At Service Remembering Lesbian Woman's Suicide Congregants Walk Out as Priest Yells at Them

She told the language used was especially hurtful as it came during a service which included a memorial for a woman who had committed suicide because she had struggled with her own sexuality.

“The priest was screaming at us [that same-sex marriage] was blasphemy. The comments were so hurtful I couldn’t stop crying,” Ms Tasiopoulos said.

Some parishioners have taken to social media to defend the priest, claiming that in Greek he said “my mouth is my gun”, however no one has disputed the priest became agitated when some people challenged him on his anti-same-sex marriage views.

She said she attended a service at the church in Clayton on Father’s Day. The service came 40 days after the death of her friend. The passing of 40 days following the death of a loved one is observed in Orthodox culture.
Rather than reflecting on her friend’s life, however, Ms Tasiopoulos said the priest quickly used the service to attack same-sex marriage.

“He pointed out everyone was to vote no,” she wrote on the Greek Mums and Bubs Facebook page, a post which has since been reportedly been removed.

“Then one lady stood up and said, ‘I’ll vote yes.’ The priest (said), ‘shame on you’. She walked out, and then we all did as the girl we were there for was gay,” she wrote.

“As we walked, the priest said that all gays should be shot. He was yelling at us all standing in the rain.

“I’m so disgusted by all of this that I will never return [to] church again.”

Ms Tasiopoulos said some gay people also walked out of the church.

“A young man was in tears. I tried to console him as he had only just had the courage to come out.

“I told him God loves you, we love you, ignore him, while the priest was screaming at us that it’s blasphemy.

“I can’t fathom this much hate on Father’s Day as (the deceased woman’s) father was having to listen 40 days after he laid his only daughter to rest.”

Other urls found in this thread:

I should mention this happened in Australia, Melbourne specifically.

>Thinking anyone gives a fuck about Orthocucks


>mentally ill person encouraged in their delusions and degeneracy an heroes
>expect people to give a fuck
Also, Greekbro was 100% right in his claims of blasphemy
>Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Lev 18:22
>f a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Lev 20:13

The Bible clearly states homosexuality is a sin against God. Why are you even in God's house?
What did you expect, that the church will suddenly decide that 2000 years of dogma suddenly changed because the media says this filth is ok now? Homosexuality should still carry a prison sentence.

The sodomite killed herself and is now in Hell for all eternity.
Suicide is the ultimate selfish act and demonstrates a complete lack of faith.

The priest is correct.

Did you know that religion is the only area of society that has made ZERO progress in the last 2,000 years?

Orthodox Church is still somewhat redpilled. That's good. Too bad they use a weird Bible.

turns out progress is a faggot code word for communism and degeneracy

You seem to imply that's a bad thing.

I mean if you want to still believe in Roman propaganda that's on you but you can't harm others with your beliefs.

>the only area
Hahaha, you realize you're saying that to a nation that has abos in it

The orthodox Bible is the original script you uncultured swine.

Every other Christian variation is a meme to demagogue the population.

that's funny i have a story just like this
>uncle commits suicide
>pastor at his funeral says he is in hell forever now
>4 months later, pastor blows his own brains out

All version of the Bible have been edited to suit a viewpoint and the original text was a Roman propaganda invention anyways.

There is no such thing as progress.

True salt from the paedophile supporting poofter alphabet soup is going to be fucking delicious when the result of this bullshit non binding postal vote comes back a resounding no. People don't want their kids exposed to paedophiles and abominations against God in public school classrooms.
The national anthem should bending in schools every morning like it used to be, followed by the Lord's prayer. People don't like it, pay the money to put their kids in a private school.


But the orthodox script is still the original.

Even the word Orthodoxy means the correct or proper faith in Greek.

Good is good and evil will always be evil. Go support paedophiles elsewhere, even though I suspect this is low quality bait.

Based AF. Deluded faggots still thinking they can be christians after getting fucked by another man.

