This continent was a fucking mistake

This continent was a fucking mistake.
Everyone here is a fucking retarded low IQ half-chimp. This continent has contributed with NOTHING to human knowledge, not a single worthy invention, not a single worthy discovery, this place was better of without people. Colonizers should have genocide the natives and fuck off back to Europe.
The problem of poverty ridden shithole are very people living here, not capitalism, not America, not the colonizers but the aberration that the are people of mixed European-African-Native blood. We are a huge experiment and proof that nothing good will ever come from a racially mixed melting pot.

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But, are they happy?


True, only people with good quality of life in Chile are the whites that are isolated because of the economic classes


Only the lucky ones to be white, smart and educated

It ain't their fault. You have a thousand abo tribes ruled like slaves for several hundred years by a failing Empire that abandoned them. What remained was to isolate and desolate to matter much as the other Empires also crumbled. So what remained were the mixed descendants of abos and a thin upper crust of Rabi Blancos who pet the natives in line. Who wants to get mixed up in that shit? Just the Commies who want to use it as a destabilization base to screw the USA. Hence Cuba, Nicaragua, (Failed attempt at San Salvador), and Venezuela. Latin AMerican History in a nutshell.

Eh, give it a couple decades. You'll get your John Moses Browning or the like eventually. And hey, you have more inventions under South America's Belt than Blacks. Least you guys invented more than 3 Guns.


Sorry for that. We should have taken the english way: exterminate every native.

Eyzaguirre, Larraín, Arriagada, barría. God, I wish my last name had a double R. Instantly makes you white and Basque Master race.

there are too many countries with no noticeable reason to exist. return the old spanish viceroyalty borders.

Sadly yes, people here can live in dirt poor conditions and still give a huge cavity infested smile and pretend it's ok.
People here don't have the mental capacity to realize they are the problem, let alone solving them.

>being this cuck
>sucking Iberian dick

If at least you suck British or German dicks, I would understand a bit, but Iberians?

>the are people of mixed European-African-Native blood. We are a huge experiment and proof that nothing good will ever come from a racially mixed melting pot.
Yeah, should have gone the USA USA USA route and wiped them all out. It's not too late, my friend.

Suck Iberian dick? I'm just pointing out the fact that here in Chile having a Basque name makes you white, handsome (hot for the girls) rich, smart and educated.

Were there any south American native Indian tribes where the women were known for their beauty?

Or are they all ugly as shit like north American Indians?

>not a single worthy invention

Idk, I like the ocarina, and use it for tuning/meditation/playing melodies in my spare time.

Each to their own I suppose.


The point is: The "white" ones are very mediocre too. No reason to feel superior to brown ones. Iberian stock.

See what Brazil would look like if it was only by German stock.

Are you a brown Mestizo?

The streets look very clean, comfy, safe and civilized.

So Iberians ruined an entire continent. Congrats.


What a wonderful world. Why not wipe out the Iberians, my Germanic friendo?

Hell no, native women are like lighter skinned Australian abos, I wouldn't be surprised if they are genetically related.

It looks WAY better than Bulgaria. I want to live there. Blame Iberians.

Meant to quote

Just spent a couple of weeks in Colombia and the differences even within a country are pretty amazing.

Spent a few days in Medellin, the most exclusive neighborhood there is El Poblado - new high rises with all the amenities, gated security, name brand luxury stores (including El Tesoro, perhaps the most prestigious shopping center in the country)

Go to the opposite end of Medellin though and you see favelas with people living in their own piss and shit.

Then I went to San Rafael, a small town about three hours east of Medellin. Even in a small town, huge contrasts. Mulattos mostly lived in corrugated metal shacks on the roads some distance from town itself while the rich whites and mestizos had large homes by the plaza and their own little farms some distance outside tended by sharecroppers


thats a fucking man. it has stubble.

Amazing. Very civilized like white parts of South Africa.

The Intelligent South Americans are all National Socialistas and Hitler admirers, because they knew that he was right.

Just as a fact, Uruguay and Argentina have less niggers and natives than the USA

Mongrels with Iberian stock.

This city looks like Australia or South Africa. I don't get it. If they are sucessful why don't they come back to Germany? Or why don't you copy their culture? If they live in some Asian country, the neighbour cities would copy their culture.

