what do you believe is the biggest secret that any government in the world is hiding from the rest of us?
What do you believe is the biggest secret that any government in the world is hiding from the rest of us?
The size of your mom's butt!
There are alien bases on the dark side of the moon.
Also his mom's butts has a cave and they keep alien dildos.
Lol you said butt XD
That technology is over 200 years ahead of what believe it to be today.
I believe that we have the ability to cure cancer, extend people's lives, the ability to see into the future, regenerate cells and organs. Hell they probably explore the universe with reverse engineered ufos but we won't know about it all until ((they)) want us to know.
We are being drip fed while they have access to it all.
ISIS is a CIA Mi6 asset.
Nazi UFO technology, Teslas secret free energy engines, Einsteins stuff, .... guess there is some shit they are hiding.
This video will explain everything.
You forgot his mom's BUTT. A very secret organization.
That's common knowledge, especially in the Middle East
Lmao why didn't you say MOSSAD. CUZ UR A JEW
The one true religion
Aliens have change our DNA and we are the only specie that is "evolved" with self awareness. You should look up Micheal Tsarion.
That idealism is the true nature of man, and denying religions that trying to seek the reason of the existence of man is a step closer to destruction. Fucking warp and chaos!
I don't show mine unless you show yours, OP.
All a part of the cycle.
Also pay denbts
Fuck, it all makes sense now
Isn't that video amazing.
Best three minutes I ever spent. Wtf I love Thule now.
>Sandy Hook was done by the same cell that did Boston Bombing, and NJ train derailment
>Harry Reid didn't fall off a treadmill - he had a drunk driving accident (it's in the latest Huma emails)
>Trump is going to war with China. NK is China's proxy and China (with globalist Soros) is pushing communism in the West, not because they love communism, but because it will economically impede the US.
but why would they want to hide such things?
im inclined to believe this, seems kind of odd that the moon rotates at the same speed that it orbits our planet. also seems like a pretty big coincidence that the moon is the perfect size to block out the sun during an eclipse.
do they hide it because they dont want other countries attempting to steal it from them?
why would they want so many muslims in europe though?
i think NASA knows about AYY LMAOs but they keep it a secret cause humanity would freak out if they knew there was a higher power than them.
like why would you care to obey your government when there is proof that they are not all powerful?
Because knowign about this shit leads us to questioning consciousness and everything really.
Majority of population is zombies.
maybe they wait for a special thing to happen.
Diesel once, the engine ingeneur, developed his engine to work with hazelnut oil, that would have killed the oil industry and would have made some ppl really poor. therefore he had to die.
Maybe some people forgot about this knowledge and it now lays in some shelf in some office and no one knows about it anymore.
>like why would you care to obey your government when there is proof that they are not all powerful?
Because I'm a reasonable person?
Not everyone is a power hungry, neurotic sociopath that would throw out the baby with the bath water.
That the Germanic race has secretly run the planet for centuries now, under countless various guises of various nationalities
The government has advanced methodology and technology to produce highly efficient far reaching highly impactful memes since thousands of years.
Why would they want so many muslims in Europe
For the same reason they pushed the EU. A confederate, independent and powerful Europe is every single power's worst nightmare.
It would literally be unstoppable, much more so than the US.
Yankees have foreseen that for a while, even before WWII. And after they witnessed the profound psychological impact of WWII on Europe, they decided to subdue it for good.
But they could not invade, no ! For one the public opinion would have never allowed it (at that time the US was faaar from the famous 64%). And second they needed an actual alliance with (western) Europe against commies.
Engineering a replacement of (formerly) fierce natives by ethnies with lesser intellectual capabilities and a heritage of clusterfuck definitely weakens European nations' decision making ability.
On top of that add some supranational structure that is undemocratic as fuck, that pledged allegiance to US degeneracy in all its social, political and economical forms and there you have it.
A seemingly independent Europe, bent over the table for Uncle Sam to bust a nut whenever he feels like it.
America is the ultimate sin. It literally commits murder on its own parent. And will fall itself because of that
The stuff I know of is treasonous to mention (SSBI). I don't have access to everything. What I actually think is being hidden is research on weaponised antimatter.
There isn't any of any serious consequence.
I just wanna hang out with an ayyy.
so its better to keep the population in a constant state of obsessing over facebook likes?
his death was pretty sketchy.
several scientist in this time died under strange circumstances.
