70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.


So Sup Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

Other urls found in this thread:


Women use childbirth to control men. They don't want to raise their children.

I believe that is a contributing factor.
But it is also womens fault for being such fucking whores and not keeping their legs closed.
Women don't be women and men don't be men.
Girls these days are stuck up and arrogant and guys these days are fucking pussies who are to afraid to say what they want or even ask a girl out.
Girls have too much confidence and guys have not enough confidence.

>But it is also womens fault for being such fucking whores and not keeping their legs closed.

...women closing their legs will make them give birth more frequently. That's somehow supposed to make sense to you?

Because I lack the confidence to go and speak to women because they are filled with such self-entitlement that I will probably rejected, shunned and mocked whilst I leave.

My only girlfriend came at the wrong time when I was too immature to make it last and now I regret messing up. I do not seek another partner, I do not consider myself worthy of the mundane task that is fatherhood until I have served for my country and I am currently undergoing said process to make that happen.

>Close their legs, not a whore
>Become appealing to a family-minded man
>Start popping out babies when they tie the knot

What the fuck ever!

Childish creepy Facebook is the reason, idiot. Video games are what we play while waiting for you get off fucking Facebook

you are calling for a gender debate

i think if woman would accept their own and the fact that they have to wear a rope there would be a much stronger society and many of our unborn children would play happy on the fields, knowing that mama and papa are mama and papa and not pama and mapa

Doesn't it mean that 70% of women aged 20-34 aren't married too? Maybe if women want to marry and men prefer the play video games maybe the problem lies somewhere else and not in men? Just a suggestion.

I'm sorry i'm confused with what you mean, what rope?

That was my thought. Excluding 2% of the population for being fags it takes a man and a woman to marry. There are more conservative men out there than women

Modern Women are corrupted by degeneracy and sexual immorality. I would rather die alone then give myself to a immoral whore who is more likely to cheat and then divorce me to claim my wealth because I "wasn't there for her" despite the fact that I was working to provide for her and the kids she will rip away from me.

But show me a true and faithful women who is not corrupted by the feminist lies or sexual evils and I would love her more than any other man on earth could.

literally a rope ! literally around their ncks if they leaf the house or want to piss in the garden or whatever

The majority of women my age are fat, have tattoos, dyed hair, nasty piercings, etc. I know I'm the greatest catch, so why even bother?

im totally down for secual immorality but that doesnt include cheating for me ... polywhateveruwant but stop fuckin lying to me stupid little whore

but having a child and responsability is what makes you grow up to full adulthood, so are women having kids late in life to blame for childish men ?

>Far too many young women have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency

Why do you keep posting this thread everyday

Based Japanon gets it

cheap sex out of wedlock lowers the need to actually start a family in the first place, because, well, men get sex as much as they want, too, thanks to the cock carousel

Fuck that shit. If enjoying anything means being childish I guess being an adult means you have to /not enjoy anything ever/ and that's not what anyone wants. So fuck this article

I'm 25 and as far as I am aware women my age and younger who have children are seen as fucking up their lives by their female peers. Women don't want to have children anymore because they absolutely must ride the cock carousel until they are so far-gone in whoredom that they are not motherhood material. The phenomenon in OP cuts both ways, we have a fucked up degenerate culture in all respects.

To highlight its stupidity.

>men not being mature are the reason women can't stay at home and rely on others

What happened to women's lib and feminism?

Kids play video games. Alternate realities are great but you are huge faggot if you hide in them instead of fighting the zogmachine by reproducing intelligent white children.

>spend money trying to court some thot and convince her to let you be her provider
>spend that money on yourself instead and occasionally hook up on Tinder
Hmm. Maybe since women literally have nothing to offer but their holes at this stage of the decline men would rather just buy fleshlights. Just a thought.

The real problem is that a lot of men (me included desu) have a tendency to spend their cash on niggertech rather than on useful shit or investing it. But that has little to do with women.

>why isn't anyone marrying me now that my LGBT activist days are over
>Women aged 30-34 are 12% more likely than women aged 25-29 to have a child with autism.

really gets your noggin joggin dunit

>After decades of feminism, Crouse noted that young men are now the ones who set the parameters for intimate relationships, and those increasingly do not include a wedding ring.

Clearly, men are at fault here.

>Men are to blame.
Literally women lol

Can't trust women, more likely to cheat so fuck that.

You mean more men are making less mistakes than their fathers.

For fuck sake another attempt at slandering men by a feminazi sympathiser. Too bad, too sad men dont pick up the tab to provide domestic insurance and superannuation to a pre-packaged chick.

Adult role for chicks seems being a doormat and boxing ones desires meanwhile said chicks dictate terms and demands every whim of hers be done by yesterday.

No - still having fun, still doing my hobbies and enjoying life in general. When its right, sure, I will marry.

This news story was posted in 2015. Can't you find another one? How many people on Sup Forums haven't seen this exact post and picture posted? You are discussing 2 year old statistics.


This. New sticky. Now

Roasties are going extinct.

Ya ain't having dignity when you have fun. Simple as that.