Your country loves faggots stop kidding yourself

whatcha doin' Stavros?

You no nothing of the corruption of the catholic church if you think their standards haven't changed in 2000 years

If you choose to harm others, that is on you, not on a sky king.

The bible says nothing about having sex with underage girls. Leah was only 13 when she got fucked on her wedding night and Jacob fucked his own cousin

Go worship yourself, Satan.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
>Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
(((Progressives))) BTFO

>faggots kiss with their eyes open so they can see how much attention they get

Exactly, we don't use the bible literally to interpret modern law. We are responsible for our own conduct and cannot blame invisible men or old books for how we behave poorly if it is in violation of rights or laws.

Hang him. Where's the argument? Trying to say the weakness of humanity in some way reflects upon the Bible is a joke. Hang peados wherever you find them.

>the original text was a Roman propaganda invention anyways
Romans didn't write the Bible you reprobate twit.

We haven't gotten poofter marriage here yet mate.

No Jewish traitors paid by the Flavians did to encourage people to pay taxes (render onto Caesar) and to suppress ongoing Jewish tax revolts (turn the other cheek).

found the jew

keep that benjaminite filth in ysrael

So full of their own importance don't even understand where the Bible actually comes from. The Romans originally used early Christians as lion bait.

>The national anthem should bending in schools every morning like it used to be,
Fuck off secular queer.

Also, I'm Baptist you filthy kike rube.
>Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.

>All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.

Patriotism is satanic indoctrination. Repent of your ways and stop worshippong your idols or you will burn alongside the reprobate sodomites for all eternity, shabbos goy.

australia isn't a christian country sweetie, we grew up

Yeah, Melbourne grew so much now they have an out of control African Muslim crime wave. Well done.
How do you think that's going to go when the Muslims become the ethnic majority? Hope you can fly.

I think I heard five cents roll behind the bench. Go chase it, schlomo.

>How do you think that's going to go when the Muslims become the ethnic majority? Hope you can fly.
I'm fully aware that this is a statistical inevitability now, what's your point? That it's better to bring up kids in that world?

>The Bible
haha, you do realize the Bible was actually written by men, not God? It's not his word lol

Your open borders love everyone bullshit will be the seeds of your own demise. Hopefully when the Muslims start going nuts and throwing gays off buildings the other states will close their borders to Victoria. This is a disaster of your own creation. You need to live with it.
Two hundred years of success, building a nation from the very dirt and it's thrown away by idiots who are unable to think for themselves and take every line of rubbish fed to them by media. A simple look throughout history clearly shows what happens when a nation throws away it's ethnic identity.
You realise this can only end in civil war, don't you? What's your weak arse going to do when there is no communist bribed state to protect you?

I'm glad people are interested in protecting the sanctity of marriage, but the Priest crossed the line there.

But its understandable how he could be ignorant of the struggle for sexual purity.

The reason why Orthodox Priests can't understand the troubles and tribulations of sexual self-control is they never have to practice it.

They harp on and on about how gay people, single people, and others should practice chastity and self-control. Then they go home and have filthy, contraceptive sex with their wives.

Clerical celibacy is an old tradition of the Church. Being celibate meant that Priests were more spiritually prepared to deal with their flock, especially young people, and paradoxically, married people, who also need to practice a degree of chastity.

It was a mistake to throw away the old practice of clerical celibacy. You need to practice true chastity before you can understand it in its fullness.

You do realise your country is already a global laughing stock? You've got nothing to say worth listening to.

Based greeks tbqh.

It's nice of Jamal to allow you internet access in the cuckshed, Sven.

That scriptures only applies to homos, not lesbians. Checkmate Christians!