There was some Polynesian mixing into South America and some Polynesians have Australian abo blood.

it's good, it's a big tank of hot girls craving white dicks, it's ridiculous how being white makes you hot for the girl, just don't marry them

basque descendant here, my last name does have a double R time to collect my white shekels in chile

Very cute

>tfw Iberian stock

What was so impressive? Home ownership and soccer?

Aren't Abbos just inbred Polynesians mixed with some nigger race?

What are the least shitty, crime-ridden areas though?

No trash in the streets, no bydlos and educated people.

Germans have god tier culture. It's notva meme.

I actually fucking hate Iberians for colonizing Mexico. If they hadn't, then Britain would've, then they would've killed all the natives as is tradition, then we would have either a white Mexico as part of our clay, or a neighboring white country south so we wouldn't have our demographics issue from mestizo spaniard mixed shits flooding in. Iberians ruin everything they touch including the continents of America, I fucking hate those spics and wish we could genocide everything with even 1% of Iberian blood.

what the fuck am still doing here


Abos are some proto-nigger race that hit Australia way back. Polynesians are mostly Taiwanese and a mystery blend of crazy shit like Celts, Persians, and Peruvians.

This so much

dont do it, dont be like my great grandfather he took his white privilege getting brown pussy 24/7.
today i cant hit a girl from my town because half of the population is a long forgoten cousin of mine thanks to that dude, yes my great grandfather cockblocked me, he was also in uruguay somehow.

Because it's not about "culture". 89 IQ hominids can't copy, emulate, and uphold the culture of 105 IQ hominids even if they want to. You may as well put a PC with 2 gig RAM next to one with 8 gig RAM and ask "this one is so much faster, why doesn't the 2G RAM just copy it?"

wanna fight paco?

That is not true, Argentina had some really good writers.

This. Everything is about IQ. Asian countries like Singapore and South Korea can copy western culture because high IQ. Brown and black people have low IQ.

we also did the modern method of the coronary artery bypass surgery, this one is the most relevant apart from all the literature

Iberia was a mistake.

this is what happens when the english dont visit a continent

Friendly reminder that the US have a lower iq than Iberians

Falklands look as civilized as New Zealand.

lots of cocaine and coffee tho

Not completely, they served as a good genetic stock for ancient merchants.

only because niggers and half-Iberian spics are dragging our average down.

It's funny how every fucking place with Germanic or Celtic diaspora look civilized. It doesn't matter if these places are giant deserts like Australia or cold wastelands like Canada.

Do you even try, rest of the world?


Copy that


Their northern states are still >90% white though.

speak for yourself retard

I predict a massive white flight to South America as soon as things go bad in Europe. Think armed muslim militias or an economic crash (the reason why people are staying in the enriched orwellian shitholes of Northern Europe is because, despite the high taxes, the salary is still comfy)

You had some potential, I think. Even now there are parts of the continent that show promise to not be total shit. Mostly the whiter areas. Spain's problem wasn't necessarily that it didn't genocide the natives either. If they hadn't killed the native rulers and just set themselves up as suzerains from Cuba or something they could have swung it, slowly bleaching and civilizing the continent over the centuries. Too bad they had to muh dick random Indians instead.

>Spain's problem wasn't necessarily that it didn't genocide the natives
It wasn't, the Spain was bad is a meme. What the empire and the church did with the indians was amazing, they tried as hard to civilize them and they actually managed to do it, but after the independence wars most new formed countries didn't know how to deal with them.
You can have a perfectly functional country full of indians or mestizos, with whites calling the shots, look at Chile and what Peru is doing right now.
Niggers on the other hand...

The souther you get, the whiter you get.

Nigga, their problem is IQ only. They will never reach Falklands or this level of development Natives and blacks have low IQ. Native reserves are the poorest places of America and the most violent places of Canada. Nigger cities are the most violent ones here.

East Asians are the only ones capable of civilization due to their IQ.