And men are not stupid. We actually know how the law is working against us, so we are way more picky now when it comes to life choices, and the person we want to be with when those choices come. Blame the heavy regulations in matrimonial law, not the games.

Those bitches share the same dick(s), not wanting to commit to men who don't fit their draconian standards.

You're a literal retard. By the same logic you're a child because you're on Sup Forums

I was going to marry my girl next year. She left me at the start of the summer to spend her summer "enjoying life".

I found out she has a new rich bf but he hit her so hard that he broke her nose and she called me crying and babling that she regrets everything. Im now single and fucking enjoying life. Women will never learn.

>this thread again
>same pic
Also saw the kraut posting the "GREEKS ARE BETTER THAN OTHER HUMANS" thread. I realize people are gonna fall for this slide, anyway, but here's a warning to those with more self-control: THIS IS A SLIDE THREAD.

>dangle the carrot too far in front
>surprised not many chase it

>February 12, 2015
Get new material shillbot.

>guys these days are fucking pussies
Some, maybe.
I have no problem going out, and coming back with a girl to fuck. Problem is that's all she wants.
Women just want to fuck, and have fun.

because I haven't slaughtered you and bequeathed your wife yet

>it's this thread again

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.
>wedding day that may never come.

nothing funnier than a woman hitting 30 and realizing it's over. no more Disney fairy tale.

Early 30s married user here. MGTOW is a real thing, happening because the number of desirable women is in free fall. Shitty parenting and educational system brainwashing have led to a society where 90+% of women are worthless in real-life situations. They don't cook, they don't clean, they borrow 100k to get a job that pays 30k and then they expect you to split housework because they go to a shitty job every day. Men are thankfully realizing how fucking awful of a deal that is and doing other things with their time.

>Childish men
I did a tour in the Army and been working mon-fri for years. I could definitely marry and have a family, I want to do that actually. However, it's not my fault every women I've dated triggers some type of primitive warning signs in my head that I'm headed for trouble. I don't see the point in marrying a woman if you don't feel like you can trust her 100% to live up to her vows. Selfish, lazy, liar, materialistic, too many male friends, not being able to do any womanly chores etc all bad signs for me that a woman isn't marriage material. All woman my age usually trigger many of these flags for me. Sometimes I wonder if my standards are too high, but at the same time I don't want to find myself living in a box with no car in 5 or so years because I ignored the flags and lost everything.

She's gonna make a great single mom.

I mind my own business because women are all after the quick fuck and party lifestyle. Not worth the hassle. I'd rather keep my money and spend it on things I like. I haven't met a woman that wasn't a whore dipshit or wasn't already taken yet.

Sad that's what it is but it is what it is. White race is doomed to be erased anyway. Not gonna reward a whore with marriage and kids.

>and she called me crying and babling that she regrets everything.

>lots of single men
>bleak prospects for women who want to find a single man
Does not compute

>women blaming men because men don't want their spoiled, entitled attitudes


I don't know why people are celebrating in this thread.

Women are weak and stupid. Men are superior and meant to take charge. The fact we're not getting married and having children just means the Jew has won. They've successfully destroyed white families. Why the fuck would you celebrate that?

But go ahead, make another "roastie" post.

Reddit, "one post" is generally referring to when the OP posts bait.

Found the roast post.

I can't make someone else respond to my post, you fucking sperg.

>the Jew has won

The Jew won in the 1960's. Hippy free love, drugs, interracial mixing, only letting in non-white immigration.

You might aswel say the guys are playing games because the women are pure shit because of feminism.

It has now become a problem on both sides.

Mockery never killed anybody. Man up and stop being such a hypersensitive wimp. Besides that, don't you think men make fun of women? It's a cruel universe. I remember when my little sister came home from school crying – she was about 14 at the time you know, that difficult age – because A little group of asshole boys had been mocking her ruthlessly. She was a pretty girl and they literally have just about convinced her that she was ugly and hopeless and that nobody would ever love her. Well, thanks to me and a couple of my friends, those boys got a beat down that night that they never forgot. But it scarred my sister for awhile--she was a sensitive kid. Point is, there are shitty people everywhere. You're either going to hang back in fear of being hurt, or you're going to live an actual life. My guess is that at least a couple of girls that you've neurotically decided are snobby and unfriendly are actually just shy or timid. Don't be lame, man.

Jesus, some of you fucking idiots can't be salvaged, can you?

Yeah man, marry a sub-par woman and have the biased courts take your children, livelihood and happiness from you. That definitely sounds like a good family life for any potential children. Mommy whispering negative shit in the kids ears and the dad doing his best to keep himself together despite having everything taken from him. I'd take a chance with a woman if I knew the courts were going to be fair to me if she does exactly what I expect her to do. I don't even have a problem with women but I wouldn't subject myself to chance like that.

>>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.
You asked for this.
Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.

Roasties hitting the wall do one of two things usually.
Denial. This is the future cat lady path where they think their dried up cooze is still valuable. It isn't.
Plummeting standards. Where they start convincing themselves that any man under 50 is just a child anyway. The dad bod is in and baldness is sexy.

Either way it's shits and giggles watching them struggle with the reality of being utterly worthless.