I have no personal influence on immigration, don't fucking blame that shit on me
> What's your weak arse going to do when there is no communist bribed state to protect you?
I will be dead by the time conflict happens. The question is whether it's worth procreating and forcing our kids into that situation

One of the protesters, Justin Craft, was arrested on suspicion of battery, resisting an officer and interfering with a law enforcement investigation, after allegedly punching a police officer who had been attempting to confiscate a loudspeaker.
Meanwhile, Patrick O’Connell, Rolando Igleasias, Cesar Chavez, Daniel Hoogerhuis, Danny Guevera, Larry Craft, Montes Diego and Gary Brown were arrested on suspicion of aggressive solicitation.

nice arguments lol

>Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Romans 1:26-27

ROMANS. We don't follow ROMAN rules anymore. So sry. Its like quoting the holy book of the Babylonians and claiming it to apply to modern law. Our modern law is vastly different from the bible. Most have moved on.

Do you can pump the kid full of hormones for your five minutes of good goy points at the kid's school?
For the sake of any kids you may have, don't procreate.

Ah okay so we can pick and choose the parts of the bible which are valid. I guess God didn't create the heavens and the earth and I can steal shit to my heart's content now. Thanks, user!

No, none are valid in affecting modern law in secular countries. We do not follow Roman law anymore.

>Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
This is the only part that talks about a penalty, and it only mentions men. Lesbianism is biblicaly approved! Or at least not specifically prohibited. Scissor away girls!

This is not a verse about homosexual love, or being gay. This command is there with all kinds of connotations of adultery, promiscuity, and idol worship from the surrounding nations

Thus we can see why degeneracy is so rampant globally and continues to increase.

If you allowed gay marriage you could focus on restricting immigration. Many gays do not want to be overrun by Asians and they are the ONLY group still showing an increase in HIV rates where others are declining.

>yes goy, let us redefine one of the institutions which underpin society
You know what happens to the degenerates and other agents of subversion after normalisation?

Have a look at Mao and Stalin's treatment of homofags.

Asians are a problem, true, but I've noticed you aren't complaining about the Muslims being flown in by the govt while claiming they've "stopped the boats". Abbott was the best thing to ever happen to the libs, even though his captains calls were a little out there. At least he understood the importance of maintaining our ethnic background.
Turnbull, the Goldmann Sachs banker is the greatest traitor of a politician since Gillard.
Perhaps the indoctrination is just too strong for you to criticise the Muslims, or perhaps you're just a troll looking to take the piss.

Isn't Australia just doing a non binding referendum?

Well as far as the gays here most have turned to voting Trump and reacting openly against trans wanting to use opposite natal sex restrooms.

I don't think most gay people feel comfortable about Muslims but you certainly aren't endearing us to evangelical Christians either.

Yes unless the courts overturn it. There is a challenge rn to the high court.

It's literally a survey. It's run by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. However, it will be used for ammo come the next federal election.

Basically, the degenerates are too busy basking in attention to realise that they're simply being used as a means for all parties to claim "progressive" points next election.

I hope you Greeks aren't as soft as the Irish and actually fall for this sort of journalistic nonsense.

Homosexuals keep killing themselves because:

>People are mean to them

>They have a mental disorder



We are way past the giving a fuck about anything phase I'd say.

Gays can be gay but marriage noway

We don't throw gays off roofs. We don't agree with or make excuses for their mental illness or fetishes however and are unapologetic about it.
Choose your poison.

You used to and we haven't forgotten.

>bulldyke removes herself from the genepool
>faggots walk out of service because the priest hurt their feefees
>b-but muh progress

"Orthocucks" are the last true bastion of Christianity. Fag-enabling Protestants and pedo-loving Catholics GTFO

Also, Evangelical Christians are less accepting of gays overall than Muslims in the United States.

You are statistically enormously more likely to rape children. Likewise, we haven't forgotten. Don't forget it was Christians who removed the jail term for homosexuality. Exactly what have you done for us?

Prove it.

Are you in jail?


