Talk intellectually about rise of far right

>talk intellectually about rise of far right
>fail to mention that europeans are on pace to become a minority in their own homelands within our lifetime

why is the elephant in the room ignored by everyone

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Oh no not this guy again. Please stop.

I liked the part where they couldn't figure out why the Swastika is considered abhorrent but the Hammer and Sickle isn't.
Or when they were trying to figure out why all the universities are entirely overrun with leftist.


How do you incentivize white Europeans to procreate?

He dodges around the idea that the far right is sympathetic

>why is the elephant in the room ignored by everyone
Because they are clever educated pussys and if they did highlight it then they would need to nail their colours to the mast and declare that they believe in identity policies.

You allow them to procreate at whatever rate they deem necessary (but stop guilting them into not having babies or adopting), what you don't do it import millions of third world shitskins to replace them.

he actually has addressed it, just not so bluntly.
also that's not true in most european countries, just germany, france, and sweden afaik.

Subsidies, end immigration, end welfare for people with no indigenous ancestry.

Do this and the problem will take care of itself.

Push Mormonism or Fundamentalist Christianity on them. And push it hard, top down.

This. Anyone with half a brain can connect the dots once they've got the basic ideas.

Smart people are the stupidest people on earth. Having a little intelligence make egomaniacs THINK they know everything about everything, instead of knowing jack shit about anything.

dude jordan weed peterson made me say woah a couple of times after he intellectually bamboozeled me

now i dont want a white state, im just going to focus on my room

Basically they pretend to say the truth or being controversial but they know really well where the line is drawn about which realities are acceptable to talk about or not.

At the end of the day it's all about courage (ie taking the risks of losing things just to say what is true), I don't really blame him for that though because why would he sacrifice his comfort and even his safety when he has everything ? Why should he be selfless when everyone else is selfish ?

This. Peterson is a purple pilled at most. He has no idea the degree to which the left controls the culture and how cleaning your room and acting like a goody two-shoes liberal individualist will do absolutely nothing to reverse the poz.

Post your most feels Hitler videos.

You incentivize them to kill kikes and throw out they pets. No matter how hard and how unrealistic it is, there is no other way to salvation, genetic contamination by muslim apelings will not go anywhere if europeans just start procreating more.

Oy vey, look how terrible it was! All those clean, orderly streets.

>cleaning your room and acting like a goody two-shoes liberal individualist will do absolutely nothing to reverse the poz.

That's not entirely true, cleaning your room and sorting your life out is a good exercise regardless.

Well, yeah sure. It can't hurt to do it. But the problems we face as a society will require far greater solutions.

They never do mention the horror facing Europeans, and they rarely mention things happening for the past 40 years, like pakistani rape gangs and the way the Left enable them.


It's true of most Europe, we've all got below replacement birth levels and have, or are under massive to have, huge levels of non white immigration.

Final solutions?

>listening to this post-modernist retard.

No such thing

You know it bb

There is a subconscious message here that he is delivering that would be far too radical to be allowed. "Wake the fuck up. There are things that need doing and you are wasting time fapping to anime on the internet."

>live in north america
>care about other places

you're forgetting britain

You cant always look at the future based on current projections. Brown populations will likely reach a bubble point where they cannot contribute enough to warrant the social services required to support the growing class, due to biological incompatibility with cities and civilization.

>le radical solutions always leads to the gates of auschwitz meme

Reddit tier

Get rid of all shitskins. I sure as fuck won't make my kid suffer having to see that shit in our own homeland.

this is all banking on the hope that one day there'll be a reformation of welfare


fucking fedora's on /pol I swear

It would take someone with his notoriety speaking on the subject in a convincing way to bring the redpill to the unassuming masses. Of course there is a big risk in doing this, but it's only effective when the unmask-er has the clout to back it up. That's why the jewgle guy was so easily dismissed and it's why any of us would be easily dismissed.