I doubt it. I think this is the result of elaborate social engineering so gen-xers and especially boomers can fuck more 20 year olds. They're more likely to marry up and the materialistic whores are pleased to do so.

>nothing funnier than a woman hitting 30 and realizing it's over. [...]

I had the experience of a chick suddenly wanting me back as she was approaching that number.

Nightclubbing and drinking, suddenly wants me back.. nope nice try

Ex-girlfriend wanted to "have fun" toxic chick friends and cousins turned her into a toxic chick plus veteran toxic chick (her mother). her cousins took her to a strip club while when 16 and approved by her mother. So cocky about it, later the cunt kept tabs on me. I was already long ever her. Live and learn :)

>Roasties can't climb up a set of stairs
>S-step up an be a real man!

Marriage is a business.
Woman are mad because we won't marry some used up hag who has had her pussy blown out by 60 cocks by the end of her college career and taking care of her black kid shayquan.

But I am married... to an asian.

Arab isn't asian

No Swede marries an arab.

I'd rather die alone than betray my sex for a roastie slut. I'm never going to settle. No fatties, no shitskins, no gooks. They can all die on the vine, unless I get what I want I'm walking.

>Expecting me to pay for dinner

Yeah no

>this response silences the roastie whore

I cheated the system and became gay

Mass replies need to fucking die kys

PEople wouldent need to do them if you didn't ignore posts

My girlfriend and I don't have the money to get married. How am I supposed to afford the fairytale wedding, the Rings, and The subsequent honeymoon to a beautiful place like Nova Scotia? It's impossible as I work retail and she's a hairdresser. Kids? Not unless you want me to rely on the American taxpayer for the promise in hopes of creating a new taxpayer some 20 years down the line. Thankfully she's infertile so there's no risk of using tax dollars so frivolously.

The risk/reward equation has gone to shit for men.
If you marry a non virgin, it's almost certain the bitch will divorce you, get kids custody, half of your shit plus pensions you can't pay for the kids. And that is, even if the whore was cheating on you for no reason.
One word of advice, don't marry if you have any money to spare.
Well done Feminists, you killed marriage.
Now what's funny is, in my country the invented PACS, which was meant for gay people, so that they can fill a tax form as one.
It's now mostly used by heterosexual couples.

That's why you go to church and marry a Christian girl in her early 20s. You're not going to find someone normal at a bar or a club or on Tinder, or whatever the hell else people mistake for socialization these days.

We have this thread every day.

>written by a woman

who would have guessed

>millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come


>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency
Wrong. I'm self-sufficient and responsible...
>roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood
Generally associated? No. I make a 6 figure salary, I work. I like to eat the best foods at the best restaurants, to go on trips, vacations, cruises. I do 1,000 other things (including getting laid) but if you've taken a look at "women" these days 18-25 they have their head so far up their own asses with this feminist/leftist/marxist bullshit brainwashing to even be worth more than the 10 minutes it takes to cum inside them. Definitely not marriage material. Maybe if women unfucked themselves and started acting halfway tolerable I'd put down the vidya instead of buying a new BMW and start to raise a family. Until then they can fuck right the hell off. Getting pussy isn't the problem, the problem is finding a traditional, intelligent woman that's down to raise kids and not turn them into trannies or fags.

this thread is posted on daily basis. its obviously a slide thread.

women are too demanding, it's too hard to get one who isn't overweight unless you're in the top 10% of men. if you aren't they'll just cheat anyway. just look at that study recently that showed that the tinder economy was more unequal than fucking Angola. this is the natural state of things without sexual redistirbutionism.

i dont have to stick my dick in a hamgalaxies std filled used up cunt
who gives a shit, let these women rot

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married
divorce rate is HEAVILY biased towards women divorcing men, not the other way around.

marriage is not binding for life (you can simply leave), it doesnt give you any power over your wife (she can refuse intercourse and even cheat on you)

since men usually earn more than women, marriage is a huge risk (woman might fuck you over and leave with half your stuff (or more!))

what precisely are the benefits of marrge for men? I literally dont see any.

>into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency,
i thought gender roles were smashed

Why aren't you marrying a nice virgin Christian stem degree girl?

What is literal explanation of "roasties" word?

a girl who fucks so much her vagina looks liked roast beef

their vaginas look like roast beef from too much scar tissue

pic related

Funny.... gay could be used as camouflage, interesting


Dude im going to go out on a limb here and say this article isnt exactly wrong. Half of yall are men ages 20-34 who in no way shape or form probably present as marriage material, yet want hot white girls to 14 your 88 or whatever.

Truth hurts man. You cant fix something until you take it for fact.

all joking aside you hit on a major cause of our current problem but reached the wrong conclusion. Boomers don't care about scoring young pussy, they want more worker units to churn out more economic productivity to help fund their overblown pensions and benefits. Young women marrying and leaving the workforce to raise a family would hurt their bottom line so they engineered a situation where leading a traditional family based life was seen as "uncool" and somehow degrading.
They don't give a shit about the rest of us, we don't have a chance in hell of getting the comfy retirement they have provided for themselves but they'll be dead when that particular hand grenade goes off so they don't give a toss.

i dont want any of them though, they can settle for the fucking betas