>tfw started looking at dreamers differently after I read all their stories
Mind you that I voted for Trump twice, during the primaries and in the General Election. These kids might be illegal immigrants but they're OUR illegal immigrants, Sup Forums
Tfw started looking at dreamers differently after I read all their stories
fuck off
>Criminal working as an advocate for vulnerable children.
Gee that sounds ethical.
all of their valuable skills and talents would be put to good use in their homeland, where they could work to make mexico a better place
it's racist of you to want to keep them here and deprive mexico of its long lost daughters and sons
You have to go back
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
It's easy to blame an entire group of people without hearing their personal stories. I am reasing twitter and crying right now. We can't do this to them Sup Forums. We have to stop it. I regret voting for trump now that I can no longer dehumanize them.
Well the law is the law.
This should never have happened in the first place.
If they're gonna blame anybody, they can blame their parents.
They have an education, they can now go help their own people.
>I'd lose my job as an X leaving X undone!
No, you'd lose your job as X, the demand for citizen workers of X would increase, a citizen would fill the void being paid slightly more than you were.
>Illegals in charge of economic theory
dream of coming back i guess lol
>1pbtID thread
Let this shill thread die, retards
this needs a ben garrison treatment. i'm thinking flamethrower.
Holy shit, think of all those retard that got some Social something degree.
They're beyond fucked in Merico.
OP must have posted this slide thread while taking his cock-sucking break
The dream is over, time to wakey wakey eggs and bakey, faggots. You can't run into another country illegally and plop some kids on their soil and expect the rest of the country to pick up the tab.
Great OP is turning into normie cuck
>they were raised here so there is virtually no difference
Does IQ matter?
Does race matter?
they will have no problems immigrating legally. thats what most people dont understand.
1 post by this ID now, 1 post by this ID in 2 hours when retards keep bumping this thread instead of using a handy little feature
Some actual american will take her job
So what you are telling us is that you are a dimwit who can't resist propaganda?
>Mfw i voted for trump because i knew he would implement common sense immigration reform, as well as a wall. Because while tough on entry he isnt a nazi either
>Mfw its happening and all the stormtroopers and niggers on pol are mad because "muh mayflower" "muh slaveships"
If you truly believe this, pay for these people yourself. Get others together who voluntarily want to do the same. Make grants and scholarships for them. But asking a government to steal from me to pay for someone else's kids? Fuck them and fuck you you dirty thieves. I have my own ideas for my resources.
A proposal then:
They can stay...as long as they turn in their parents who brought them here in the first place. Their parents then have to agree to be deported in order to legalize the"dreamer". Plus, they then have to join the military.
Keep one, deport two.
Let's see which ones will actually go through with it.
So she's basically useless. Send her back.
>Keep offhand announcing illegal kids can stay
>Act surprised when you get a flood of illegal kids
>Create endless amnesty program
Honestly, when do politicians start getting lined up against the wall?
I'd trade them Trump if they'd give me everyone who isn't Trump.
Fuck off and die, nigger.
I don't care where you were born, you should be deported to Mexico.
>1 post by this ID
YEAH, no one cares, especially because you don't either.
Hey faggot.
That social worker position is a job better handled by an actual citizen
>b-b-but they take the jobs we don't want like janitors
No sweety they take your real jobs, too.
yes? how bout you go fuck yourself
shill detected
Hahaha your faggy concern troll really got to us. Fuck having a border and shit, this kid saw a Tweet!
you are a bleeding heart.
>I changed my mind when I heard their totally true sob stories.
Now she can be an advocate for hundreds of Mexican children.
>implying they couldn't fill that empty position within a week
Removing illegal aliens creates jobs for US citizens.
>that's a lot of effort for $0.02
other people will happily and readily take on these lost jobs
why should we be giving them to people that KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY stay in our country ILLEGALLY?
I don't understand why Mexico doesn't want educated, (usually) bi-lingual people returning... Wouldn't logic say this can only be good for Mexico? Can someone explain this to me?
>DACA Cancelled
>Canada accepts DACA recipients
>America wins, DACA recipients win, Canada wins.
>Canada wins
That's where you fucked up. You let your emotions dictate your stance on a touchy issue. That's what women do. You have to think about the situation objectively. If you let your feels decide the future of this country, we'd be fucked pretty quickly.
>>Canada accepts DACA recipients
Yes. And we count them "refugees" so we can trade scum of slightly less offensive scum.
Canada wins.