The problem is when you work hard to get to that point, you don't want to throw it away and perhaps get caught in the idea that "I'm doing more for the cause in this manner, than if I were to identify the problem directly." This may be true in the way said, people "can connect the dots when they have the basic ideas." So it becomes a "dog whistle" to those who understand, but those who don't will interpret such things in whatever way suits their own biases.

The solution is to capitalize on talks like this and interpret the message, or connect the dots, for everyone else. In this way we can co-opt the message of those hinting at the issue and create a two pronged attack with thoughtful and sincere discussion on one front and cold hard facts on the other.

that's something we can work toward with a meme war

i absolutely love peterson's work and speeches. at the end of that podcast it was humorous and sad to listen to them have to tiptoe around hitler due to the possibility of them being taken out of context.

>implying have jackshit to do with that
>implying they didn't destroy countless beautiful french cities and heritage

Fuck off stormfag

You risk major economic crisis, our economies are built on the availability of an exponentially growing population.

You cannot compete with this guy. this man is making dat Dolla Dolla bill dosh and is literally rolling in freshman psychology-student pussy 25/8. Imagine his life. He wakes up and checks his patreon account, sees that a few hundred more has been added to the 60k he's already making a month while he's slept, then he checks his phone and sees the thousands of ovary-soaked messages from prime 18-27 yr old girls who never had a father figure in their life begging to fly across the globe just to suck his cock. This is a man at the PEAK of existence, material and metaphysical.
Meanwhile all you do is shitpost on a Jaguar Sighting and Mating Habits forum and try to posture as some sort of intellectual.

You have no idea how fucking bad it is here with women. They are the most horrible self entitled cunts you've ever met in your life. The world is literally built to revolve around them while they scream all day about how much they are oppressed and hate men. They don't even act like women anymore. It's like they are in competition to act as masculine as possible. They have completely drank the cool-aid and believe men and women are 100% equal and anyone who disagrees is an oppressive bigot. They've been completely ruined by social media and feminism. They also don't need a man to provide for them because the state and their boomer parents will let them live at home so they have no reason to need a man. I would be willing to suffer through the life time of misery in order to continue my species but the problem is that finding a woman who actually wants to have a traditional family is close to impossible.
Meanwhile, I have about 50 asians and brazillians who are all over my dick that I could get pregnant right now if I wanted. They would also love me unconditionally because their whole life long dream is to bag a blue eyed upper class guy like me.
So I basically have to reject happiness in order to continue a life of loneliness for the off-chance I get the opportunity to live a life of misery in order to have blue-eyed children. I still see Irish women with mullatto children all the time now as well. I even saw an Irish woman in a burka once.
It's like our whole civilization has been setup so that the women will racemix with browns and whites will racemix with asians/latinas.

>our economies are built on the availability of an exponentially growing population.

Exactly, address the problem at its core - don't put a bandaid fix on it that ends up destroying our entire nation(s).

why not just fuck a polish woman

Naturally, of course and CLEARLY you can't have a forever growing population. The system is built on a flawed foundation then, and it MUST crash sooner or later. I'd rather it crash when we are majority white than when we are majority muslim.

I asked one polish girl out and she had a bf. I asked another one out and she agreed but cancelled at the last minute. Polish is still a last resort though. I want an blue eyed Irish Catholic girl

polish girls usually to stick to polish guys over here

that's perfectly reasonable but then he should stop running his jew mouth about the importance of telling the truth and how the Logos is the basis of western civilization while he holds back tears, watching pinocchio for the 300th time

being a public figure, $60k a month and politically correct > social pariah

for a truth seeker he has massive no-go areas

>Jordan Peterson
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Yeah well he talks funny and has a funny sounding voice

Stop shilling this John Birch loser.

you stop taxing them to pay for the reproduction of non whites

the social pariah thing has been way more profitable for me
plus I can be sexually degenerate

yeah it's almost like State Encouraged Capitalism is a terrible idea

Because he has Jewish friends. I absolutely love this man but its obvious that he knows if he were to speak about the replacement of Europeans his Jewish buddies would fuck him up in the media.

