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Just be a sex trafficker instead, they don't arrest those. or use a muslim as a profile pic, THEY DONT FUKKEN ARREST THOSE EITHER

I'm planning to destroy the Earth in the name of FAR CENTRIST terrorism.

how many assault spoons did they have in their possession

Probably tried to stop their daughters being raped.

>far right terrorism

Right wing bigots



I fucking hate being stuck right beside that kip.
Can we pls just move into the middle of The Atlantic already?

its another big fat bacon burger

>they think normies want to hurt eachother on purpose
>I think they want to hurt people on purpose and are covering their arse

You pic related is fake news, they were arrested on suspicion of being members of a proscribed organisation (which is indeed a terror offense), I have seen no indication that they were planning anything

You are user... by doing nothing.

>they were making anti immigration signs and planning to protest at Nelson's column
>far right terrorism

> Asian rape gangs operating with impunity, police get called out

Fuck my shit up, senpai

>they were arrested on suspicion of being members of a proscribed organisation (which is indeed a terror offense)
Where did the UK go wrong?

lel - arrested for being a member of a meme gang.

It's amazing that the British police can round up enough officers to shut down NA who have NEVER committed an act of violence (I can bet this "act" of terrorism is twitter or internet related) but can't pick up the thousands of actual ISIS fighters wandering around the British nation.

the absolute STATE of the UK

They've been arrested for being members of NA.

This is like being arrested for being a member of the Daily Stormer.

That's how cucked Britain is.

>Act of terrorism

Yeah, they were planning on posting jokes on twitter.

So they were arrested for suspicion of being members of a group?

inb4 their jews which they always are trying to playu the v card

my lads

White people don't commit terrorist acts.

If you rape white women in the UK you wont get arrested though

white people are freedom fighters

Sorry can't get archive to open

I have gone beyond indecision and realized the only way true centrism can exist is if everything ceases to!

that's how it always works.

anyone who claims to be righteous is probably evil.
anyone who claims to speak for a group is probably a part of a minority attempting to intimidate you.
anyone who claims to be peaceful and calm is probably incredibly unstable and angry.
anyone who claims to have self control probably lacks self control.

anyone who outright claims to have a good quality has a reason for claiming as such, and that reason is probably not what they're saying it is.

your average person does not want to hurt every person they come across, and that goes without saying. the moment that they SAY they don't want to hurt every person they come across, it's best to assume that they do.

Fake News

Arrested for belonging to NA, no evidence of them planning anything

>tfw the Met accidentally breaks up an MI5 false flag

By allowing it to get to this point in the first place. And what happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

Channel 4 ran an expose on NA a few months back

>"They are still out there!"
>"Still organizing!"
>"We went undercover!"

>So, uh yeah, you getting together with your, uh, terrorist group later?

>Well, I dunno. Was going to hang out with some friends. They used to be in NA, but we aren't a group anymore.

>Oh wow, yeah, so, you're hanging out. You into terrorism or whatever?

>Nah, just memes.

>Oh yeah, I know about """memes"""

It's pathetic.

>they send you and your friends over to fight sunni shitskins
>inevitably come to hate them and see them for the subhumans they are
>come home and you see the streets of every major city being flooded with these people, who also hate you and your country
>as a patriot you are obviously critical of this
>they arrest you for wrong think


>Plotting to hang out with your bro's



>Getting together with a paramilitary group to behead infidels

>''cultural association"

NA no longer exists tbf
Not sure what the broke up but it wasn't NA

this but unironically

It's hilarious. Such a fucking joke.

It WAS National Action.

See the video I just posted.


I.e., hanging out at a boxing gym with thier m8s.

I wasn't being ironic, it makes sense that "far-right" white people are freedom fighters because whites are being reduce to a minority against their will and

Probably planned to eat bacon in front of Muslims. Damn terrorists!

I seen it. But NA no longer exists, it's just a group of mates who like fitness and memes, not sure when hanging out its your mates doing some boxing and shitposting became illegal

>when it's illegal to belong to a group you don't like

In fairness, think about this from the police's point of view. Having a bunch of soldiers with access to weapons being members of a terrorist group (not arguing whether that's right or not) is not something they could ever be allowed to let slide.

Jesus can we just have an army coup already. Clearly they have more sense than any politician.

But NA no longer exist, this is an absolute piss take lad

which is better guys
UK or USA?
ive never been

having the wrong opinion is terrorism

When do The Brits delete their police forces and start over. Right now it's a fucking clown show.

>"is a racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic organisation which stirs up hatred, glorifies violence and promotes a vile ideology, and I will not stand for it."