Problem is, all that happened before the digital age, find out something about this stuff requires some good old research, and that can be dangerous. I still hope for some kind of insider like snowden from Israel or Germany
You have an interesting thereoy, but I couldn't disagree more. I offer the following counter-theory:
It is virtually unknown by so much of the world that Adolf Hitler and not only his top men, but also his pro-fascist corporate financiers like Henry Ford, loved Islam for its nth-degree emphasis on absolute conformity, mindless militancy, and sheer savagery.
It is also not widely known that Hitler died in Berlin, but was instead smuggled via his network into the German enclaves in South America, and then ultimately into the German enclave in Glacier National Park, Montana. And I guarantee you that during all that time it was decided that Islam was going to be made the new way of the world, but that it was going to be race-Germanized, just as Christianity had been under the so-called "Holy Roman Empire", which was actually race-Germanic.
I guarantee you that Hitler's place was a fusion of Islam and the Germanic race into an even more unstoppable juggernaut than Arabic-race Islam has ever been.
How darkly amusing that the people of Europe and the other white-Germanic nations have no idea what's being actually being done to them on the grand chessboard, per Adolf Hitler's highest wishes, by his secret followers who control the world today.
Weaponized anti-matter would be cool, but seems redundant given that our nuclear arsenal is sufficient to destroy everything that matters
I got yer weaponized antimatter
That traps are gay
between the commonwealth and Murrca? strawman bonds
That there is secret agenda to ban meat and replace it with insect farming because it is not very efficient way to make food.
nukes tend to make a decimated place somewhat unlivable for a while because of fallout.
maybe the antimatter could wipe out large swaths of land without the radiation issues.
So what Islam ruling over everybody was and still is the goal of the elites these days? This is bullshit.
The Roman Empire never died and still exists today.
that the moleperson empire is about to surface and conquer the world.
My theory lies on proven facts
1) The US shilled for the EU since its inception
2) The more migrants Europe takes in the dumber and weaker it becomes
3) A strong Europe is a threat to the entire world
4) Europe as a whole will not embrace islam officially for at least a century
Your theory relies solely on evidenceless bullshit.
I know what I'm going for
Why is it bullshit? Because it's too horrible? Because it's too horrible for you to accept? Because those who control the world would never impose a horrible system on the rest of mankind if they could, where they could just publicly execute anyone who disagrees with them?
Were you born just last night?
2) Because incorporating relentless crypto-killers who convert an entire continent of people into also being relentless crypto-killers, yeah, that certainly makes them "weaker". And as for "dumber", that's an interpretation based on personal tastes. All I know is you end up with a continent of unshakable elites by way of a new Islamic system who now have their hearts' desire of being able to brutally execute even the slightest thought dissidence at their leisure.
Gosh, it all sounds SO unlikely and far-fetched.
An anti-matter beam weapon would produce a small amount of radiation compared to it's damage. But an anti-matter explosion would produce a shit ton of radiation and neutron activated radioactive fallout just like a conventional nuclear bomb.
This is why Madison wanted to build a wall between us and Hollow Earth.
goverments lost soveriegnty to banks, and corporations years ago
that gif is hilarious
surprised the shit isnt falling out of that faggots ultra loose butthole.
before that we lost it to America.
We never had a economic wonder in the 1950s
It was planed and done by America (money printing, reactivation of facility's, and so on). Since that time Germany is a puppet to the US
No I'm saying its bullshit that they are not only doing this but blatantly doing this in front of everybody and barely anybody gives a shit.
Guess another civil war will just happen soon...
secret space program thanks to ayys + a breakaway civilization since the first part of the 20th century
The recipe to the best monkey soup that ever existed
The world population of 500 millions on the Georgia Guidestones is not a plan, it's the unavoidable constraint shaping all the other plans.
95% of us won't see 2030 anyway. The elite prefers a controlled depopulation rather than a chaotic one because it allows them to keep their power.
Humanity isn't from Earth, BBP(Black Budget Programs) have tech 50-100 years ahead of the public depending on what it is & "People"(Clones,Super Soldiers, Genetic Experiments,Chimera's) are factored into the World Population.
Feminism is a Virus, Aliens think we are the "drunk friend passed out on the couch" & Power Structures(Not one singular group) that control the world have different Endgames.
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If you want to talk about physical size, Giant Creature Remains are found around the World.
Human trafficking by the US government (like Pizzagate)
The US gov is the biggest drug dealer in the world.
We control the climate and are responsible for all major/deadly weather related catastrophes.
>Population control