My new classmate is an antifa member

My new classmate is an antifa member.
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

debate him without insults

Rape him repeatedly, film it and then post it here.

We've seen each other for about two hours and he already told us about his antifascist activities, I think he'd be the one insulting if he heard my opinions.

Turn him into pic related

Just troll/mock him. That should be obvious enough and it shouldn't be difficult.


You need to be upfront with him. Be the alpha. Say 'the Aryan nation is the station for the glorious rise of the huWhite man over the simpler souls of the lesser peoples' and watch how the cuck responds. Keep us posted.

Ask him about his political theory. If he tells you he doesn't have one, or he doesn't know, then don't bother. If you ask him for an ideological debate and he concisely explains his ideology to you, then have an exchange of ideas, both of you can learn something

Bike lock him, duh.

Get him kicked out of school somehow. Steal his phone and threaten someone then return it before he knows it's gone, etc.

Most accidents happen at home or at the workplace.

Get him alone, tell him you are a white nationalist and ask him

>Ya think ya hot shit dontcha?

Trigger him as much as you can and watch his reaction

just call him a statist tool of corporations, but first ask him what kind of porn he's into

Either uni or upper high school. You could debate him on his ideas, and find out how commie and/or antifascist he is.
If all else fails, and he's a commie, say communism will never work. If he brings up China, laugh, and tell him it's more capitalist then America in some places.

go to your school at night and spray the anarchist at the wall. Or something like the antifa flag/some antifa slogans. Everyone will think it's him

stop being a faggot and tell OP to tell his classmate that he's a faggot and that OP is a faggot too

If he's admitting to crimes record him and submit to police. Save Sup Forums the effort.

Rape seems to be the only logical course of action

Physically remove the AnCom filth

No. These are the tactics (((they))) use. We have to use tactics enabling us to take the moral high ground for a change.

punch him in the face

Plant bomb making materials in his stuff and call the FBI.

Commit suicide together. You are both socialist scum.

Just give him a trashcan so he can kick it around. ANTIFA's love to beat up trashcans.


Show the faggot this thread. Get him hooked onto Sup Forums. Memes will do the rest in converting him.

stop being a scumbag.

Seriously, the amount of faggotry in this thread is insane.
We currently live in a political climate that sees us as the bad guys. Political correctness is alpha omega. Don't do anything, let him come to you. Then you can make a big deal out of it, claiming moral high ground.

>Why we lose : the post

>be user
>new classmate is an antifa
>don't do anything to him
>just browse Breitbart at school since it's safe for normies
>he sees this
>"oi m8 thats breitbart"
>"you a nazi user?"
>no no I'm just conservative
>"shut the fuck up you nazi scum you voted for Trump"
>be in class again
>He's sitting there with 2 other people
>"Bash the fash"
>get attacked by 3 maniacs with hammers
>go into comma

Take his photo, note his name, find out his home location.

after all is said and done, you can begin ruining his life slowly

Join him as a comrade and fight fascism!

this only works if you're a big guy tho


For you.

the african continent in general needs to be wiped from the face of the earth
what's the go with the heads on you cunts?
also your accent is fucking horrid but Im sure you're already aware of that.

besides that I agree

We are not the bad guys.
We might get enough bad press to fill cabinets when one person snaps but there arent enough papers to list the crimes of the leftists.

we dont need to claim the moral high ground at all. Go amoral and be fucking proud of it.

Ask him to define fascism. Then (((Google))) the definition and read it out loud.

Fuck his wife

Ask him what it's like being a terrorist and traitor to his race at the same time.

Feign interest in antifa and pretend you want to bash the fash with him. Infiltrate the group and collect as much evidence as you can about them. Report back here after you do.

Study him
Find out his life patterns. His comings and goings. Find out who his family and friends are. Befriend him and his friends. Be a wolf among sheep. Begin to destroy his life while remaining his friend. Become the shoulder to cry on the trusted adviser. Convert him to the truth once he is in despair at rock bottom or probably better to just crush him. Be friending him will help keep the scent off your trail when you do things to make his life harder. I would say putting water in his cars gas tank is a good start

Submit his information and any incriminating/antifa related photos you have to your local FBI branch.

Hide anchovies in his bag so all his antifa pals start thinking of him as the smelly kid.

Join his group as an undercover agent, push them into illegal actions, record it, have them all arrested on terrorism charges.

Show him all of the articles from the MSM so far that is now disavowing their group.

Tell him that Antifa is a terrorist group and if he keeps talking about it in school, you will contact authorities.
If he threatens you, tell him that his actions prove you are right about them.


This desu
Rollin for rape

If you don't know by now then there is no hope.

Don't discuss politics in strange company.

