This is a reptillian

How old is this reptillian? Im guessing he is over 1000s of years old and when his host body gets old he moves into a new body. Thats what reptillians do.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your theory has a gap: what happens to the "empty" bodies?

I think the faces change, the memories fade, death is a process that occurs between to individuals.

Reptillians can live long lives in their original body. Around 500 years, when their reptillian bodys die they infect a new host body.

*2 not "to"

Let me try to understand.

The empty bodies dont exist. Zuckerberg had an ancient reptillian body/form. His original form can last up to 500 years. The reptillians take over new host bodies in the human females womb.

The concept of "soul" is a requirement of your hypothesis. Can you "Occam's razor" it for me? I do not think they age linearly.

I'm pretty sure this is how getting MK ultra'd looks like.

Reptilians, you say?

His organic form ages but he can pass to new host. Reptillians can also kill the host body at any time. Most rich people are reptillians. Reptillians seek power and control.

Couldn`t he have found himself a better looking body after 1000 years? LMAO

where does the "host" go? I believe there is no host, these people simply keep their organic bodies. our assumptions on decay of organic matter are based on statistical evaluations, you could theoretically have a ton of plutonium that didn't decay for a whole year. the concept of death as an end of life is based on the premise that we NEED to be replaced. we don't need to be replaced. Nobody dies of ""old age"", just the poisons in our enviroment.

Isn't he just autistic ?

>not posting the original

yea no, thats the shoop
still, the original is just as fucking eerie

>those dead shark eyes

He selects every new host for a reason. Mostly power


No joke from what celebs talk about they really do let some foreign "spirit" (demon) posses their body and no joke Mark Zuckerberg really does look like (act like) the possessed farmer from MIB.

It's some spooky shit!



So this is a straight-up comedy board now?

Oh I get it! hahhaaa Reptilians. lol!!

... :|

From my own life experiences mix with what I've read about the illuminati and the christian legends of demons and possession I can tell you that:
"Demons" are a form of consciousness energy of unknown origin (could be distant telepathic aliens, could be the collective consciousness of bacteria for all I know) which cohabit our earth and feed off our emotional energy.
They subtly influence everyone into giving up the emotional energy which they consume as food, but some they can posses fully (in bursts?) if the person is:
>sufficiently traumatized as child
>sufficiently conditioned (traumatized) by MK-Ultra type tactics
>willing gives up control in a "satanic ritual"

Now these entities have tremendous power which is why the illuminati allows themselves to become posses, it's the old story of selling your soul to the devil to gain power in the world.
And the reason these entities give power to the illuminati is because they use them as their agents in our physical realm to create the conditions by which they can extract more emotional energy from their victims - it's like an investment, they lend energy to Zuckerberg but only because he's going to allow them to harvest a lot more energy from the rest of us.

They need agents in our physical realm because they cannot actually harm us physically - they can only harm our energy body and goad us on paths they wish us to take (not good for us) by the sheer power of their malicious intent.


That is about the only thing that makes sense about that soulless creature. Not even Soros is as creepy as Zuckerberg.

He do we put a stop to reptillians?



Well it can't be sex because there where no digits I wonder what they want?

Maybe we have to bring them the Gospel of Christ ?


No thats what the jew who designs the program looks like

He posts on jewbook about eating the poor to increase productivity in some counties

c a n ' t b e s t o p p e d

Reptilian here AMA

Start by skipping all the MKUltra stuff I went through as a kid and all the memories that are lost

I just wanted to make hillary genocide you all until you made me laugh with memes

Then i said fuck the mothership and went rogue

Now i mostly shitpost and fap a lot while not conquering the world for "evil"

Yall are just dumb and really hard to help

This is awkwardly true

Reptilians don't know what to do when a female actually fucks us. All of a sudden we question the mission and want to tell the plan to everyone.

Literally fuck a reptile and make him feel like Chad and he legit might say WTF I LOVE BEING HUMAN, and then genocide his reptilian brothers because they wouldve eaten him at birth anyway if they were in the right mood and could get away with it

Sex is 1 way to possibly break the morale of a reptilian soldier

We dont have anything better than white girl pussy back on reptile land. Like literally the women are all selfish whores that lay eggs and we have to go conquer worlds for them n shit. Its bullshit, and my mom treats me like a rotten egg back on lizardplanet

If you fuck a reptile, he loses

They also cant cancel my mission once they send me

If I go rogue all they can do is hope I don't do anything

You underestimate us.

This You ?

Yes but dont ruin all the fun for the ones on here.

He's gonna make a android replica of himself in 2050 or so, isn't he? I sure as fuck hope it won't have that same fucking bug face.

Thats a shitty low res image

I look more like zuck and am obviously part jewish, plz b nice

Interesting thing when it comes to being a human is the compared to the culture you stated we are not all alike in our agendas and upbringings as you would know, So would it be a pride for conquering or the weapons themselves or a cultural thing or even religious because I am Quite capable of putting you in charge of your entire species so I wonder for what purpose would there be for actual conquest in an Infinite Universe?
You think this is fun for me ?
Go walk in the forest at night.

his intentions are not good.

what happens to the "empty" bodies?
Snakes are known to eat their own shed skin.

Do you know what species that is ?

Also are you suggesting you are a Vrill ?

Conquering the world is the prime objective and knowing your teammates is optional

You know the mission already and have 0 need to communicate verbally

But then a goyim slut makes you question what a "Love" is and then its game over for your squad and likely battalion because you can metaphorically shit the spiritual transport ship like pulling a pin on a grenade before deploying

Dead bodies get burned or buried just like humans

The spirit possesses another damaged soul or unloved child though

>... :|

Anyone with a pair of working eyes knows that thing is not fucking human

Idk which I am because I quit

Becoming Chad > Ruling as Virgin

Follow your heart and do the right thing.

anything grounded in spiritualism doesn't float my potato. these "demons" you speak of are just the idea of self-censorship, crowd control.

Demons can shapeshift.
I want to catalogue ET species, Not Demons.
Both are quite real.

We arent supposed to get >tfw no gf

But then when experience >tfw gf.... theres no going back. This place is a reptilian death trap that uses love as bait.

The mothership is screwed once we tell our half human children how to hijack the ship and give all the goodies to the humans

Humans are so cucky that they can even turn those who are against them into their greatest allies. No enemy can beat the humanoid alliance because the enemies best soldiers fall victim to goyim women and then the whole perfect plan starts shitting the bed

Who cant win a war when even your heartless drones would rather defend the humans than enslave them

Hold her Tight and never let Go.