Is he Ourguy? Sad to see how western education oppress ppl opinion. Is there any country where you can be free?
Is he Ourguy? Sad to see how western education oppress ppl opinion. Is there any country where you can be free?
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He is a millennial progressive libergay so no, he is not one of us.
He's so close to the red pill on Islam yet so far away, poor fool. I hope he suffers drastically for the words he said, I hope the red pill is rammed so hard down his throat that he chokes.
Is this guy transitioning or something?
Did he eat to much soy, lol niggas is gay.
>Ms Allman, a second-year history student, claimed Mr Travers 'put minority students at risk and in a state of panic' and breached the student code of conduct with his comments.
Maybe but measured by UK standards he's redpilled
lol what a fucking faggot.
He is going to feel the power of autocracy when Achmed gives him the shiv for not praying five times a day.
I thought He's an ugly girl when i first saw him
day of the tower soon, kuffar faggot
>western world
>Ms Allman identifies herself online as 'a self-proclaimed feminist and womanist from inner-city London'.
She adds: 'I value inclusivity as well as building and preserving safe spaces for us. Creating a truly intersectional campaign is incredibly important to me and my first job will be to work alongside the other liberation groups to ensure EUSA are fully representative of our views.
'Here at Edinburgh I want BME Students to engage in conversations about the issues that affect us.'
She complained about THIS post!?
Holy fuck bongs, get your shit together.
All that bs aside this another modern example of the dystopian western reality.
We can't let thought crimes bleed into the US like in the UK and other Euro countries. It is a dangerous climate we are in and where we are headed if we don't tread carefully from here on out against these insecure liberal fucking pussies is a reality where we have the law thrown at us for speaking objectively, stating opinions, and hurting peoples feelings and fragile sensibilities.
>We can't let thought crimes bleed into the US like in the UK and other Euro countries.
It started in the US, silly
>You can be charged with hate speech for ridiculing a terrorist organization.
Do it pls, they say we copied it, after you destroy theirs we wont have any competition
no way i clicked this thread thinking she was /ourgirl/
Some "thought crimes" did sure, but I am referring to the content of the article and Edinburgh which is obviously in the UK. Atleast in the US we can walk down the street and say and think whatever the fuck we want. Over there they have no guns, Sadiq Khan, everyother baby being named Muhammud and bs shit like this.
People are so offended over FB and social media posts against anything that challenges their world view in the slightest and react like this dumb worthless cunt. I'm not defending the dude either but atleast he is calling out Islam despite any other flaws he may have according to /pol
>We can't let thought crimes bleed into the US like in the UK and other Euro countries.
Are you a fucking idiot
The US fucking invaded Europe over thought crimes in WW2, and imposed new speech codes by force
This sort of cancerous leftism STARTED in the USA, exported to the rest of the west via US governmental influence/CIA subversion.
>Atleast in the US we can walk down the street and say and think whatever the fuck we want
Not if you have a job
Not if you live in a blue state
Not if you don't want to be rail roaded with bullshit by the media/court system.
Every single US city is a nigger/spic filled hellhole, how can you talk about Sadiq Khan?
>and womanist
A what now?
He eat every morning 1 muslim dick.
I know him, ama
he didnt die in ibiza smuggling drugs in a pool of blood therefore he is irrelevant. also him mom didnt say he only casually used cocaine, but would never use drugs.
He said Islamism.
Do these retards not even realise what the word means? They should be praising the use of the word not demonising it, seeing as it plays right into their narrative of 'not all muslims'. Fucking idiots will just cause more '''islamophobia''' with this.
>Meet a lovely English couple on a Greek Island, stuck with them on 6hr boat ride around an island with drinking, eating and swimming
>English guy is into politics
>Brings up politics, think to self, DON'T DO IT
>Want to go full Trump USA MAGA on him
>English guy's wife goes on how he's a politics freak has full bookcases at home on politics
>Guy is all globalist Soros one world, goes on about poor people trying to migrant to EU and is anti-Brexit, then says we should tear down the Statue of Liberty if Trump continues
>Look at guy in horror, say we accept immigrants legally on an annual basis, mention my ancestors migrated legally from Europe and integrated almost fully, huge difference nowadays with what is washing up on euro shores.