Trigger him with Nazi bins

Tell him you support trump. Let him attack you, but don't provoke him. If you are a manlet, let him hit you until he gets pulled off and sue his ass and press charges. If you are a Chad let him punch you the proceed to beat the ever living dog shit out of him, then press charges and sue. Be sure to record for evidence and lulz, also to show normies how crazy antifags are.

Dude, the real answer is just send an anonymous tip to the police that you witnessed drug use at his address. All these degenerates are junkies, there's bound to be something.

This and checked

That sounds reasonable


Nah, I used to stand up to guys bigger than me all the time when I was younger, most people just want to act tough but quickly back off when you invite them to a fight.

Whats the worst that can happen even if he does not back down? You get into a fight, thats all.

I do not have an Afrikaans accent, when last I was in England an Irish guy said I sounded like "a posh cunt"

Depending on where he lives, they won't search a house over a claim of drug use. Claim lots of traffic in and out and suspect drug dealing.

H o t

Poison him. 5 ml GHB will do the trick. its a liquid that lookd like water.

since he is a leftist the Police will propably think he took the drug by himself.


The only thing OP might learn is what psychological problems lead to him legitimately thinking communism is a good idea

This is precisely what he should be doing

I've had some discussions with psuedo-antifa individuals. Most of the time their political theory is predicated on some skewed perception of groups taking advantage of biological essentialism to create class, or on the idea that "it could just be better than it is now, everyone is equally vlauble."

Has anyone had any legitimately moving or at least interesting exchanges with these people?

Do what we used to do with lefties. Just treat everything they say as the funniest joke you've ever heard. laugh uproariously and finish on a "oh shit man you tell the best jokes" every time.

This is exactly what needs to be learned

Seduce his girlfriend and fuck her while he watches

Also, tell him to clean his room

>Has anyone had any legitimately moving or at least interesting exchanges with these people?
this guy had a pretty moving experience.
had his day in court yet?

Let him talk.

The more he talks, the more people will realize that what they want is either full-blown communism or white genocide.

More Nazis for us.

Find out details of their shit and post it here

I approve of this plan

>what they want is either full-blown communism
>tfw Burgers don't even know what communism really entails
>Especially those Antifa fags
Holy shit when will Kim drop a nuke on your retarded as fuck society?

D o g s A n d P i z z a


OP do this, just have a chat with him like you're interested in joining antifa and secretly record him asking questions like

>So is there a huge chance of getting arrested doing this? I don't know if I want to do anything illegal.

That should hopefully get him to say the illegal stuff he got away with in order to reassure you.

The thing is neither I nor him are burgers, my country was a part of the USSR, btw. I'm OP, just posting from my phone.

Which country? Just tell your local football hools, Nazis or anti Antifas.

Get a copy of the gulag archipelago and read it aloud whenever you're near him.

Czech republic, I am astonished by how many people still believe in communism here, we even have KSČM which means roughly "the communist party of Bohemia and Moravia"

This is the perfect opportunity to find out what he really believes. Mention that you voted for trump and he will definitely want to at least talk AT you. He won't do normal antifa chicken shit because you are in the same room for several hours per week. I have done this with an antifa coworker and found out how similar our views really are under the surface

>hide your power level
>make friends with him
>make him confess all the illegal shit he's done
>record it
>send the recording to the police with dox
>laugh as sandniggers pound his ass in prison

Call him a racist terrorist. Tell everyone in school his a terrorist.

Ask him questions. Don't debate him or show him anything about yourself.

Since 'antifascist' are in fact fascists, simply look up the definition of fascism. Look in to it. Then ask him questions that reveal he is in fact a fascist.

Inform him of Anti-communist Action

Only sane choice tbqh

Bro there's plenty of anti Antifa hools in the Czech Republic. Get in contact with them.

Jump the fucking commie and wear a mask.

I don't think you know what that word actually means. Fascism as you think of it is just a made up boogieman of Jewish projection.
Antifa is COMMUNIST.

Just wait until after class, follow him outside to his car, and beat him up

Isn't it obvious?

Beat him with a bike lock.

Honestly, I'm fairly sure that the definition of fascist has shifted to "ideology that doesn't allow alternative views and rules on either the tyranny of the majority or the tyranny of a tyrant". Of course it's also used to mean "opinion I don't agree with" or "racist".

Ask him how much violence he is willing to support. Children of nazi's get punched too? How about white supremecists, or Trump supporters?

Suggest that punching will only make them fight back, that extermination is a more permanent solution.

Then remind him that if he wants tips, there's some WW2 german sources that might be right up his alley.

>Just ask questions and let him lead himself down the dark alleys before he realizes the positions he takes


Tell him corporations are peaple. Game over.


I don't think you know how it works, nazi.