Give me most sour red pills Sup Forums?


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roads are devices invented by the jews for the sole purpose of mass immigration

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
She lied about birth control
Immigration offsets estate tax

Jews have the highest iq of any racial group which makes them superior in world domination, but also reviled because the lesser, dumber races can't comprehend their sheer intellect.

Anyone who disagrees belongs to the stupid racial group (white)

Black women are hot.


Jews are so stupid they LARP around saying im a chosen person.

Real good critical thinking there kike. real smart.

Jews weren't responsible for 9/11, it was right wing fascist Americans trying to frame Muslims and Jews.

All the buildings in your city are fake
they are hollow and contain oil rigs

>the highest iq of any racial group
>verbal iq
Funny how kike always leave that point out...
The only intellectual prowess they have is based on lying, subversion and manipulation, NOT creation.
A high iq white is an engineer
A hig iq kike is a con man.

Movies you thought were entertaining, did their job to manipulate you.

memes aside though the most bitter and necessary red-pill is that time preference is essentially the sole determinant of civilisation, and that a democracy of short-term rotating leaders is bound to increase the time preferences of the country.


Jews are divided politically just like every other race. Destroying communism forever will be a lot harder than just killing them off, because communist subverters exist for all races.

I guess the worst is not necessarily the last. It's the fact that no matter what you do, in the end the liberal media will rewrite history to make you the villain. There will be no pulling back of the curtain. It is not possible to eradicate them. As you dig through alternative historical narratives you will find example upon example of men trying to fight for truth who are now forgotten or villainized. The reason is that the majority of the population does not care about the truth. (((They))) who use the ignorance of the populace to their advantage rather than attempting to cure it will always win.

So don't go out waving a tiki torch with your face showing, retard.

Christianity is the truth and only a tiny fraction of people will actually make it to heaven.
You should all repent as soon as possible as should I.

The American Health Care system is designed to keep people addicted to pain killers and pills for the rest of their lives rather than treating the problems. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies hate the word herbal or remedy because one, there's a lot of them that work and two, they don't make any money. American Health Care is nothing but a fucking scam.

>My Uncle was diagnosed with chronic liver disease and late stage fibrosis
>Doctors tell him there's literally nothing you can do about it and he will progress to cirrhosis which leads to liver failure and death
>Tells him they can put him on some medications to help slow down the progress and deal with the pain
>Spends the next few months doing nothing but drinking Thistle Milk supplements with his water, putting lemons in his water, taking Dandelion Root supplements, exercising and drinking a couple of liters a water a day to help flush out toxins

Well, what do you know? He's fine and healthy. He went to a big city, which hurt his wallet big time and got another ultrasound, another CT scan and re-diagnosed, his liver is healthy.

Fuck the American Health Care system and fuck the pills they want to put you on. I know people who have anxiety that take pills and they have to take it for the rest of their lives or they go through withdrawals and the symptoms come right back.

It's so fucking sad. It should be illegal what they do to people. But the Government's making huge money off of it so fuck everyone else.

Could it be that dumb Jews were culled?

you fucking antisemtic piece of shit

God isn't real.

But that's an actual red pill.

Most people on Sup Forums don't want true red pills.

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day.

Mark Zuckerburg is a supeJew. His special ability is getting the normals to trust him so much they fill in all their own secret police files for him (kikebook).
How can we compete with a dox of this calibre?

Royal family from empire roman still government world

It's not necessarily preferable to believe the truth.
That's the actual red pill.


If jews are so smart why haven't they created a civilization on their own?





Fuck off leddit shill

Actually? What in the fuck.


COUNTER-Semitic. It's insulting and hurtful if you don't use the words i want you to, to identify me, and in some states it's illegal....

Whoa. From vaginal mind conrol to this shit? Fuck me right in the goat ass.

David Icke is right.

go fuck yourself. you unsocialized inbred hillbillies

The agressive use of propaganda and disinformation today make the truth something completely subjective, you can only be sure of what you personally experience

End yourself you ashtray sympathizer

That's my struggle with religion right there. Obviously there is no sky god. We are slightly brainy apes. There is no individual soul as such. But throw away the mythology and doom your own civilization. What to do?

>racial group

well they were right about you

the truth can't be completely subjective
you could say that it makes the truth hard to distinguish, though

oh nice one. haha its the jews guys

THEY ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING *puts dip in mouth*


I am more than happy to admit that the Jews are the most intelligent parasites on earth.

and in fairness it makes sense, if youre gonna be a parasite, you need those few extra IQ point to stay ahead of your host, or else 1488 happens

so take pride my jewish friends, youre the best damn leeches nature could possible create. no really, 10/10

Not an argument

Its the jews. Anyone who says otherwise is too scared to speak truth to power.

Nobody is faithful to their word in a world is every man for himself.
You die alone.

snek will love on you

say it again shlomo, music to my ears :D

Consider that as the result of atheism anarchy and chaos ensues may actually be an indication that there INDEED is a God and anarchy and chaos are the price of ignorance.

>Its the jews
yeah they make up 14 million world wide and control everything.... you're real bright there bubba.

>beeing this mad

just read the bible and convince yourself that god is outside of comprehension desu
or become solipsistic and you'll eventually believe in god too

There are too many humans on earth.

Thats the mother redpill. The rest are just pieces of an unnecessary puzzle.

Our cyborg descendants will be laughing at us for being so obsessed with race. I'm still a racist realist, but you all have to understand this racial paradigm is near its end. Realistically, we are a decade away from effective embryo selection, a few decades from designer babies and AGI, and probably less than 50 years away from ASI. Racialism is going to be the least of our problems as we find new ways to be better than one another, and as those with the means will enhance themselves, and become part machine. Compared to the augmented humans of 2080, even someone as intelligent as Einstein will seem like village idiot. Race is going to become irrelevant within our lifetime when it comes to intelligence.


Semites, people that speak a semetic language..
Like arab you fucking shitskin monkey loving pig fucker.
fuk the kikes and the mozzies

We don't know that anything is real except ourself.

overpopulation is a meme to justify despotism and reduction of western birth rates.

what food is red pilled pol? thinking of making chicken and rice today but not sure

intelligent blue-eyes

The true redpill is that all redpills are actually bluepills.

it's all about status and money
nobody cares about YOU


>when there're roads


that's not necessarily true. to know that we exist is to know that we can know things, and is to know that we can act (thinking being a subcategory of action). a lot follows from this.

consciousness creates the material world



Dropping varg pills

A sexual selection only trait not linked to intelligence, else you wouldn't have negroes with blue eyes.
Precious for its rarity, not its efficience. eyes, an equally worthless measure of quality.

Swallow it, goyim.

>Ancient Romans
>Created roads that lasted thousand of years to move troops easily through HUEG empire
>Fast forward two millenium
>"Obv the Jews guys"
The sourest redpill for you will be that, surprisingly, Jews aren't responsible for some latent use of devices and inventions of the white man.

Overpopulation isn't a meme.
Saying that white people and people from developed countries in general need to have less children because of it is a meme.
Our birth rates are below replacement, if anything we should donate condoms and birth control pills to africans, indians, arabs and pakis.

May the best race win. But I fear we are all doomed. Hope for another ice age.

big if true

overpopulation is only not a meme when the population levels of a country are sustained only through gifts from other countries, desu senpai.

>not getting the reference
You disappoint fellow european

Any other issue than monetary reform is a distraction.

The people who own and control the private central banks rule the world.

Wars are used to increase a country's debt, who then needs to raise taxes on the population to pay the interest rates.

Through fractional reserved ledning, a bank can lend 90% more than what it has in reserves, creating inflation and ultimately depressions.

