Get in here Sandgroper cunts.
>tfw no more Lelbourne
Get in here Sandgroper cunts.
>tfw no more Lelbourne
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is this?
go on then leave, it's not like we would miss you or anything.
How does a state the size of Europe intend to defend it's borders with a population of 2.5 million?
Think of it lads:
>Ultra low tax rate compared to the rest of Ausfailia
>Sensible gun rights
>Lower property prices
I'd move west in a heartbeat
At least these archive links show the original I guess.
Cheers, we'll take our mining royalties with us. Enjoy your poverty.
m8, you want to invade us using the Tanami Track, fucken go for it. Make sure you take an epurb so they can find your body.
Wtf this isn't even a troll. How did I not even know about this? I knew people from WA were retarded but what the fuck.
Reading the link and having half a brain may help.
You're welcome. If you want meth move down to Bunbury.
>Mining boom ends
>Go broke and become Chinese Vassal state
>Wtf this isn't even a troll. How did I not even know about this?
>having half a brain may help.
>stop getting royalties via GST from WAcunts when they secede
>go broke because no more gibsmedats
>overrun by lebos and chink students
WA grows strong as independent cuntry, ocassionally invites NT over for a pissup.
>WA grows strong as independent cuntry
Ok mate.
Who the fuck knew there was a Western Australia? What sports do they play? Certainly not rugby.
>Watching grown men collide into each other for an egg shaped 'ball'
>yfw you realise your single biggest source of income to your states coffers is derived from pensioners playing the pokies
whatacunt.jpg ;-]
>Choose to not get conquered by Japan
>Get conquered China
>yfw you realize your single biggest source of income to your states coffers is derived from commodities who's price fluctuates in boom/bust phases without the cushioning of gibe me dats from Canberra
You can conquer me any day anime
>tfw you figure out that that "cushioning" from Canberra comes mostly from primary production from WA
m8 we're hands down the richest state when it comes to pulling shit out of the ground, growing shit or raising animals to kill and eat (or export)
The fact that we send all that income over to Cuntberra for them to then "fairly" share it out works out well for you, not so much for us.
>Be WA citizen
>Die of thirst
unironically want a major sushi chain to replace mcdonalds and kfc. would btfo fat cunts
Disgusting, isn't it?
We need to conquer the SEA and become an agricultural warrior nation. Get rid of the foreigners and degenerated urbanites. We could have ruled Aisa but we chose apathy and servitude
shit they're not even trolling lmaoooo moving there if this happens
>Victoria has been the biggest winner from the WA mining boom
>tfw everyone else thinks we're shitstirring and we're actually deadly fucken serious about it.
I ecstatic for the end of the mining boom so you uppity fucks will finally be put into your place again
Queensland mining was pretty good when was working up there. Got paid to put boxes of mining components into bigger boxes then load them onto the back of a semi.
2K 5 days work, weekend spent fishing at Proserpine.
>be WA citizen
>have some of the first and most advanced industrial water pipelines in the world, that prevent your population grom dying of thirst
Don't confuse white cunts with black cunts that scrap all their infrastructure for grog money
Hi mates, Carine here.
>Be WA citizen
>Get eaten by huge White Pointer
>wxcept we've threatened it 'seriously' at least twice before, for better reasons, and look where we are
>implying WA's only export is iron ore to Chyna
>ABC thinking they're funny poking the fire
>Be WA citizen
>Get invaded by China
>East coast does nothing
>he thinks the world is going suddenly stop wanting iron ore and other minerals
You keep waiting Princess.
Kingsley masterrace reporting in.
>he thinks the world is going suddenly stop wanting iron ore and other minerals
>this hasn't happened before
> fucking a bush pig outside
he's a roo after me own heart.
>>Be WA citizen
>>Get attempted invasion by China
>Have large army of superhuman auscunts we can afford to pay for now we don't have to gbs all our money to Cuntberra
>Turn China away, nah.. fuck it, raze it to the ground for fucken trying
>>East coast shits itself when it works out it's next in line
>>implying WA's only export is iron ore to Chyna
Econs wasn't your best subject in atar was it?
>having a root in the back paddock with her m8 watching
Dunno about the abo statue tho - I'd be worried Yagin's head was gonna come and interrupt.