Pretty much.
>dude fuck whitey let's revolt and make our own countries
>wait shit how do we do this
There were Amerindians that could into civilization, Euros just killed them all because they were in our way. It wouldn't have been a bad thing if Spain had played it the way England and America did, but not absolutely genociding the natives and just killing off the elite is a recipe for disaster.

speak for yourself you poor ass shit

i love it here

>dude fuck whitey
almost all founding fathers were white though, with French and Anglo education -and support-. Both French and British way of civilizing a colony were slavery, genocide and whitewashing. You could say it gets the shit done because the anglo sphere steam rolled everyone including Spain but in the long run it produces cancer like white guilt, welfare, and doomed nations like South Africa. Also and I'm sorry to say your version of Christianity is degenerate as fuck.

it's because of the jews, they are the ones bringing degeneracy and niggers here, we had a fuck ton of good writers in the past, I bet you're the typical faggot that says that Chile doesnt have a culture and we shouldnt be proud of our things, fuck off

White guilt is the fault of the Jew, honestly, but I agree that Protestantism is what helped a lot of Jewish shit take hold. Martin Luther is probably spinning in his grave.

>This continent was a fucking mistake.
That's not how land masses work.
>Everyone here is a fucking retarded low IQ half-chimp.
Not my fault you can't manage to get smart friends and partners.
>This continent has contributed with NOTHING to human knowledge, not a single worthy invention.
Not true we developed potatoes for example, using cutting edge agricultural methods and an early version of mendelian genetics (given the results probably more advanced than what he researched) the original roots was toxic and couldn't be eaten, but after several developments not only you can eat it, but you have a large variety of them.
>not a single worthy discovery.
Guinea pigs advanced human science to our currents levels and they were domesticated and selectively breed by ancient andeans.
>this place was better of without people.
Barely your opinion.
>Colonizers should have genocide the natives and fuck off back to Europe.
They couldn't, superior native military.
>The problem of poverty ridden shithole are very people living here.
We are doing fairly fine and we even have enough for people from actual shitholes.
>the aberration that the are people of mixed European-African-Native blood. We are a huge experiment and proof that nothing good will ever come from a racially mixed melting pot.

We are not experiment but the results of human expansion and technological development, it looks to me that you are just searching for excuses to be mediocre.

Yeah, you Spanish are the niggers of Europe, you can't go three minutes without "muh dick"ing.

feels good to be cuico and recesivo

Is Vargas Llosa any good?

Personally i liked the older ones more, especially Sabato, Puig, Borhes.

>tfw roto ql de la san lucho 4 en la zona baja de Maipú.
>moved to Europe as a teen and made a better life for myself.

I both despide and feel bad for cuicos, specially those who've never left the continent, not even for vacationing. They're like retarded kids thinking they own the world because "we live in the house daddy bought in Las Condes", unlike past examples of class difference flaites and other poor people don't fear nor respect you, they despise you, and will target you if you so much as step outside your small boundaries in Santiago and elsewhere.

Flaites with no education, no aspiration and zero motivation are worse though, that's for granted.

I havent read his workd yet, sorry man, but I recommend you Hernan Rivera Letelier and Julio Cortazar

user, we don't care about what you middle class fags think about us. It's both funny and sad seeing you always trying to insult us etc etc. And I find inpressive the amount of bullshit you guys invent about us, it's like "well, he is rich and lives better etc, but at least [invents something to feel better]"

>Everyone here is a fucking retarded low IQ half-chimp.

import sperm from intelligent donors. hand it out to all the women, for free, and and the next generation will be smarter!

We invented populism :^)

Also, give our sea back, mapuche niggers.

Chile as a whole it's only worth something to the immigrants swarming Santiago and the idiots who think we're "Los Jaguares de Latinoamérica!"

>When she keeps her socks on

But we used to be great, 60 years ago...

We just need to close all (((media))) who shill for marxisms.

And deport mestizos.

>deport 99% of chileans

Win in La Paz this afternoon and we might consider it.

Oh wait no we won't...

From desktop and cellphone. Ahh, the impotent anger of the dispossessed.




These little European minicolonies are exactly what the future is going to be like once the Islamic civil wars begin on the home continent. You're going to wind up with British, French, German, Dutch, etc., enclaves popping up in North and South America, Russia, and even China I'll bet. The chinks will go absolutely full smug at the thought of keeping the descendants of their former colonial masters inside little snowglobe zoos for observation and amusement.

Pretty much everyone here is, you should always assume Chilean posters are mestizos. But you have the ones who despise the fact such as OP, and the ones who don't.

>This continent has contributed with NOTHING to human knowledge
Thats more to do with anglos historically refusing to publish anything that is written hispanic rather than much else.

Many german and french great filosophers cited that a lot of their works and inspirations derived from works of hispanics.

England would have filled South America up with poos and niggers. It would be in much worse shape today.