Okay Amber but enough about Islam

They probably planned on criticizing muslims in public

Bong police are complete cunts, flat got broken into and they didn't turn up at all.
Call the paki shop owner a paki and they were round in 5 minutes.

Former NA here.
How fucked am I lads?

North Korea

I'm not getting paid to say this btw

Unless you are Garron you will be alright lad, they have a hard on for him

>plans to hang out with the lads, meet for a few drinks and have a good time
>get arrested for right wing terrorism, hate speech and misogyny
>mfw this will become the norm soon
This country gets worse every day

none of those women have seen the beauty of the white man
just think of it user

good. fuck nazis

They must think highly of the people they are policing if they wouldn't even trust them with a butter knife.

I mean, all jihadi violence is far-right if you want to put it on that spectrum

>Inb4 purge of the army
>Inb4 soldier numbers reach even lower levels
>Inb4 they lower standard of recruitment completely and the army is entirely ineffective

The number of soldiers is genuinely already so low, as is morale, that when they start investigating shit posted on Facebook and giving us even more equality and diversity briefs there's going to be nobody left

That’s exactly how I feel in the US, I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then I come home, get out and go to college. Shitskin muslims all over the fucking place. I’ve seen what these people do, they shit ok everything, fuck each other in the ass and say it’s not gay, fuck goats, and children. And I express my views from an actual position of authority about those fucks, I’d be labeled a racist nazi fascist etc



I hear they are closing in on the infamous member "Anonymous" of Sup Forums. That guy is a menace.



>and the army is entirely ineffective

And then Denmark will finally make its move and take over your gay little island.

Maybe not in name, but it doesn't mean they aren't still organising. Look at what happened with Anjem Choudary, every time his group got banned he started a new one with a different name.

>National Action is a racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic organisation which stirs up hatred, glorifies violence and promotes a vile ideology, and I will not stand for it. "It has absolutely no place in a Britain that works for everyone."

they didnt even do anything though. they were essentially only accused of wrong think, right? its not like they were in a clubhouse or something? almost anyone who is paying attention to world geopolitics could be considered antisemitic

and now where do you draw the line on all this going forward? is every guy who joins the army going to have his emails checked by some labour mp from now on? jesus christ

If any of you wanna fight back against this shit:

Tfw no based na lads to banter with.


So which country is the most cucked of them all? Britain, Germany, Sweden or France?

>"Suspects allegedly were seen purchasing deadly assault weapons to carry out an extremist terror attack."

Thank god they caught them before they could do any damage.

I do it anyway because I'm allowed to and I don't give a fuck what faggots in college think of me.

Yeah, and Ben said this wouldn't happen and it hasn't happened at all


In order:


Having said that it's like trying to figure out which apple is most rotten in pic related


Imagine going to jail in a "free" place for putting fucking bacon on a door handle

It's definitely us.

Sweden. You literally get away with rape.

You can probably kill someones dog and get away with it because you're muslim.

Imagine going to to jail for eating bacon in front of a a muzzie cunt

Fuck they're about to do 10 years for causing hurt feels

Things like glorifying the murder of Jo Cox are what push it over the line

That bloke died in prison mate.

Put bacon on a doorstep in Britain and you'll die in prison. Nuke us plz

My condolence

Nah m8, Sweden is right, but this country is a paradise compared to the shithole that is France and the nanny state that is the UK.

Fuck off lad

Yeah that was the death blow, At least it's a lesson to learn for future natsoc groups

Life in Airstrip One

>not the execution of a traitor

I have no idea who Ben is, but
1) I'm sure Anjem said the same thing
2) It doesn't have to be a whole new organisation for the same local groups of people to all meet up like they did before

France is the worst demographically.
Britain is dead morally. Just a corpse state at this point.
Germany keeps electing a mad woman to replace them, purely for greed and shekels.
Sweden is the best out of all 4 to live.

Hey rabbi....

No, it was murder.


What does "terrorism" even mean in the UK these days? The government has equated leaving a bacon sandwich on the doorstep of a mosque to be the same crime as a truck of peace. So I'm assuming they were arrested for being mean on the internet.

When was her trial? You can't kill people just because you disagree with them, if that were the case half of Sup Forums would be dead for a start.

NA, BNP and NF are already banned from joining the Police, Military or Prison Services.

How they can legally bar BNP or NF I don't know. But that's how it is.

They've literally put a pause on male recruits in the Australian army.


In Germany, Sweden and France, the left wing anti-native governments are supported by the people.

In The U.K. everyone except the communist and islamists fucking hate the government, but are getting bent over by them and getting fucked twice as hard as the populaces of the aforementioned countries.

>You can't kill people just because you disagree with them
No, but you can have them locked up for thought crime