Would you adopt a Syrian refugee, Sup Forums?
Would you adopt a Syrian refugee, Sup Forums?
not a cuck
I'd adopt your pic related, she looks like she'll be able to take it balls deep in the back passage by the age of 7, what a catch
yep a christian one
Only if its not sunni and only for a while untill Assad deal with the roaches.
Sure if she was 16-30 and female
we need child labour
>when u in da line fo da syrian lolis but all dey gotz left r Achmeds n Ngebes
What the fuck happened to her fingers?
Why adopt a shitskin child when you can adopt a white child (or better yet, conceive one with your own cum?)
Christcucks will adopt a fucking pitch black nigger child in a doorag with a black and mild in his mouth just because they're Christian
what a joke of a religion
Yeah a white Syrian.
no, all ragheads gotta go
>a Syrian refugee?
>that Syrian refugee?
I'd also be willing to let in any 8-10 females who wish to marry and assimilate.
The sunni Syrian scums who destroy Syria and leave, they must deported back to Syria so Assad can deal with them.
if she looks like that, sure but can i but on her face without muh chilluns scum or the feds bothering me about it? i don't think so.
whats funny is that this is the exact reason Melbourne now has a fucking nigger problem, Anglicans tried bringing Sudanese filth here because they were trying to do God's work
17 y/o girl yes I would adopt 2 and the Verry good care of them
I'd adopt all of them and proceed to exterminate every single one of those subhumans. Problem solved.
daily reminder afghans are white
No, I'd rather take a dog.
No. They're low IQ violent people.
Is that you Josef?
If i decided to adopt a child, i would adopt a refugee
Get those monkeys outta here.
Only Dima
To throw it against the wall like a rodent, Yes I would.
so edgy. cheers sir
>not wanting to adopt dima
Thats the girl who sold chocolates to survive after her family died in a bombing, right? I wonder what she's doing now, or if she's even alive.
Typical Austria.