You will never be European

>You will never be European
>You will never live in country that is over ninety percent white
>You will never live in a country where obesity is rare and rightfully mocked
>You will always be surrounded by blacks and mestizos
>You will always live in a jew controlled shithole
Some neocon faggot is going to waddle into this thread and say "BUT MUH GUNS!" and I'm going to tell them that means nothing because they're never going to use them for their intended purpose.

But muh guns!

90% coming through

Hey cheer up buddy, you still have Israel - your greatest ally!

>You will never be European
Thank god

Le 56 percent face

But what sand niggers invasion?

If you can cry about it on the internet like a flaming's not so bad?

You'll always have that.

>You will never live in country that is over ninety percent white
Neither will Europeans.

A trickle compared to the mexican tidal wave.

>reddit spacing
Go back.

this is how i feel as well. but i plan on making a lot of money and moving to the alps.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

>he thinks his chang government posts factual demographic stats

Kill yourself.

I'm a Greek citizen. I am born and raised in the US. I don't even speak Greek.

That's nice.

>But muh guns

> NSW gone
> Victoria gone
> Queensland being colonised by fucking kiwis
It's time to build the wall.

move to Maine fellow burger. It's 95% white

The only countries that are and might stay 90% white are Eastern European ones. But I wouldn't last long there and I doubt an American would.

how the hell did you manage that?

Give up.
Europe is controlled by jews.
Obesity is slowly rising up to american levels.
Mestizos are a thing, especially in Portugal.
We're still white however.


Come Polen

tfw even if poland accepted migrants most of them would use the first chance to hop over the german border