It's hard being black when whites kill your babies

The MSM has convinced black americans that white americans kill blacks on a regular basis, so much so that it's wrong to bring a black baby into the world.

I suppose if you report every white crime 24/7 for months, and don't even cover most black crimes then this is the logical result.

And Trayvon was murdered because of his skin color and his hoodie. Nothing else came into play.

And sorry about the archive or lack of it thereof.

pic related is what she thinks kills black americans. hmm, what is missing from this list?

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Let's archive

thank you swedebro.

The action of making a vote is inherently giving up your authority to run your own life.

lol they dont put abortion in there god i love this world

More people need to see the 2015 FBI crime statistics that show the overwhelming majority of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks, and that white people are shitloads more likely to be the victims of violent crimes committed by blacks than vice versa

And that's what drives me crazy. I know it's Salon, but there should be at least one followup article pointing out in non-racist terms just how unrealistic her article is. The whole "Trayvon was a saint" thing in spite of the trial. Her reaction to Trump's comments on Charlottesville.

Fucking insanity, and the MSM is to blame for most of it, along with decades of liberal teachers and professors.

thk u norjesus i
and i wont even ask y im archiving in israel

>people who vote against their own interests

In this day and age we deal with agenda driven propaganda outlets rather than credible and ethical journalism

>I don't need to have babies
Are they actually learning?

8. Table Salt

>>people who vote against their own interests
aka MY interests

They also left off diabetes and heart disease.

>so much so that it's wrong to bring a black baby into the world.
wtf im a leftist now
Have we been played? Are leftists, dare I say it, /ourguys/ after all?

Good we need to black pill them from having children. Blacks aren't retarded they can be blackpilled into just not having children if they think that things will get very tough for them soon so if msm keeps playing the white boogey man taking so fucking far since Trump has been elected that now they think they shouldn't have kids then we are winning.

Fellow burger stop embarrassing us

I love how it's missing the 19 million black babies that have been aborted.

Wouldn't want to point out the obvious intent of abortion after all.

Jesus christ, this article is pure garbage.

Why would blacks fear Nazis?

>20,000 white women raped by blacks yearly
>blacks far more likely to murder whites than the reverse
>many instances of blacks torturing, raping, killing whites in racially-motivated attacks
>media still insists that the evil whites are murdering innocent blacks

It's almost like (((someone))) is using the media to rile up the negroes...

Number one killer of niggers is doctors via abortion. God bless those baby killers

They also left off the #1 killer of niggers: Other niggers.

fuck you

>See OP's pic
>"This can't be real. Not even liberals can believe that saying nigger, being white, and Trump being president are the biggest killers of whites."
>It's real

aw boo fucking hoo the niggers are crying over a bunch of criminal dipshits being shot because they murder and rape and genocide people
fucking niggers