Why are most of you fags bluepilled as Hell on sexuality?
>traps aren't gay
>premarital sex is okay
>She's not a whore if she hasn't taken too many dicks
>What about blowjobs
>People have sex. Get over it
>Virgin as a pejorative
Your daily reminder: Sexual Degeneracy is as much a societal threat as racial diversity and an increasingly unstable, ever-expanding welfare state.
British Anthropologist (Before the discipline devolved into a Franz Boas circlejerk), J.D. Unwin did a civilizational study and found that sexual liberation has always societal collapse, or, at best, major societal waning.
>Sexual Regulations and Human Behaviour. London: Williams & Norgate ltd., 1933.
>Sex and Culture. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
>Sexual Regulations and Cultural Behaviour. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.
>Hopousia: Or, The Sexual and Economic Foundations of a New Society, with and introduction by Aldous Huxley. New York: Oskar Piest, 1940.
There have been multiple studies which suggest that promiscuity erodes one's ability to properly pair-bond. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that:
>Previous partner count is highly predictive of likelihood to cheat and/or divorce
>The earlier one loses their virginity, the more likely they are to engage in promiscuity (especially so for women).
>The more promiscuous an individual, the lower their sexual satisfaction, marital stability and reported marital/relationship happiness
>Promiscuity obviously is predictive of likelihood to have an STI (Reminder, certain STIs have been linked to cancer, others are seeing a rise in "antibiotic resistant strains," and some can cause infertility).
>Sexual restraint is predictive of higher perceived relationship quality.
Finally, "Sex-positive" research, predominantly spearheaded by Alfred C. Kinsey, which was used to 'justify' the American Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, has been debunked on multiple levels (flawed methodology, dishonest descriptors, inflated statistics, etc.)
Why are most of you fags bluepilled as Hell on sexuality?
Both Sup Forums and the west are too far gone. That's reality, not a 'blackpill'.
I agree with you, but it doesn't matter.
>Why are most of you fags bluepilled as Hell on sexuality?
>>traps aren't gay
No one completely thinks this. Dick in mouth as a guy is very, very gay.
>>premarital sex is okay
Again, it's literally an acceptable evil at this point, where am I going to find a virgin?
>>She's not a whore if she hasn't taken too many dicks
Again.. even the women here know there's a fine line they tread.
>>What about blowjobs
Still sex.
>>People have sex. Get over it
People also do heroin (just giving you a counterargument)
>>Virgin as a pejorative
But it is.
Anything women find specifically unattractive is and always will be pejorative, this is because reproduction is a literal biological urge.
No one here is openly degenerate, we just have girlfriends and the like that caring about these things would mean that we don't have girlfriends. A committed, dedicated roastie that's totally trying to change her ways is still better than complete loneliness.
Seen loads of these threads in the last few hours, what are they trying to slide?
Its time to start banning these retarded threads.
I was raised a Christian. I fell away. I came back. It's been almost 6 years since I came back, and it only just clicked about 3 months ago re: the Redpill on sexuality also being biblical sexual ethics.
Actually I was going to start arguing all your points until I realized I'm tired and you were saying those first points were like.....not your points.
Anyways I don't know if people will disagree with this or what. I don't.
I used to be blue pilled on sex. It fucked up my life. Nothing good ever came of it. Every time.
Everything is so fucking sexualized now.
How about you do all that shit and never tell me about it fuckface, is that impossible for you to do or something?
What the fuck is wrong with the planet. LGBTWXYZ losers are so fucking boring that they bring up that they fuck dudes in a casual conversation. Why?
I've spoken to feminists on this, done polls and surveys, even spoken to what are considered normies.
What boggles my mind is that those people think western society is still very prude and traditional. They think women are still shamed and excommunicated for having sex and they think women are forced to be housewives.
Just a friendly reminder that things have gotten so bad that everyone's mind has done a mental reset.
With all these memes about the matrix and pills, it seems now more than ever that that movie may have been more literal than metaphorical.
Dude I'm at the stage where I feel I can't reasonably care. To me, at this stage, caring is kind of like wanting every yugioh action figure. It's pointless and going to keep me lonely.
I hate women anyway. I wish I were homosexual but I feel awkward hugging a man, let alone doing sexual things to him.
Fucking a guy that looks like a girl is still like 40% gay. I'd still much rather fuck a trap in the ass than a trans-gendered person with a wound in his crotch.
I understand. As for keeping you lonely, if you mean female companionship, there are plenty of women who see past all this bullshit. They just feel they don't have much of a voice. I've spoken to lots of people about this, they allegedly feel as though feminists and leftist types would make their lives difficult if they spoke out.
>Tfw I surrender my boipucci to my polish boyfriend every night
Am I master race now?
