Can we PLEASE discuss the prophecy?? It's all happening and I'm scared.
Can we PLEASE discuss the prophecy?? It's all happening and I'm scared
>Elliot Rodgers, the Memo.
The star is the eclipse, the idols are the recent statues, the dragon dripping water is possibly north Korea testing a hydrogen bom... what's next??
It's a bit heavy handed. Three branches becoming one clearly refers to the three branches of US government being consolidated under Trump. The belly of the dragon dripping water refers to the hurricane. The bear leaving it's cave refers to Russia.
It's larping you knucklehead. Prophets don't come to pol
Oh yeah and the black flag flying above the dome clearly refers to ISIS taking Jerusalem.
Probably the worst leaf post in the history of Sup Forums right after the ai gf
>Three branches will become one
Anti-christu consolidates US power
>An island will drift away
Britain goes full 1988 homoerotic police state
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
North Korea's final hydrogen bomb test
>The star will gorge itself on clay
China eats south china sea and southeast asia
>Idols will speak and move about
hollywood spills spaghetti
>The black flag will fly above the dome
Neo Marxist-Islamic caliphate established in Europe
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
China economically and militarily implodes, southeast asia follows
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
UN Secretary General and US president
>A rock will stand on seven hills
Vatican btfo
>The ravens will starve
Royal dynasties btfo
>the bear will leave its cave forever
Russia finally goes full autismo
>The rod and ring will strike
The end of civilization, judgment day
This is the only "prophecy".
War Pigs by Black Sabbath
Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerer of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds...Oh lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait `till their judgement day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning,
ashes where the bodies burning.
No more war pigs have the power,
hand of god has struck the hour.
Day of judgement, god is calling,
on their knees the war pigs crawling.
Begging mercy for their sins,
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...Oh lord, yeah!
>end of civilization
end of history*
>>An island will drift away
>Britain goes full 1988 homoerotic police state
More like Brexit
So Israel is going to send ISIS to take Jerusalem by force? Goddamit guys you can't force God's hand like that.
Brexit doesn't mean shit. This country is more warped than most of continental Europe already.
threadly reminder that it all was just a leaf shitposting
this is the stupidest shit that Sup Forums has ever promoted, ever
If this is correct is Assad not currently saving us all. Given that ISIS are almost kill.
No obviously it means that the St-Peter's Basilica will fall to an attack... or that Pope Francis let them in, somehow.
This too. Fuck all LARPers (ESPECIALLY Victory of the Faggot who promoted this gay shit)
These prophecies are being fulfilled even before three branches of government in America merged into one, and Brexit.
Yeah, but autism can create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>Three branches will become one.
Republicans control all three branches
>An island will drift away
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Lightning bolt struck Trump Tower in Chicago at night as voting polls closed
>The star will gorge itself on clay
>Idols will speak and move about
Fight over confederate statues
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
The obvious answer is ISIS and the Dome of the Rock / Wouldn't count out Antifa and something like the United States Capital
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Unknown reference to China
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
>A rock will stand on seven hills
>The ravens will starve
>The bear will leave it's cave forever
unknown reference to Russia taking action
>The rod and the ring will strike
possible reference to nuclear war
The rod and the ring
>A black flag will fly above the dome
>the Bible teaches that the earth was "flat and circular sitting on pillars with a rotating solid sky dome overhead which carried the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars and allowed water to leak through 'windows of heaven' or sluice gates to form clouds and rain."
Or it could mean the black smoke pouring out of the russian consulate wherever that was last week.
that was black, and a metaphorical flag.
Sup Forums is always right
The prophecy is a Sup Forums prophecy
It will come to pass
Sup Forums is always right
I member how assblasted he was when there were threads completely destroying him, topkek
yeah, I thought about it but we don't actually know what's gonna happen when/if the prohpecy is fulfiled. I just hope we're in for more chaos
He's still at it too. It has to be Tavistock and his followers have to be literally retarded.
>the bear will leave its cave forever
>URSA MAJOR ursa = bear
i think that might be the big Dipper doing something on 9/23
>rod and ring
the Rod is the church from Rev 12. No idea about the ring
Star gorging on clay could be nork testing nukes underground.
>>The rod and ring will strike
Thought this is reference to an atomic bomb. (Blast looks like a rod and a ring.)
Antifa and congress building in the US?
Antifa and the Reichstag in Germany?
St Peter's basilica in Rome isis?
Dome of the rock jerusalem isis?
Take your pick for the dome user.
For fucks sake, user. Charge your phone.
Rod and ring is a nuclear device user.
The mechanism to gain detonation is to fire a rod of plutonium through a ring of plutonium, achieving critical mass causing the fission reaction.
And I heard
As it were
The noise of thunder.
One of the four beasts saying,
Come and and see, and I saw
And behold
Fake Canadian fagecy, you mean. Calm down.
Rod and ring
This is the simplest nuclear weapon design and more than likely the one that the norks have developed.
It's so childish. Trump is most certainly not uniting the three branches of gov't. Someone took a Nostradamus quatrain(spelling?) and modified it. Ooh scary.
> Marxist-Islamic caliphate
lmfao the neo-progressives, post-modernists, and marxists will be the first to be executed when the muslims take over.
Personally I'm looking forward to watching them be eaten by one of their pets.
>Militarily relevant
It clearly refers to the Hagia Sofia being taken over and converted into a Mosque. Again.
> great american eclipse
Actually, an eclipse happens roughly once ever two years. Nobody acts like the olympics is some rare event.
>The Penis Will Take A Shit Forever
this clearly refers to ___________
the guy who made this prophecy comes on here quite a bit to talk about it. so you have to believe some dipshit Sup Forums can prophesy
nothing fucking retarded about that
Maybe have to wait till we see a black flag flying from it.
>Can we PLEASE discuss
this is exactly what i would expect a redditor to say
Fact: Your fear is feeding interdimensional beings, so stop being afraid. Yes, I'm serious.
I was thinking the dragons belly was texas after Harvey
Unironically this guy is correct, at least in some form. If shit happens on the 23rd it's prophecy and in God's hands, so don't worry about it.
the three branches of US government being consolidated under Trump
Yes, because the Dem's and RINO's and moon
bat judges are clearly bending over backwards to do anything and everything that Trump wants.
I never said it would happen, I said it's what the guy was thinking of when he wrote it. You don't actually think I believe a shitpost on Sup Forums is prophecy, do you?
I don't know you, but I'm glad to see your reply.
>>The ravens will starve
>Royal dynasties btfo
Might be all the darkies dying from lack of gibmedats.
>So Israel is going to send ISIS to take Jerusalem by force? Goddamit guys you can't force God's hand like that.
They think they can, which is the important thing. Centuries and centuries of devising schemes to get around religious rules has made them arrogant.
Personally I like this shit post prophecy and waitingbto see what the/pol/ autista attribute to it next. It makes for a pleasant break from general outrage I experience here. It's Sup Forums version of cat posting.
The dragons belly is china. Chinese people love dragons.
Maybe but let's be honest the US has been the "dragon" of the world since 1945.
My thoughts were the belly would drip water signified a Chinese economic collapse which could very well happen of trump gets his economic sanctions.
Only 6 months ago the belly of the dragon meant china. How do you fuckers fall for such nonsense?
>shitposting leaf
>not even a respectable get
the only prophecy that matters has already come true
I, too, listen to Alex Jones
>not listening to Alex jones
>Not being woke AF
Your loss buckaroo
Word salad. People who believe this stuff make me laugh. Get a life.