Its a shame such a great mind has to be forced to secede because his fate was cursed by the Jew.

peterson is aware of that but I dont think he can openly talk about that and no one actually pressed him on it. most people interviewing him have too much respect or know they dont have the iq or wits to nail him on the issue.

Jordan peterson is an individualist who views even the idea of group identity as the greatest threat to our society. Any attempt to defend western culture or identity would require a group identity that excludes muslims, etc. This is his idea of the end of the world so he obviously won't address it.

I really do think leftist identity politics is ahead of him on this, they represent a last ditch attempt to save the Individual. They do this by enslaving the group in service of individual identity. So even though a tranny is obviously a failure of an identity('woman'), if we force the group to recognise the tranny as a "woman" even if everyone knows it's not true, the individual identity can be desperately maintained.

The far right look like they're playing the same game because "white" or "male" or "western" seem very similar to the left's idea of identity(lgbt,etc). But fundamentally they're not the same because the right's idea of identity subordinates the individual to the group.

You forget how strong the conditioning is.

In any ideology, 95% of the followers are basically retarded and can't think critically about why they follow the ideology.

White nationalism is no different than liberalism in this respect. However, liberalism controls the press. By liberalism I mean the assorted collection of multiculturalist negro panderers and their corporate, globalist backers, who have formed a reality-detached, sociopathic symbiotic relationship, based in the shared belief that humanity and culture are not complicated organisms, but mere elements which can be hammered in any way they please.

They have the money. So they can ignore their retards and focus on the retards of white nationalism. In fact, they have been systemically doing this since probably the end of the Civil War, and to much greater effect with the invention of (monopolized) controlled mass media, such as television.

With non-monopolized media, such as the Internet, it is only a matter of time before an ideological thaw occurs. Especially since facts, accessed immediately and freely, cannot be easily ignored when they are in front of your face.

Unfortunately, this danger to liberalism has been recognized. Thus, they have begun to censor the Internet through state corporations such as Amazon, Google, etc., all of which rely heavily on globalist investment and government contracts to function.

The future does not look great, but it does not look like anything certain either. Voices like JBP can be used as a Trojan horse, to help people see reason. He likely knows this. He's not retarded and has seen the studies about what makes multicultural societies bad: easily dominated by sociopathic leadership, bad communities, low happiness, high crime and inequality.

He has to be extremely careful and move things in the right direction.

>Why should he be selfless when everyone else is selfish ?
because he's an attention whoring faggot.

>blue-eyed children
You're trying to minimize the significance of your heritage to become capable of brushing it off. You wouldn't did you not see it to begin with. Trust me, I know what you're on about. But you can't fool yourself for long.

it's a rhetorical question, watch more than 1 minute clips.

Because in their hearts they still believe that the avoidance of violence and thus peace is the highest moral good that man is capable of.
They know that if they begin to make mention of stuff like this they're going to be effectively arguing for violence because truthfully violence is the only way to solve this issue and defend our homelands.

They're putting themselves in the way of doing what's right.

Nice fucking try Mohamed. I'm going to have blue eyed Catholic kids and I'm going to train them from birth for the next crusades

If he goes for it head on he'll be completely deplatformed in one fell swoop. You can't just spaghetti and expect to be taken seriously.

>Tfw will never fly halfway across the world just to service Jordan Peterson
I'm not interested enough in philosophy to pay for it but his (free) lectures are nice to listen to on the bus

The biosphere belongs to the successful breeders. By not getting married early and fucking like rabbits, you fucked yourselves out of a future.

Whoa, there Tonto. You got it just backwards. COnservatives in America have the Individual as the highest priority not the other way around. Here we are "classic liberals" because the damn commies have perverted everything, especially our language.

Godspeed, Séamus.

>all the universities are entirely overrun with leftist.
You've never been to any universities. There is a college Republicans club on every campus and I've never yet seen a college Democrats club.

