California Earthquake Survival

What is the proper preparation or survival strategy for a major earthquake hitting california?

will the majority of the population just die? etc Do californians have any info on what they do to prepare?

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Get a bottle of jack and hope many of them die

Just sit there and laugh as the chaos erupts all around you

don't live in a multi-floor building(hard in some places)
be supplied and ready for 2 weeks camping in whatever climate zone you're in

pray you survive the initial shock thenm get out of populated area and go inna woods for a bit while the niggers play lord of the flies

wait for national guard or try to hike out to civilization

The massive looting and shit is going to be insane. I bet 1/2 of all white libs are slaughtered in the first 3 days by gangs.

Just don't live on the coast and you will probably be fine.

Grab my .45 and the 30 round mags I keep in my sock drawer and prepare to shoot some nigger looters

>What is the proper preparation or survival strategy for a major earthquake hitting california?
Don't live in California.

I frequent San Francisco a few times a year and it's too bad about all the politics because some parts of the city are amazing. Everytime I'm walking around the skyscrapers I can't help but remember sooner or later it's all coming down. It's fucking surreal.

>What is the proper preparation for a major earthquake hitting california?
Have plenty of party supplies and be ready to celebrate.

t. former Californian

Hollywood here. The San Andreas fault is less than a mile away from me. Flip your mattress and hope for the best. Once the chaos of the aftermath sets in, I'm going straight to the nearest bank to loot. I've had this plan for many years. Bring the chaos KEK.

soon as the ground is stable I'd be getting out and heading for Oregon,Vegas or Tuscon whichever is closer

Prep buillding beforehand as much as feasable. Secure shit so it doesn't fall on you. Two weeks of chaos is a good point to aim for preparations. Know where the fault lines are.

L.A. is semi arid, so a water supply/purification is a high priority.

Just make sure your buildings can take the heat, keep it cool at all times (ESPECIALLY if you're surrounded by women), find a safe spot during the seism, and after it move ASAP to higher ground to avoid the eventual tsunami.

t. Chilean

hey you have no idea how the big the next reset will be

there is a plate that runs along the pacific nw into canada. it's a small plate. juan de fuca is going to fuck your shit up. it's being compressed into the north american plate. what's happening is that that the north american plate is buckling, building energy. when juan finally slides himself past, that buckle will flatten out, pressing the surface of the north american plate west as it expands and releases that energy. this is why the japs got nailed by a tsunami 300 years ago. it's all recorded. those on the coast will find themselves in the ocean, because the land will drop by potentially tens of meters in spot. their addresses will be in the pacific. and that says nothing for vancouver, seattle etc. california "big one" is a whole other game
there weren't twenty billion fuckheads living here back then. there were like 3 dudes

>will the majority of the population just die?
Deo volente.

you must be from houston

I dont care if youre in SoCal, Greece, New Zealand or anywhere else thats earthwuake prone never let your vehicle gas tank go under half. Try keep it full or as close to full as possible. In the trunk of your car keep
> first aid kit
> bag of clothing, multiple set of clothes
> pair of trainers and work boots
> box of various non perishable food items, enough for four days eating
> bottles of water
> toiletries
> phone charger, battery operated flashlight and radio

Also ensure your phone is charged, keep your keys and wallet on you at all times. Also pays to keep cash on, $200 if you can in small bills.

If shit goes down don't fuck around. Get out of town asap and don't look back. Get yourself somewhere that hasn't been affected and decide next move from there. Having four days worth of food will see you OK until you get to another town/city where you can stay. Also carrying cash will get you further, electricity will go down and you won't be able to purchase items with cards.

Wait for Antifa to bring help