Not anymore amirite ;)
*golf clap for getting his joke*
you are applauding but, sarcastically. amirite?
No dramas m8, Twiggy'll sort it out.
Holy fuck, even your MSM is an expert in bants.
>Priest: ‘All gays should be shot’
what a man that man is eh? talk about your captains of industry, philanthropist without peer in Australia. So selfless. A great great man. just arks him.
>[Clint] presents sport on ABC Perth's flagship 7pm bulletin.
Don't knock Twiggy m8, he was one of the people who got the cashless welfare card thing off the ground. Shitloads less pissed abos staggering around up North.
>a Pommy flag
Let me guess, Armadale or Iluka?
>The rest of Australia thinks they can beat WA at cricket
>Of the 6 big bashes, Perth has been in 5 finals, and won 3 of them
hey gay cunts
I would to, to be quite honest
If I can own a gun, work in a mine in a white neighbourhood, cheep and affordable land in a place where people actually speak Australian
...the thought of it bring a tear to my eye
Rumor has it Westralia is far from full and are very welcoming of middle easterners, especially men.
hiya semen slurper
>nobody talking about the gay survey clusterfuck
what even is this?
thanks for a you m8 didn't get any yesterday ;_;
>Same-sex marriage survey funding 'not urgent, not unforeseen', High Court hears
I'll just leave this here. You cunts need some outrage today.
>section 45 (3) of the Victorian Crime Act covering statutory rape of minors, which says the crime does not apply if “(a) the child is aged between 12 and 16; and (b) the persons taking part in the act are married to each other.”
Marriage is illegal to a child in australia under the marriage act BUT.....
>It's not in muslim countries.
This loophole, which was reviewed by parliament in 2012 (where they had a chance to fix it and did not) is there specifically for muslims and possibly victorian politicians to legally....well you know what.
soon it will be legal for them to Behead people because it's part of their culture
Victorian police force has the upside down pentagram (Baphomet) as their symbol. They are the most fucked up demonic thing in the accursed state of VIC.
>soon it will be legal for them to Behead people because it's part of their culture
We could work this to our advantage
>convert to Muzzielam
>accuse Waleed Aly of Sharia croimes
>behead the annoying cunt
Worked for him, watched him rock up onsite in his light cream coloured jeans and shambre shirt, give a big speech about just how great he is. went back to camp, watched the twiggy is fucken great show looped 24/7 on the CCTV in the donga. Meanwhile 3 people died on his mine sites in the four months I worked there. great man. great man
>Shitloads less pissed abos staggering around up North
and that's a good thing.... or are you being sarcastic again.
50000 jobs for abos! kek
We repopulate our desert border with our abbos and provide them all the sniff they need and arm them with star pickets/
Don't forget the vicpol meth dealing ring!
I could go on all day long about what horrors this state has been cooking up while you're all worried about fag marriage. No-one likes fags, but it's always been a distraction from what victoria does behind closed doors.
how bout the fact that its been handled by people sworn to never compromise your data, essentially compromising your data and allowing it to potentially be correlated against census documents etc...
i dunno about you but just assuming the government made an oopsie in not using the electoral commission smells like bs
i was gonna vote no like everybody else, but fat chance ill be data mined by the left and compromise my own OPSEC
you need to stop smoking meth your paranoid fuck
What about this?
>Promise to use metadata for terrorism and pedos
>Government enables muslims and pedos, while they use the metadata to catch you for unregistered pets
You cannot make this shit up.
>Privacy advocates have slammed Wyndham council for spying on residents' mobile phone data and email records almost 50 times in the past three years, ''not to hunt down terrorists but to catch litterbugs and owners of unregistered pets''.
y-you too., i haven't been here in weeks so yeah
>WA grows strong
On what? The mining is crashing already. All that's left will be tourism for Quakkas and the shitty version of Seaworld.
And if these 3 did not horrify you enough, i promise there's far worse shit victoria has cooked up.
>the paranoia is not completely justified
i beg to differ
here cunt
still trying to figure out how to pay the gas bill I just received, haven't had time to worry about what ~10% of the population get to call their monagamous sexual relationships
fucking kek.
You made me have to explain to the missus and kids why i'm laughing like a hyena you cunt...
Oh i assure you, the rabbit hole goes far deeper than mass scale privacy violations, the vic government legalising pedophilia, or vicpol dealing meth.
I have far more interesting stuff i'll dump if you lads keep me entertained.
>unregistered pets
What is this? You have to register your pets with the council?
I'm not saying the government aren't cunts but I don't think give a shit if you don't like poofs
it's a bigger problem than i first thought as well. worth your attention imho.
FYI: the issue has nothing to do with homo marriage equality
yeah you have to have them microchiped so if your dog gets out of the yard they know who to fine because our governments love taking your money over minor infractions
Just start dumping if you want us to entertain you mate.
Bonus points for stuff which can be corroborated with multiple sources.
Yes, and pay an annual fee. And now they're using metadata to hunt down non compliance.
Not pedos, not terrorists....but unregistered pets. This should serve as a warning of what happens when you trust these fucks with ANY sort of power.
I have hundreds of examples of sickening shit that's gone on.
Anyone got any tard/coon stories to make me laugh? I'll keep dumping big redpills on victoria if so.
they don't, but what is the extreme left notorious for at this fucking point?
im not saying you have to believe me, all im saying is, don't vote. don't vote THIS time. if you're against it, fight for the route that says "it shouldn't exist it wasn't urgent enough to spend my tax dollars on." just dont fuck yourselves.
i'm still voting no, I don't give a shit if some dumb cunt wants to call me a poof hater or a bigot or a racist or a nazi
>This should serve as a warning of what happens when you trust these fucks with ANY sort of power.
i hate these people. have you seen the smirk that they always have? you know, that smirk?
Here's another juicy one. The government pushes road safety all the time, but do you ever wonder where the "proof" for their claims comes from?
That's right, it comes from "MUARC". This research body produces 99% of all evidence the government uses for its speed camera agenda.
But what's wrong with that, you might ask?
Screenshot related. The government, funneling money through the NHMRC has been funding their own agenda's "research". It's all biased, as these people depend on government funding to stay employed.
They have been manipulating the public on a mass scale.
The question is why they would care about road safety and fines so much....on the surface you might be thinking money, but that is not the case at all.....
I briefly looked at it.
Seems the 'Yes' campaign fear losing the postal vote so are petitioning the High Court to get rid of the postal vote altogether (and subsequently put the matter to a Parliamentary vote which will certainly pass, regardless of what the constituents actually want).
Par for the course in this country.
Anyone here ever gotten a fine in the mail? Notice there's an ABN on it?
That's because "civic compliance" is a private company that rents the trademark "civic compliance" from the government. Said company has a 300m+ contract to manage fines.
Now who owns it? The salteri family. Yes, the same one with ties to david gonski and safe schools. I trust you don't need a redpill on that.
Not only do these kikes get paid by the taxpayer, they get a cut of your fine. This is why "road safety" bullshit gets lied about and is so heavily pushed. More fines = more revenue for these kikes.
But it's not even about the money. You see, the salteris have been members of the fabians for a long time. That's right, the communist agitator group.
And what's something communists care about so much they talk about it as a central plank of their manifesto?
>Controlling the means of transport
And now you understand why victoria loves to lock down any form of transport and control it.
Its 2 birds with one stone. An agenda pushed, while shekels are raised.
And you can thank every faggot traitor who goes
>hurr if you have nothing to hide why do you care
Give them an inch of power and they'll take every last right to privacy that you had.
I have plenty of juicy info on what statist fuckers have been up to. Now i'm going to need some funny coon/tard stories lads.
very likely.
either way, your vote will be meaningless to the outcome but valuable in other ways. this is what i fear, the Australian government has a pretty shit record of protecting the privacy of its citizens.
this is entirely and OPSEC issue for me.
fuck off Mike Nahan. this is just white noise from your fucked up liberal party. You cunts were in power for the last 10 years. in charge of a boom of a lifetime.
and what do we have? FUCK ALL
and we're deeper in denbts then ever
>Seems the 'Yes' campaign fear losing the postal vote so are petitioning the High Court to get rid of the postal vote altogether (and subsequently put the matter to a Parliamentary vote which will certainly pass,
It's fairly clear from the polls that there are more old funglies who hate poofs who are going to vote "No" than there are pooftas who're going to vote "Yes".
Seem like good lads; glad someone is trolling Aussie universities outside of weev