Irish descent here. To be fair Irish girls love black cock. I have never seen so many mulattos with single mothers than in Cork.

My grill is Lithuanian. Her family have a lot of farmland in Samogitia and have already offered us some of it if we want.

So that is my escape plan if UK ever descends into the abyss even further.

Who is that beauty?

> inb4 your solutions are far, far more radical than simple genocide.

Go ahead hot shot.

That moment when you were told your whole life since elementary that all Germans in ww2 including the Wehrmacht were Nazis then you realize in 7th grade that most Wehrmacht were young men who signed up to stop the soviets from conquering Germany and Poland.

I wish I knew. Found her while trawling fucking hairdresser blogs trying to sauce this one.

I will never stop sharing Yuri.

Hi, I was looking for some controversial figures such as this guy to watch on youtube
I also like Christopher Hitchens, here's one I liked:

Do you or anyone else know any other people in this sort of vein? Sorry if they're a bit unrelated bit anyway

the college democrats club is the entire university


Saying this is on par with saying the civil war had nothing to do with slavery

Have another unsauced one to make up for it.

Jonathan Bowden if you're into right wing politics

go on.

You idealise the family and traditional heritage/culture; and restrict immigration while implementing extremely tough rules for the arabs and African migrants who came as refugees - the opposite of what is currently being done by (((them))).

Yep that's the kind of thing, thanks

Because this is the only place where that elephant exist, dumbass. Most people *don't give a flying fuck about being white* and that is a good thing, fucking alt-right retards.

You let them know other whites are looking out for them

l don't think you know, postmodernism isn't synonymous with neo marxism.

Peterson is definitely a postmodernist, specifically on the subject of religion.

>COnservatives in America have the Individual as the highest priority
Their policies don't reflect that. When it comes to imposing their will on other Americans, they are decidedly anti-individual.

For example, rather than respect abortion as an individual's choice, they instead try to impose a group morality on those individuals.

Same with marriage. Rather than let each individual choose who they want to marry. The conservatives impose their ancient Middle East group morality

Same with marijuana. Rather than let people choose for themselves, they force a group mentality rule.

Same with mandatory minimum sentencing. Rather than allow each defendant to have his sentence decided by a judge and jury, conservatives generally push for group-wide sentencing with no provision for individual circumstances.

Same with civil rights. They are the rights of individuals that conservatives invariably find them diametrically opposed to for some odd reason.

Same with immigrants and minorities. Instead of viewing them as individuals, they lump them together as groups.

I could go on. Conservatives generally only care about individuals when it comes to property rights, guns and taxes. So the leftists are the champions of individual rights. The conservatives could be too, but they'd have to radically re-tool their priorities.

Just clean your room and everything will be alright.

Damn you're good at trolling. You should quit your day job and become a full time troll.

Real talk, though, end white genocide. Stop forced immigration into white countries. You don't see Asia or Africa doing it.

I cleaned my room, but genocide was still there after I ignored it... Should I clean it again?

Nice, the troll-defense. Bet you faggots use that a lot around these degenerate parts of the internet.

Real talk though, immigration is not forced just because "U DON SE AFRYCNa DOInG EET :D!"

Also for futher reference: Sweden is fine, Norway is fine, black people *are not* (and i repeat *are not*) the source for your shitty lives. :)

Finance children

go clean the immigrants room too since you got experience

Don't worry about EU, murica will definetly go first.

>how can me nurture more of the radical right
>by making it exciting by making it counter culture

Holy shit, it happened. I have seen this guy talk about Evola before but once again he is right. The conditions necessary to bring about a new counter right revolution have been met. We are in the middle of it and we are getting real intelligent discussion again.

I'll give the Union a call.

tucker talks about that sort of stuff all the time regarding the mexicans who invade america though

It's generally the other way around, look up the Dunning Kruger effect.

Jordan is a light weight compared to this guy:

Mark Passio

Because it's too much of an emotional bombshell for most people to handle.