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Quintessentially European

>100 colors of hijab

is this late-stage capitalism?

Keek. Fucking muslims.

Things change. Get over it. It's beautiful (and a good thing).

Is there one single good argument for why hijabs shouldn't be banned altogether?

when all of this collapse something better will arise, that thought is putting me to sleep

The absolute fucking state of Sweden.

That's some weak colgate bait.

You just don't get how truly "refreshing" all of this cultural enrichment is.

that would be islamophobic

Is that the Pet Shop Boys new album?

No it isn't. The quran says God is great so he'll deal with women showing their hair again.

>when all of this collapse something better will arise, that thought is putting me to sleep


"Freedom of expression" is the only one that comes to mind.

But that doesn't mean shit when someone or something is forcing them to wear it.

I wish I could have taken a picture but I didn't want to get beheaded by jihadi Jane but I seen at least two hairdressers with a large sign of a hijabi cunt saying "no men private sessions available inside"
I really wanted to commit a mass fire bombing that day.
Thank fuck it's almost over

In a true liberal country the citizens should have the freedom to wear whatever they want during their free time/leisure.


gimme a kiss brotha

How did the birthplace of fucking vikings became so cucked that it purporsefully bends over and lets others conquer it without even fighting?

>In Essence

They're so subtle....

This has nothing to do with Sweden or its government.
All this is is an entrepeneur smartly taking advantage of a growing market.
It's just business m8.

We all know Sweden's fucked beyond saving but Sup Forums really has to stop sperging out over every little thing.

If they can just bend our laws an values that easily why aren't we messing up the quran in the same way?

>one clothing advertisement targeted for a group of people who happen to live in your country
>muh culture
>muh country

The freedom to practice your own religion is a fundamental right.
Unless they start wearing bombs under their hijabs there's not much you can do.

years of shaming

With 600 gorillion people on the move immigration is inevitable and desirable. Get over it bigots

Hurr durr hijabs are not part of islam you just read the quran wrong.


>100 colors of hijab

> t.minority

Hello porkistani.

the hijab shouldnt be banned. This way we can better distinquish others

>stop sperging out over every little thing
why? should we just stay quiet?

Clothes usually worn by people living in middle east advertised in sweden is normal then right? No wonder west is so fucked

No, but it's getting so autistic to the point where people aren't going to take you seriously anymore you retarded faggot.

western whores should be banned

I know right, they are some weak faggots.

They wont take you seriously anyways might aswell go full retard

Because when you get triggered over meaningless shit like this it makes you look like a massive cuck

>leaf talking

The advert isn't even written in Swedish....

Bye Sweden. You went full Islamic than my third world shithole despite ISIS attacks here.

Actualy a good idea.
Force the Euroslimes to use the hijab as a fashion statement so that fondamentalists lose their shit.

It is a sign of their apocalypse when women wear hijabs not avoid looks, but to attract them.

>implying the don't have muzzy enrichment

Why does the flesh has this strange color and not red? This color looks disgusting.

Yes. It's a weak substitute for banning the people wearing them. If it's worth doing it's worth doing right.

>pick your color of oppression!


Nah, we should build our case carefully with reasoning and arguments instead because they have gone full retard already, and the people know this. If we go full retard as well like the Burgers did we're fucked.
Look at what's happening in lardassland at the moment. Fuck me if we allow that to happen here.

Alright guys, I see a lot of bantz about Sweden but how bad is it really? I mean Sweden is a big place and almost all the places where I see this multicultural bullshit is in their major cities, surely the country side isn't being flooded DAYZ style and there are still plenty of Swedes through the northern part of the country that aren't this cucked right?

Allahu akbar??

>is this late-stage capitalism?
Yes it is!
Soon, Islam will be a simple market. We will live in a peaceful and meaningless world were culture will be summarized to specific goods your are buying.
Thanks to "progressive" people, soon capitalism will overtake everything. There will no more materialism dialectic or cultural confrontation. Every ideologies will end up empty. Humans will consume frenetically to fulfill all their desires and mostly to avoid facing the tremendous void of their life.

