Trump shills are gone?

Anyone long time pol posters notice that the Trump shills are mostly gone? There's not even a "pro trump" general up like there usually is.

Are we going back to our libertarian/stormfront roots yet? I miss you old pol.

y-you can't flim flam the zim zam ;-;

Other urls found in this thread:

They are all mostly on t_d.

He won, you lost. Get over it.

I hope so, I am getting really fed up with that kike and his enablers

Why is everyone that likes trump a shill to you? What you are doing is the same as an sjw screaming racist.

>not even a pro trump general up
Fake news

We won!



the /ptg/ is literally on the front page. and i've never seen it not there.

here's what happens: nu-pollacks come to the board, and either lurk, troll or shill. Then they read some common fucking sense and become the old-pol you love so much. Simply being here is enough to red-pill anyone. old-old-pol are the 1488gtkrwn faggots that don't feel they were listened to over the past decade.

Also, Trump disappointed me deeply. I'm still glad Hillary lost, but I'm hoping Trump is a one-termer and a more competent Republican is elected.

very underwhelming get


Fake news it is.

hi leftypol


build wall, spic. No freebees for you!

Because when the dust settles and the hypes over you realise he was only a meme candidate that won, being better than Hilary was easy, she's unlikable no matter how you put it.
When you take a look at his cabinet ans you realise who he has hired and who he fired.
The fact he has kushner and his daughter in his ear 24-7 is not a good look and quite frankly the whole "daddy bomb Syria the photos make me sad" showed he is nothing more than a man controlled by his surroundings.

>that picture
fucking kek

fucking checked.


We are about to Arrest Malcolm Turnbull.

Sorry OP, looks like
Has proved you wrong
>Pic related, it's you

Trumptards are as fanatic as libtards.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

-Mark Twain

They're still here. After all this time they are actually starting to blend in.

>Muh based sandnigger

RT shills are the funniest.

>back to our libertarian/stormfront roots
Can't into ctrl+f. GTFO newfag cancer. /ptg/ is alive

This nigger picked the 10 minutes out of 24 hours there's not a Trump general up to make this shitty thread. Kys faggot.


Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

We are in the middle of Operations.

>obvious meme generator 2.3
you people will never learn, but hey, keep trying. you keep wondering how Sup Forums keep growing.. this is how

Fuck off shill. If I knew you werent being a disingenuous faggoty shill, I would not comment either way on what you posted, but you gaslighting faggots always end up posting together to make it seem organic. Trump attack threads that are made by genuine people are exceedingly rare. Usually it is shill city, with the same shill attack strategies. This is why your threads never work because many people see through them. It is not even that people are defending Trump, as much as shills and unfunny shitposters are dumb.


ahahahahaha Trump won, get over it OP

>former supporter here

No seriously guys believe me.

>REEE, shill!, don't insult muh god emperor, shadilayyyyyyyy

There is a safe space for you trumptards in r_thedonald.

Trump shill here. Also, Bernie can still win.

There has been proved record, that many non-Americans are shilling for Donald Trump knowing that it makes America weaker.

>/ptg/ is on page 1

OP sure is a dumb faggot



>There has been proved record, that many non-Americans are shilling against Donald Trump knowing that it makes America weaker.

Your argument applied before trump was president... Now that he's president, shills make america weaker by delegitimizing our leadership.

>sends more troops to Afghanistan
>fires missiles destroying a third of Assad's air force
>On verge of war with best Korea

Well at least his domestic policy's are still ok if only "thebrain"McCain would vote Conservative we'd have a repeal of nigger care.

Prove it by unhiding your faggoty meme flag and posting your sources. There's a 99.2% you're Israeli. No one's fooled.

OP btfo

Trump Generals should be moved to /bantz/ or /mlp/ with the rest of the garbage

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why do you spend so much time shilling on this site?

Right after the Communist Generals sure why not. Keep trying you liberal cult faggots.

Still mad about /nsg/?

Hillary is currently on a very popular three month book tour instead of being locked up, or whatever. Meanwhile Trump is kissing nigger babies and literally sucking jew penis.

How depressed are you?

do you autoreply to just replies, or are there trigger words in your programming?
lets see if that works

I don't know what that has to do with communism unless you're admitting that bitch is a commie. Meanwhile Trump's still The Most Powerful Man in The World and POTUS. You even suggesting moving Trump Generals shows what a triggered piece of snowflake newfag shit you are and that you don't understand the purpose of Sup Forums at all. Who gives a fuck about a book tour? No one.

>who left the white house two or three weeks ago?