views of reality and will never get resolved.

Because dumb fucking parents, especially mothers, will buy their newspapers and pay their subscriptions if they do

>killing demons

Doom has satanic imagery and philosophy. In Wolfenstein you play as a Jew and kill Nazis. Pretty blue-pilled.

>real guns don't cause violence
>but fake guns do
merican logic

Young male outlets are a distraction from work and women.
What work? Stop asking questions go and get a job.
Also it's not my problem women don't want you till they're over the wall.

Just stop wasting your time on videogames.

To be fair there is a connection between violent behavior and videogames but not the way the media portrayed it. A study showed stress is the leading cause in violent behavior. You are more likely to be violent after playing i wanna be the guy than GTA. Who would of guessed?

The same reason they used to blame music, TV, movies, books, comics etc... Video games have become the latest big entertainment industry over the past decade or two so now all the bad things in the world is vidyas fault.

Has this board not yet established that the (((media))) is retarded and not to be trusted? gtfo newfag

That's not a connection between violence and video games then, it's a connection between violence and stress.

Because they cannot pin it on niggers

who got it?

People still do that? That's so nillies.

>why does the media like to pin violence on video games???
they have not for a couple of years now

>niggers don't cause violence
>but guns do
Somali pirate logic

Video games is a religion of peace

The real reason was not video games but lead pollution, it's the only thing that correlates with the rise and fall of crime in both the US and Australia.

violent niggers + guns = even more violence

You know that your graph is bs and that correlation doesn't mean causation anyway right?

Yea I can't read that shit.

but we already know that lead CAUSES aggression..

I understand correlation =/= causation but lead poisoning decreases IQ by about 7 points and air pollution by another 5.

I'm ready to believe that.

muslims + trucks = even more violence than guns
you can also double the fun by throwing fertilizer into the mix
see where this is going?

no I don't see where this is going

trucks are only lethal when there are huge gatherings

guns are lethal in all closed spaces. With enough guns you can even overthrow your local police and court. Try doing that with a truck

>trucks are only lethal when there are huge gatherings

>one person dead


>try doing that with a truck

I like how you changed the subject from violent poor niggers to trained terrorists

I would love to see a poor nigger in the ghetto getting hundreds of thousands worth of truck to kill another nigger

>niggers can't steal a truck
>illiterate goat herders can't possibly know how to make fertilizer explode
>i-it's the tool being used that causes violence, not the people using it goys

They blamed video games when video games were politically incorrect. The more they get infiltrated by SJW values the less they get blamed.

>i-it's the tool being used that causes violence, not the people using it goys

when did I say that you dumb nigger? guns are a tool that makes violent people far more dangerous. If you put a violent person in prison you don't make him less violent, you just deprive him of any tools that would make him dangerous

>when did I say that you dumb nigger?
>>real guns don't cause violence
>>but fake ones do
>merican logic
>implying a fucking tool can cause violence


pretty sure it was caused by the niglet waving it around than the thing itself

Fucking burgers are omnibulated by that incident because it was a niglet and because it was a young teen.
Forgetting in the process to adress the 29 whiteys and i believe 5 or 6 other blackeys who were shot dead by the police while waving one of these fake guns.

They don't want to blame single moms and their poor parenting. If they did that they would have to admit feminism has hurt the country.

I think he's saying there is a negative correlation. The more you relieve stress through video games the less strung out you are, and thus less likely to be violent.

guns combined with violent niggers cause violence

how dumb are you to not understand this simple thing?

yeah, it's incredible how flustered they get by inanimate objects

I see this argument was over nothing, nvm I'm autistic