Bless the progress!!!
I truly hope robots will take over soon.

Of courshe.

mudslimes and mexicans look the same

Of course Sven, now get back in the cuck-shed.

they're already working on it over at >>>[r9k]

Sweden always on top!

>not even in swedish language

so,when will the Caliphate of Sweden be officially announced? 2022? it sees plausible to me.

youre next guinea faggot

pizza will be haram

t. mohammed vanuit zijn sociale woning

first you will have to kill me.
i will not be afraid of killing m*slims pigs without pity

>i will not be afraid of killing m*slims pigs without pity

youre gonna shoot me with a pizza lul?

laugh,until your corpse will be used as a meal for pigs

How come I've never seen pics of a hijab with cut outs for boobs/vagina. I know someone, somewhere has made one, I just haven't seen it.

They are not whores like swedish girls.
You have forgotten how degenerate our country has become.

Why's it in english? I can understand having english in brackets or something, but there's no swedish whatsoever.

>laugh,until your corpse will be used as a meal for pigs

dispatching 20 olive oil trucks to mr.corleone's house kek

Because swedes think they are americans.

rule 34 nibba

Well, it's unlikely that the target audience for this ad speaks Swedish. I suppose writing it in Arabic would be too blatant of a "fuck you" to the natives

>a country full of nigger lovers think they're American

Checks out

writing it in english just makes it easier for natives to adopt it muhahaha

It is early stage Iran or Afghanistan.

You need to be de-radicalized by Öwell, Sweden

that color is fat, very disgusting


americucks are nigger lovers my 54% nigger friend

>small companies take advantage of the immigration crisis and make hijabs into products
>soon wearing a hijab becomes a fashion thing and thanks to capitalism the alien culture gets slowly destroyed
>islam starts being a fucking spooks and refugees wear hijabs only because muh 100 colors

The beauty of capitalism.

That's my point you fuckin somali

this one: banning hijabs reduces the alienation the native swedes feel, thereby hindering their awakening. hijabs are harmless acceleration

+1 for the file name

Yeah, you have to make the acceleration of degeneracy appear terrible so that normies may wake up. Jews subvert, its the strongest tool.

In the same fantasy world where blue jeans and the Beatles were responsible for the fall of Communism, maybe, but here on Earth we know the hijab will always mean submission to Islam

Same collectivistic Nordic mentality which promotes mediocrity and shuns everyone for deviating from the group norm. It was invaluable for surviving in the harsh Scandinavian lands, made them damn good warriors/soldiers and workers and their countries were always relatively stable internally. If their media and politicians have suddenly became NatSocs by a miracle, they would be making IKEA halal lampshades out of Somalis in a week.
Btw this is also the reason why pure Nordics never made long-lasting Empires, they are unable to handle outsiders from the group properly and too rigid for long-term strategic planning.

dak upp vårt folk?

Many muslim women, even the ones with hijab are degenerates
(((They))) are also brainwashing muslims into degeneracy

Why do the Swedes who had one of the safest non-violent homogeneous population in the world WANT any immigrants, especially African and Middle Eastern immigrants?


Leaf country is still a million times better than your swedcuck place with many many no-go zones.

Thats right the no-go zones doubbled in 2 years since the rapefugee crisis started.
1/3 (3 screenshots i had to take)

because it is time barbaric europeans stopped fucking each other's wives and bend the knee to the true religion



Fuck off ahmed, stay in your shitty sandy shitplace and keep fuckig goats.

the problem is not with a piece of cloth.
the problem lies with the niggers wearing those clothes.
the problem with the niggers being there lies with the politcians/capitalist lobbysts.

Just like every European nation, the people has been brainwashed by the government.
One swedish prime minister once used "we got a lot of space here in Sweden" as an argument for more immigration

Exactly fucker likeShould never be able to enter europe

>Things change. Get over it. It's beautiful (and a good thing).
(and here is why)

bend the knee faggot

sooner or later, you will *grins*

The former "conservative" PM in Sweden once said this: