The Worst Ranking of Suicide Rate

Japan is not in the worst 20 now.
I see a comment about Japanese suicide sometimes on foreign website. Update your knowledge, thank you.

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so you telling me that sri lanka as most despression and descrimination among trans people?

>South Korea

Why the heck are these dudes killing themselves?

south koreans hate themselves

Japanese improve score by gathering suicide hotline callers and pushing them in front of bullet train, making them drink Fukashima water, or being sat on by sumo wrestler. Accidental death and cancer increasing in Japan! Japan Ministry celebrates suicide decrease Problem solved.

>Why are these indians killing themselves?

How many people would have to kts to be equal with births?

But More Important...
Why aren't you killing yourself?

>not top 50

rurally it's a disaster

other than Westerners not being there it's hard to see a pattern

Polan u ok ,also where is Hungary,they used to lead the charts,next to the Lithuanians

Anime has improved many lives many such cases

Because India is a 3rd world poor, ugly, Populated shithole, that's why.

Because I'm a goddamm coward.

>South Korea
>>Why the heck are these dudes killing themselves?
because they cant afford enough plastic surgery

Depressing shithole
Depressing shithole
>South Korea
High societal pressure to be perfect and successful, women "forced" to undertake plastic surgery to meet the beauty standards and men are expected to be raking in 6 figures at a big name company, most can't meet these expectations and so are driven to suicide. The pressure mostly stems from their families, hence why they study after school.

kek look at all them slav shitholes

>there are people alive right now making less than 500k USD a year

That's still pretty high, not to make light but it's an issue that still needs addressing.

Why would south koreans kill themselves?

i also never heard of any polak suicides, maybe besides prison inmates.

I dont think it has anything to do with wealth.
Besides, i have a personal policy of not caring about suiciders, its just natural selection doing its thing.

>TFW no plastic GF

It's a trap because you will not only end up with Happa children, but you won't be able to gauge the severity. However, if you just want a plastic trophy fuck toy and no children South Korean all day.

Poland is the only country I care about on this list. Polebros you ok? You wanna talk?

Only 3 of the 183 countries on this list have more female suicides than male suicides.

>Be Korean
>Live around Koreans North or South
>Not rich, lucky or connected enough to escape Korea
Might be tempted to kys.

I guess the Japs don't want to shame their nation anymore by committing suicide out of shame.
What a perplexing situation.

>why south korea kys?
>just wait

Not to mention majority of JP suicides are elderly who dont want to be burden on family/ have no pension.
However I cannot explain how PL has way higher suicide rate than Ukraine or Russia, when quality of life is substantially better here.
Send help.



Why do people from Sri Lanka hate themselves so much?







Honorable soduku


Russia and Poland aren't even in the top 20 now. Russia is 15.6 for 2016.

Why do the mongols kill themselves so much? Are they ashamed they let their Han Chinese slaves become the ruling power of their region?


I'm surprised to see so many niggerlands topping the list.

South Korea has almost all the negative aspects of Japan but even worse



Sometimes the street is full and they end up shitting themselves.
Not even Indian bodies can contain defecation of that magnitude.



Could it be that Poland is actually a total shithole and not the paradise Sup Forums tries to pain it as? Hmm, I wonder...

Sri Lanka on 1st place..hahah
>your neighbor poops 1.3 cm in your yard
>mad woopa loompa comes out of the house and sees neighbor
>the woompa throws an axe to stop the neighbor
>ends up in the neighbor's head
>declare ar the woompa loompa main tree hall that your neighbor committed suicide while pooping


It's stopped because only robots live there now.








Not counting in all the irrelevant countries the list goes:

1. Lithuania
2. South Korea
3. Belarus
4. Poland
5. Russia
6. Latvia
7. Belgium
8. India
9. Hungary
10. Japan

>Japanese are now too tired and depressed to even bother killing themselves
they also put little walls with automatic doors all along the subway platforms, it's too hard to climb over them

Lithuania super power 2025

In Poland fags kill themselves because of hate

>japan off the top 20

proud of you guys.

Here's another red pill when niggers say depression and suicide are a 'white thing' show them this.

>Funland thinks we are relevant

Why do Sri Lankans hate themselves?

34.6 suicides per 100,000 people doesn't really sound that bad at all.

I see a lot of nigger countries in the top 20. That makes me smile. :)

ssh bratan don't spoil

It is if you take in consideration total amount of people in the country and then divide that number by amount of days in a year and suddenly you have to bag alot of bodies per day.

What the fuck. Imagine falling for the trap.

in slavic countries police sometimes writes a murder into "suicide" case at least it was not so long ago

congrats japan. now fix your birth please, im sick of having to defend you guys are parties

that's not how suicide statistics are recorded faggot

Read the article plastic flag fagg

Yeah but its really not that many. More people die from random other shit but at least the suicides know when its their time to go.

well, the guy collecting suicide data for 'straya killed himself so there is no new info

Heres Russia's the killy killy bad thingy by regions in 2015 btw.

we can't commit suicide because we don't have guns

>female suicide

>b-based chechens
>inserts the bottle

>be Jew
>go into north-korean concentration camp
>go full shoah mode

Canada has guns.

your listed below us because everyone knows your can't shitpost on our level

>can't commit suicide
Just go on a nature walk


my natural survival instinct will kick in and i'll kill all the spiders and snakes and dingoes trying to eat my baby

>your can't
kys so Canada will win.

Looks like Islam cures depression.

Dont know about Poland or Lithuania, but main reason Russia is so high is that death by alcohol overdose considered suicide here.

because despite the propaganda you hear here, Russia is a shithole bordering on third world.

M8 it's shit in there, but not even close to india tier.

The rate has decreased well since the Abe cabinet began.

maybe theyre all just fanatical about their religion and believe they will go to hell if they kill themselves.

what I mean is that on Sup Forums they try to paint Russia as some last bastion and savior of the white race and that they're free of degeneracy and the perfect place to live. But reality is you guys have third world statistics for things like suicide, drug and alcohol abuse/overdose, HIV infection, murder, and violent crime. So you banned advertisements promoting homosexuality, you're still by no means free of degeneracy and in fact are one of the most degenerate places on the planet.

Yes, you get it. Hope more people on here would.

only and idiot thinks russia is a good place to live unless you are rich. you russians don't seem to take shit from anyone so I think you have that going for you