>He goes on about BREXIT being a huge mistake xenophobic, I go on about UK taking the lead, praise UK for it
>Go on about the EU and what it did to Greece and Merkel open EU borders for maniacs who just want gibs and basically kill us all if they get the chance
>I tell him there's a difference between global markets and open borders, their religion is an ideology they would force on US violently if given the chance
>The politics talk ends when I go into how NHS UK will go bust, Muslims are mostly inbred, their kids come out retarded, he doesn't disagree surprisingly, mentions its a huge problem, but still says we can't turn these people back, we have to think of humanity as a whole
Some people are far gone in the UK & EU, they know there's a problem, but they convince themselves for open borders and one world government.
>our guy
>hair goes longer than his shoulders
can you blame them with all the indoctrination that is going on? you need to be exposed to the truth in order to think straight, but how is an average person to get exposed to any truth at all? the police is covering it up, the schools are a brainwashing machine, the media is controlled by the jews and that includes the normal part of the internet too nowadays. where exactly are you going to get a different viewpoint?
Right, this was a lovely couple too, spoke to them the whole time about other things, we were all smiles and laughing mostly, it was just the political talk. I did like how he accepted my views, but thought he drank the globalist narrative kool-aid and it would be hard to get him to accept reality.
What about his hair man? Looks like a girl
We need leaflets.
Everyone is way too polarized these days. It's rare that people actually take a step back and talk to each other without "knowing" how the conversation will go. I'm guilty of this more than I'd like to admit.
To be airdropped with the nukes?
Half-measure faggot. He's going to learn the hard way, and I hope he does. Maybe he'll go all the way afterwards.
>hurting peoples feelings and fragile sensibilities
Most of that is probably fake tears anyway. You get proven right if you just cry enough. It's a pathetic society we live in.
>mocking fucking Isis is a hate crime
the absolute STATE of Britain.
israel has a western government with western laws and western culture.
You mean the west has Israeli values.
Whats the quote, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
>muh based sand nigger dick
fuck off
I never said they were good values.
Well feel free to go live in the fucking forest as you would be living without western values dominating the civilized world.
I don't want to live in the forest. I just want meritocracy and transparency and truth. What part of that is in any western government?
That's not part of any government. You're dreaming of a world without humans.
It doesn't have to be extreme and perfect, it just has to be enough to be called that. Nothing is perfect and humans are not perfect for sure, but the state of affairs we have is clearly flawed and corrupted. It doesn't stand for those things at all - it stands for the opposite - gender and racial quotas and censorship is what we have. It is not idealistic to want to counteract those things - it is realistic.
Burger bro, please do something first about all the wild niggers/antifa doing baltimore-tier "protesting" around before talking about "crimes bleeding into the US from the EU"
that or kys, you decide
wtf? for mocking ISIS?
"He" looks as if the golden one had taken a female hormone treatment.
Western values are absolutely in line with a meritocracy.
Marxism is what has caused affirmative action etc. That's not western values at all.
Understand that it's impossible to construct a government that will enforce some meritocratic imperative when the will of the people isn't behind it.
Freedom of speech is the fundamental western value.
Censorship is the opposite of that that. You're arguing against marxist values, not western values.
ISIS are muslims. No wait... They're not real muslims... But this guy is a bigot... Hold on, give me a second.
You have to make sure the effects of the immigration reflect poorly on the German government. It's the reason for the mass censorship in every country doing this, and the best way to fight it.
Elect your own Donald Trump. Europeans, 10 years behind as always.
lol wtf
I thought not even """""peaceful muslims""""" liked isis, the fuck is this about?
Yes, western values are in line with that. But western values are being erased in the west. The west is being actively pushed in the direction of Marxism - and that is not because of the will of the people, it is because of the will of the media. That's why I said the west has Israeli values. Pretty much right now the values of the west are communism is for all, except for the bankers and celebrities, the world should have open borders - apart from Israel, people in power should be criticized - unless they are Jews, people should be able to vote - unless they vote the wrong way, you should have freedom of expression and arms - unless you are the wrong kind of people, people should be hired based on their skill - but we should pay attention to the unskilled and try to make them more skillful, while taxing the skillful to fund the unskillful. How is that western values?