There you go.
When Australia was a majority Christian nation, the jail term was removed. By Christian politicians, Christian judges and the will of the Christian majority population. Tasmania was the last hold out, and even then we were still a majority Christian nation.
Now what exactly have you done for us?

Doesn't mean religious Christians advocated for the policy change.

I think same sex marriage is fine.

I've been having the same sex with my wife for 10 years.


>What did you expect, that the church will suddenly decide that 2000 years of dogma suddenly changed because the media says this filth is ok now?

You ever hear of the Catholic church?

You still haven't answered his question. How do homofags benefit australia in any way, shape or form?

No one gives a fuck what a paedophile ring thing

hey faggot, answer me this: why are you all so hell-bent on getting into the church?

This is an institution by people, not a part of government, and yet EVERYWHERE YOU GO you demand equal treatment even in these people's places of worship. In this thread you yell that we have "moved on" and you probably throw bigot around like candy too. So what is it, you insufferable parasite?

Are you too insecure and angry at everything to live your life in peace like most gay people? Trying to start another reformation in the church because you really really really want to put your cock in someone's ass so badly you've made your whole identity based on it? Or is it the eternal victim complex that of course all of this bitching about the church is just self-defense because bigotry.

God you activist gays are annoying. In 50 years you'll be demanding churches host latex kink weddings cause we "moved on past roman times". If you're not larping ITT I hope you realize how much damage you're doing to the public acceptance. You're like a wahhabi or BLM or a screeching feminist. I wonder if when the backlash finally comes, you will still just yell bigotry while you are excluded from normal life.

>Or is it the eternal victim complex

Yes, yes it is. They don't want to solve the problem, then they won't have anything to cry about. They just want attention for their mental illness/birth defect.

Many of those folks listed are only remembered from their quotes made by other surviving works... This Jesus myth thing seals the deal that skeptic community types are the single most irritating group on the planet. They live in logical fallacy land because humans are computers apparently. The only time a glimmer of humanity shows in them is their shitty interpretation of history from their own bias against faith in God.

Skeptic community faggots, how many antiChristian threads are you going to make? You too pagan larpers, because most of you used to be skeptic fags.

Noticed you didn't mention the first Australian gay couple to adopt a child. Wouldn't be because they were both sentenced to prison for pimping the child out to a global paedophile ring would it?

Taqiyya you homophile freak. Also stop speaking for all homophiles. You are a miserable creep that fights against everything but believes in nothing and would not fight for anything except when it might effect you personally. Amoral scum. People are seeing through your SJW games, and see now that there is no love in your heart. It is all lusts, impulses, attractions, and hollow affections. I see the sneaky debating games you are playing. A lot of the shit you are saying you do not even necessarily believe in, except how it pushes your agenda. Grow up and grow a pair of balls faggot.


>Caring about a book some faggot wrote in the desert over a thousand years ago
Get a load of this good goy here...

Oh I thought you meant how does homosexuality specifically benefit Christians. To which I would answer they serve the Church like any other in a wide variety of positions.

Gays are taxpayers and therefore you cannot construe them less rights. They benefit you by working for you.

I'm not. I support civil marriage. Churches deserve the right to refuse gays marrying there so they will lose even more members.

Where does it say they were the first?

>I literally don't know anything about the bible

i love this place
i love you anons
keep up the good fight

Do you understand how unbelievable that sounds, given your responses ITT?
>so they will lose even more members.
That sounds like spite, so i guess you're a self-proclaimed lolbert that still hates the church and wants them to suffer for the past. "Adapt or die" and all that. Why not call it "civil union"?

They already have civil unions. Apparently that's not good enough.

The west is dying and is being culturally, socially, and demographically gutted, and you feel that your "progress" is lighting the way of the future? Do you not see that the chickens are coming home to roost? Do you not see the depravity and decadence is finally hitting home? Your "progress" is inhuman and regressive. We are dying as a culture you faggot.

Do us a favor and follow in her footsteps