Lincoln, Napoleon, Bismarck, Jefferson, Edison, Andrew Jackson, the Tzar of Russia were all against private central banking

The only presidents to get assassinated or attempted assassinated: Lincoln, Andrew Jackson (assassins gun jammed, Garfield (died of sudden heart attack but no autopsy), JFK were all trying to destroy the federal reserve

Immigration, race baits, left vs right, women vs men, west vs east

All used as a divide and conquer, to keep your attention away from the private central banking and fractional reserved lending

The Alt-Right is an undercover Antifa operation funded by the DNC designed to undermine right wing political stances.

Free will is an illusion


Found your FB picture
>pic related

>still praising Rabbinical Romulus

nepotism is their most powerful tool. complete strangers act as a cohesive unit

my best friend as a kid was an immigrant from iran. his family were turbo kikes who were thrown out in the 80s. his parents were first cousins and everything

anyways, they all came here together and opened businesses all over town. they had people from their synagogue and other jews in every single position over minimum wage. they only hired goyim for shit-tier part time work. they had literal niggers working all the minnimum wage jobs while they were (((management))). it was blatant discrimination. even as a child i knew it was fucked. no white person in america could get away with anything like that. it would be all over the national news and everyone would know your name. but kikes are completely immune to any criticisms here. its the third rail of american politics. the cnn being ony jewish meme was a potent redpill, but no one seems to know or care. if they were whites, people would use it as a talking point for the next thirty years

the neo-nazis definitely are. Notice how most of them are millennials. Very fishy if you ask me.

>we should donate condoms and birth control pills to africans, indians, arabs and pakis.
We should cull them violently, starting with the algerian beast.

underrated and true


No he is right

Alt right is a name made by a DNC think tank, which was then used to define Trumps base and ideology.

Trump has never used alt right, nor has anyone in the republican party or the team.

It was first introduced by leftwing MSM media and DNC presidential campaign

>create an ideology / group
>link it to foe (Trump)
>control it and use it to split his base

Very normal maneuver in politics

the strangest thing is how many actual right wing individuals decided to take the name and identify with it

The war never ends.

No matter how many you redpill, no matter how important your opinions become, or how many white children you have, a victory will merely be a delaying of the next battle, as the enemy can never be completely vanquished.

Though this does not allow you to stop fighting. Just accept, as an enkindled spirit, you will NEVER know peace and solace.

You mean, SUSPICIOUS how CERTAIN right wing individuals decided to BRAND themselves.

i don't think that literally everyone who claims to be alt-right is a jewish quadruple agent desu

Checked. Have a (You).
Christcucks BTFO

>Bin Laden was one of us
>He found out the Jews were in the government and trying to take over Middle East in the 90s (PNAC, Clean Break) see full interview transcripts
>Tried to warn us with small bombings on embassiez
>Gave up and switched to a Bleed until Bankruptcy plan in Afghanistan and because if Bush, Iraq
>Jewish media lied about him to his death and never showed his speeches, caling him a religious fanatic, even thiugh he said he is only permitted to take a life only to save a life.
>Died trying to save us from the Jews till the end

Why are you so angry Jacques ? Did you just get beat up by Mahmoud and Ahmed ?
Seriously, mass genocide will never happen, and it would be wrong anyways.
If western countries actually wanted to lower birthrates in 3rd world countries they would've done it.


It doesn't really matter what these assholes want to call it. The fact is that a right-wing alternative to neo-conservatism has arisen in the past three years, lodged somewhere between regular conservatives, libertarians and nazis, without excluding either group.
People need a name to describe this group, and if you don't like it, come up with something better.

I'm not particularly fond of the term myself, but right now there aren't any other terms that describe our side.

>and it would be wrong anyways.
Explain to me why without using a religious moral.

I think the hardest to swallow is the JQ and the widespread occult practices interweaved in the activities of our world rulers. Fucking weird.

Whenever I bring up the JQ irl I'm shot down. Conservatives love Israel


Our movement is "leave us alone or else" Not some joo approved us only "alt-right".
In france we've reached past the or else in the last election.

This one is interesting.