Marxism is Western mate
Yes, freedom of speech is a fundamental western value, but it is dying and there is active censorship. You are not really free to speak what you want - western governments are cracking down on a particular set of ideas and are promoting another set of ideas. This is not free speech.
It's Jewish.
Israel has western values though...
They have freedom of speech.
They have meritocracy
Don't confuse jews for israel
No, he said a perfectly normal mainstream opinion and some fags are hating him for it
Our guy would be agitating to form a catholic ISIS
How? Its roots are English and French political theory.
Looks like Peter Gabriel
Female supremacy, I think.
No it doesn't. It has the same censorship and push for ideas, literally the same - not symmetrical. The Jews get to not play by the rules, the Jews get have a preferential treatment, all borders should be open, apart from Israeli borders, meritocracy only if it includes Jewish nepotism.
English and French political theory advocates seizing the means of production and hating profit?
Yeah that's the greatest threat, not the complete erosion of civil rights the world over, the death of privacy, another financial crisis and ecological calamity just over the horizon.
Israel benefits jews the same way america and britain was intended to benefit whites.
Their government absolutely is western in construction. That IS western values.
Jews promote open borders outside of israel because it is to their benefit to do so. This has nothing to do with the Israeli government.
Or super bacteria and pandemics.
No it's islamic idiots that should worry us.
No but I don't see what that has to do with Judaism either.
It has something to do with western governments giving aid to Israel and promoting a "safe" Israel with closed borders, while waiting in line to get more and more people that Israel would have rejected.
Jews were instrumental in the implementation of communism. They also started a civil war in Germany after WW1 trying to make a red revolution.
>Is he Ourguy?
Only if he gets 60 FUCKING YEARS in prison.
btw all the leader on the communist side are Jewish.
I know Travers personally
He is not our guy
He thinks Alex Jones is alt right
He thinks PJW is a white nationalist
He's a poothy, rich, upper class middle road liberal who constantly bangs on about the oppression of the kikes.
He hits the right mark on Islam
But on most other things he's wrong
Do not feed his ego
He has a facebook group 5 thousand strong doing that already
You think any of those others can, or will, be addressed if your government is subverted by islamists because of pandering faggots?
is he gay or something?
>mocking a terrorist organisation
>hate speech
What in the everloving fuck?
I thought he was a hot girl at first but I'm on strong painkillers since my accident
with hair like that? no way, honey.
was he arrested for this post?
Ayn Rand on suicide watch
>He thinks PJW is a white nationalist
god yuppies are dumb
>you must win a war against flightless birds before viewing this post
you sound insecure
Wow that guy looks like a girl
God damn it western men are effeminate as fuck and British and Dutch are leading
bin that opinion fagget
So basically a bleeding heart liberal who fears islam because they are a considerable, existant threat to his values and way of life.
I know the type and mostly they're about as "right wing" uni students will express themselves (publicly)
Don't you have some child Moors in denial from the pavement of Barcelona?
>Inb4 Manchester attack XDDDD
I'm racially pure, unlike you and a few faggots were killed so come at me.
I'm going to report him to the SRA and get him pre-emptively struck off.
From Voltaire, you got it more or less correct.
>unironically falling for the anglo-american-empire-indebted-to-usurious-jew-bankers scheme and calling it moral
UK deserves its fate
Huh? I don't know where you go to uni, but most people here are pretty open about their right wing views. I'm in engineering though.
>Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam
>If you mock terrorists you are mocking Islam
Well you're in part right: young people here will be open about islam and immigration but I haven't encountered many students that are also socially conservative. Most are pro gay marriage and other stuff
T. jealous hairlet. He is probably getting lots of pussy.
Holy shit.
On kikebook there's a page that kept being suggested to me, it was a classical liberal page.
As the cover was his tranny face.
If I'd known that this guy was just to be one of the many innocents taken by the subhuman police... I don't know what I'd've done, but still...
This is getting very confusing.
>probed for criticizing ISIS
>inner-city london
inb4 she's from fucking knightsbridge or belgravia or something