Fat white people

Are white people naturally predisposed to be obese? People in white countries are always so fat. Thats me in the pic, I'm white and a bit chubby, just wondering why white people like me tend to be fat. Is it genetics?

My kik: holdmyfries

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You're not chubby. You're healthy, be proud of your body! You go boy!

Were predisposed to success, so according food is never a problem.

Like everything, we're not at the extremes. The Japanese, say, don't get fat, and if they do they die of diabetes within a year. The Polynesians however are something like 70% obese.

Sugar addiction.

I read somewhere one time so it must be true that asian women like men with fat stomachs, its a sign of wealth and good health. And we all know asians have the tightest pussies so why would we not want to attract them. Irrefutable.

most western countries are at two thirds overweight and obese

Looks like you drink alot of beer.

Obesity rates in the US is higher amongst blacks.
Also Mexico has lately became more obese than the US.
As far as Europe comes, no huge obesity rates here.

t. elliot rodger


The Cook Islands are 84% obese. 'Overweight and obese' is probably >95%.

Its the shit they put in modern food mostly

obesity is correlated with low IQ more than anything else

Are you retarded? Blacks and spics are much fatter than whites.

Nah. Man boobs means dope smoker.

>in white countries
No, just anglo countries.

Mexicans are fatter than americans. I'd imagine it's just no self discipline.

kys you fat asshole

Obese abdomen means chronic cheeto consumption confirmed by orange hands. Orange dick confirms chronic...

Western society was built on highly efficient grain agriculture. Fast forward to modern pussy humans that love comfort and sugar and it's EZ to see why whites are overfed.


I find obesity is more closely related to "poverty" and ignorance in the U.S.

those tits have to be from big pharma drugs, what kind of anti-psychotics are you on, faggot?

Capitalism is an agar culture for greed

No. People with shitty diets are predisposed to be obese. That includes food addicts, poor people who can't afford quality food, lazy fuckers who won't cook and people without proper culinary culture.

I like beer, youre right i have it a lot
Never tried weed desu
Don't take any prescription drugs

I live along the border of mexico amd i can assure you, while obesity is an huge (((problem))) the thing i wanna drive home is that the mezito, and in general small brown types usually are huuuuge. Especially the women, as soon as you marry one its over for her curves. Seen that happen with maybe like 5 expections outta everyone ive meet.
Don't even get me started on blacks.
Its very disproportionate.
stateofobesity org/disparities

Drinking from plastic bottles

How does one lose weight? I don't even want to get fit just, lose 20 pounds. I always try to eat less or diet but in the end I end up getting back whatever I lose.

i want this to be true
post source

>Everything is about asian women

Diet and money. Mexicans are actually in league with America for obesity, since a lot of their meals involve corn and flour.

You don't go on a diet, you permanently change your lifestyle.

Aside from a handful of disorders no one "tends" to be fat. The reason is westen food has become very calorie dense which it makes it very easy to eat more than you need. Factor in the addictive effects in sugar as well as taste in general and you got a nation of fatties. If you're interestes in losing weight go read the sticky on /fit/. I did so a few years back and lost about 20kg which i've kept off.

Controlling caloric intake is the only way. Whatever means you use to measure and control it its up to you, but it generally works for most people when:

1) An app such as myfitnesspal is used.

2) People start shopping only for fresh produce and eating "clean" (I dont know which braindead American came up with that term). Because raw foods are the only ones you can be sure about their caloric values.

3) Avoiding sugars at all costs

4) Restricting carbs, no need to eliminate them out of the diet

5) maybe moving your ass a bit.

6) Cutting portion size. Sometimes even skipping dinner in exchange of some fruit or yogurt.

7) Have some fucking self-control and take some fucking responsibility you fucking fat fuck. Also, it takes a bit of time.

There. Start losing weight.

No, you're just fat.

The /fit/ sticky is pretty good.

I guess sumo doesn't exist right?

or just dont eat like a fucking pig, ive never seen any fat person who didnt eat enough at lunch to feed a family

Actually, laziness more than low IQ, but in the same realm of possibilities.

This is pure bullshit. How fat a country is correlates directly to how rich and how many non-whites are in the country.
The reason US is so fat has nothing to do with white people. It has to do with blacks and spics. The more non-white America gets the fatter it gets. Meanwhile people in Europe are still skinny, except for UK which is getting flooded with non-whites and surprise surprise the obesity rates are going up.

If Africa had infinite food it would be the fattest continent of the planet.
The best way to bring down obesity rates is to get rid of non-whites.
Black women are the fattest group of people in the developed world.

Don't ask so much from the fatties.

For us its easy to restrain a bit. For fat fucks? Not so much.


gib source


Lmao not only illegal spics are a drain to the system, but also all the fat ones will cost billions

>percent of stupid people of each race

I don't think you realise the absurd strength of sumos.

We had a low level sumo come to train us once when I lived in Japan. I've trained with a South African kyokushin champion, 120kg boxer and 130kg judoka. I have never been hit harder than by this guy doing a half force palm strike.

OP doesn't want facts. He is just another leftypol shill who comes here to go ''hello my (((fellow white people))), don't you think this thing I made up about white people is pretty bad haha?''

Switch to wine.

Strongmen are stronger than Sumo wrestlers.
Who would have thought just being fat doesn't make you as strong training for strength, huh. Really made me think.

I live this with my own life. My brother graded to 10 in high school. He had scholarships to 2 colleges at least. He is 34, never worked in his life. He is overweight, and personally lazy. He isn't lazy when it comes to doing the basics, like cooking and cleaning around the house.

This type of stuff makes him unqualified to be around other family members who are younger than him, or older than him who are married.

Because, if you aren't working. People ask you what you are thinking about.

>Thats me in the pic

You wish

An abundance of cheap sugar and fat.

Being a strongman doesn't mean you can hit. You'll note I specifically referred to hitting.

My brother's laziness even affects me. I was never popular in high school or has great grades in school. But, a family friend's mother that I knew from school asked me, "how come I see you, but I don't see your brother"? There is no answer to say. to her.

I have met this problem with family too. My father stop talking to his own family for 30 years on a regular basis. My theory is, he never forgave his own father for being a drunk for 18 years, and never saw him sober for 7 years, His sister did.

The best solution to problems like this to tell them the truth so they can laugh, cry, and get angry away from you forever.

I trolled them enough to get what I needed just for me to know.

I have cousins who traveled the world already in their early 20's. There isn't a thing I can add for them to succeed in life.


Shitty jobs where you stand in one spot or on your arse, sports and healthy eating/activity not pushed in the education system, food full of shit, high alcohol consumption, and overall laziness. Also because we live decadent, boring lives.

I do but, they're still 30%+ and celebrated.

We gotta get rid off the sugarjew


Not really.

Every other culture exposed to our diet piles on the pounds ridiculously (excluding East Asians).

We're surprisingly resistant

They deserve death.