Sup Forums is 99% blackpilled waiting for the world to end. You've got this whole place wrong, it's basically a degenerate counterculture laughing at the world and praying for the normies to suffer.
that means its time to focus on you user, when you truly reach enlightenment you will come back for your brothers
>A committed, dedicated roastie that's totally trying to change her ways is still better than complete loneliness.
That's where you're wrong, my friend.
>Again, it's literally an acceptable evil at this point, where am I going to find a virgin?
That's like claiming divorce, ethnic displacement or irresponsible spending is an acceptable evil. With regard to virgins, yes, it's a crapshoot, but how in the Hell can you actually justify loving used goods? Why incur more risk for far less reward?
>Again.. even the women here know there's a fine line they tread.
The moment you declare even one previous dick to be permissible is the moment you find yourself on a slippery slope. You give them an inch, they'll take (and have taken) a mile.
Yes, any thread that's not about DACA or NK is a slide thread. It couldn't have anything to do with pushing back against the moderation of the influx of moderate plebbitors.
The Bible was largely spot on regarding sexuality, but remember that an entirely valid secular argument (perhaps even more, considering that there's no "divine forgiveness" in secular thought) can be made against premarital sex and sexual liberation.
I'm no fan of the alphabet soup movement, but in fairness, sexual degeneracy started LONG before the gay acceptance movement found traction.
>tfw no Polish boyfriend
>Why are most of you fags bluepilled as Hell on sexuality?
Have you just started browsing?
Fuck off newfag
Enlightenment is not suicide.
She'll come, then she'll go, but whilst she's there I'm not lonely. It's what you get?
post more traditional cuties
>Reddit nihilism
Here is the Sup Forums logo. Notice something ? It's a Swastika. It's not a funny place to "wait for the world to end" (what a cowardly thing to say, btw), it's a place where we discuss things between (mostly) Nazis.
>whilst she's there I'm not lonely
Why are you afraid of being lonely ?
We already know society is fucked and its decline is inevitable, what's your point?
Nice politics thread. I wish you moralizing faggots would fuck off. It's none of anyone's business how anyone fucks. If I'm not telling you about it, not throwing fuck parades like the gays, keeping my shit private and basically just keeping to myself - don't be worrying about what I'm doing and enjoy your once a month missionary with the lights off. With yourself.
We can discuss other things than politics.
It's not called "Incorrect Politics", it's called "Politicaly Incorrect", and yes, saying that women should not drink cum like it's water is a politicaly incorrect thing to say right now.
>Why are you afraid of being lonely ?
Truly defeating loneliness makes you a progressively worse person. You care less about people.
I-is that a trap...?
>You care less about people
why is that a bad thing? Harder to get hurt
They should drink mine like it's milk and honey.
What will your daughter do, though ?
Nothing. I'll kill anyone who looks in her general direction.
If you don't wanna talk, then why post in the first place ?
Nice, have a bump
Because I can
I'd rather be lonely than desensitized and numb.
Then you'll be in jail and never see her at all
premarital sex and drugs aren't necessarily considered to be without consequence, they're seen to have benefits that outweigh the cons.
You want to cut down on per-marital sex, cut down on government influence in marriage. the fact is, getting married today as a man gives you like a 80% higher chance of ending up cold, homeless and unemployed.
if you're not religions pre marital sex isn't more dangerous than a good swim.(assuming you avoid coloreds of course)
Why are you convincing yourself it has to be one or the other? Both should be met with hellfire
if u suck a dick and ur a man ur gay. and if u suck a niggers dick thats just beastiality right there
Only if I get caught like I'm a nigger. Which I'm not planning on doing.
Have you seen Sup Forums actually discussing the subject? Half of the board tries to contest that sexual liberation was a bad thing.
Sociopolitics is politics. Only a Libertarian would be stupid enough to think otherwise. Unfortunately your degenerate actions have a horrible effect on the nation as a whole, so they need to be regulated. It is my business who you fuck, because rampant promiscuity erodes pair-bonding ability, drives down marriage rates, drives up infidelity and divorce rates, etc. That leads to lower birthrates, single motherhood (Children of single mothers are far more likely to perform poorly academically, dabble in substance abuse, report mental health issues and commit crimes).
tl;dr: Society needs to tread all over you fucks.
Let's not conflate premarital sex and drugs. Most people, even drug users, will admit that drugs have consequences. Many will not admit the same for premarital sex. Furthermore, the benefits (instant gratification) don't outweigh the cons.
Beyond that, "getting the government out" isn't going to fix sexual degeneracy. The only time sexual liberation was pushed back WITHOUT societal collapse was under Joseph Stalin. He wasn't exactly the biggest fan of personal liberty and the government staying out of the lives of citizens.
Beyond that, premarital sex is dangerous, please go read J.D. Unwin or take a look at the majority of studies done on the subject.