I'm ready.
Red Pill Me On Hillary
Seth rich murdered for leaking to Wikileaks.
Living under a rock or under 20?
She's married to a rapist, infowars dot com!
She was once shot at by snipers.
Read up user. Its worse than you think.
sold anti-aircraft weapons to radicals and then couldn't send evac to the embassy in benghazi, because of those very same anti-aircraft weapons
yeah idk about all that, but she's definitely guilty of a handful of crimes that she got a pass on. They'll redo her investigations and she will be put in jail from everything from treason to bribery.
>If she would have won, every country would blackmail her to get what they wanted from the US.
Someone said she smells like cabbage
if only you know how bad things really were
She, Personally, killed Gaddafi!
Then, laughed about it!
It was illegal and she should Hang.
>Consistently cheated on by her husband
>Cannot divorce due to reasons but still full of revenge
>Has to take it out somewhere
That's all you need to know.
She is literally a mass murderer that gets away with all kinds of bullshit because she has a hilariously large amount of legal clout.
its incredible really, its proof this world is absolutely fucked.
You turned his trash website against him lmao.
>Broke the glass ceiling
>It was her turn
>She won by 6 mil votes
>WIll put Trump in jail
>Will put Putin in jail
>Will put Comey in jail
>Will commence total world peace and prosperity
Would've saved the US
This guy had balls of steel. What a great man. Right into the lion's den.
She's a fucking demon.
she's a cunt
>glass the likes social media war now
She needs to Drink blood from fetuses at least 2 times a day to stay alive
Her husband was accussed of everything from sexual assault to rape by 17 different women
She's directly responsible for the murder of over 80 men, women and children in the Waco incident.
She has been surrounded by suspicious death for over 40 years. Anyone who might have compromised her winds up dead.
She's run a criminal organization with her husband since his time in Arkansas politics
She used to threaten, intimidate and silence Bill's many rape victims
She defended a man who she knew was guilty of raping a 12 year old girl. Raped so brutally she would never be able to have children.
She had some very suspicious deals with Russia
She took money from Suadi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar.
Huma Abedin is her lesbian lover.
She most likely has parkinsons but it's being covered up.
She's directly responsible for many of the problems Trump has been having with the press.
Barack Obama hates her. He only supported her because he had to.
She's such a piece of shit she had to spend millions to pay people to defend her on social media