50 shots fired

>50 shots fired
>only 3 people dead
How do manage getting shot by this weak faggot?

Other urls found in this thread:


There were only 3 ppl there he shot them firdt then unloaded into some shelves likely out of frustration at how massive a faggot he had become

This is the Sup Forums serial killer, right? The comments on his videos fuck my sides up every time

Tranny Phantom>>>>>>>>Supreme Gentleman

Supreme gentleman at least wrote an intelligible manifesto

They're pretty equal. Both are massive lolcows. Rodger Elliot is just immediately hilarious while ghost fucker gets funnier and more interesting the more you look into him.

why does this faggot look like a typical canadian?

Ghost fucker left hundreds of videos documenting his entire life.

Obviously he was hunting ghosts

>pistol grip shotguns

>be American
>get shot at
>saunter away laughing because there's a cuck on the trigger

Videos are low effort, supreme gentleman was great at writing, thinking, philosophing. Truly a god among men, a magnificent, beautiful, eminent and vengeful god.

>god among men
>didn't even get a hot ghost gf in after life

He was a brony, they only know how to aim the gun at themselves

Someone post the scoreboard

He is in valhalla, accompanied by tall, blonde hot chicks

>He is in valhalla, accompanied by tall, blonde hot chicks
but still a virgin

At least that rotten bag of cringe is not using our resources anymore. :)

Too bad he took good normal people (who weren't mentally bent faggots) with him.

I don't know what bothers me more: that I had to learn about his existance as a suggested video while watching Terry Davis or that in 10 years some moronic gen z autist will worship him.

His hapa cock has penetrated many popular, good looking blondes

I promise you in ten years no one will remember that fagdrone.

*Tall, pale skinned ghost chicks


>Only hapa boys are crazy virgi-
At least people actually remember based Elliot's killing spree. Literally every normie has already forgot about this white boi Sup Forums faggots shooting.

I will,he broke my sides
He is cucking the tranny bronnie and fucking his waifu.

This is now a supreme gentleman appreciation thread. Hail the incel god

That is because it's much richer in detail.
All you need to know about Elliot Rodger is that he was a virgin who called himself a supreme gentlemen. It's instant meme status.
Randy Stair was more complicated, there is much more to his story and it sounds like a complete parody. You can't make this shit up, he was a guy obsessed with cartoon ghosts, a crossdresser who would paint himself with actual white paint to look like a ghost, a guy who tried to make youtube videos for a living failing every time, a guy who would create ridiculous Danny Phantom spin offs that got more deranged and shittier the more people dropped from the project.

Tranny Phantom had a burning metaphysical hatred towards all of humanity. Supreme Gentleman was merely REEEEEEEEEEing

>Elliot was so well respected that the day after the shootings, the members of the now defunct forum congregated on video chat to lament in how incredible his message was. One member speaking over voice chat with a thick Australian accent was so inspired by Elliot's rampage that he vowed to inflict the same punishment upon his enemies.

Oi fucking oath, mate.

Tranny Phantom - Beta
Supreme Gentleman - Chad

I bet he still has his butthole too!


both tay and supreme gentleman were taken too soon

Gone but not forgotten

gas the bikes race war now

>How do manage getting shot by this weak faggot?
You forgot the part where he decided to shoot up the corpses a few time after they died for more gore before randomly shooting at the store and finally himself.
Ever wonder why there's no security footage? Too gruesome and creepy.

Is that Snacks? Did he finally flip out?

No, it's Tranny Phantom.
Snacks' twin.

I woulld be ashamed of myself if i were killed by that complete failure

>complete failure
At least the OC's and pron was good.

>hatred 2 looks like shit

Savagery has evolved and my sides are unprepared

>prioritized style and aping columbine killer cliches over lethality
>manifesto is full of CWC-tier sperg and an awful contrived coin toss
>victims probably died from embarrassment and not his hip-fired pistol grip shotgun faggotry

Virgin spree killer to Breivik's mighty Chadocaust.

How come nobody reported him to the police? Apparently, he was planning this for months and even did videos about it.

Until (((we))) found him, after the fact, his vids had 2-3 views.

I read his shit and what info people could gather online.
Turns out he was a user of some columbine shooter site where they praised the killers mainly made out of mentally unstable tween emo girls and depressed closet homosexuals.
It's doesn't take alot of intellect to know that they were no doubt aware of his vids and also he was in a relationship with some girl that knew something was gonna happen on the date he posted because she replied his tweet with a emoji.
If you ask me he was either manipulated into doing that or everything was an outright CIA nigger psyop to get faggots like him to snap albeit they didn't predict he might be "trans" and harm their anti-Trump narrative.

The older deleted ones had 100-200 views when pol found him
I can't even find them yet there should be archive channels up


he could also be considered /lgbt/ as a tranny, thge media covered up that he was crossdressed when he went ham
and he was a ponyfag too so /mlp/ can take some blame

da fuck is this shit? post a name


is there really no footage of the bodies etc?

>Breivik's mighty Chadocaust
Breivik is a fucking man and a half

Nope. Even the media wanted to be less detailed as possible hinting at a coverup or just something despicable.
If you watched all his personal video entries you can piece together shit and find this all happened after he suffered a car crash and broke his hand. He was on some new "medicine" that probably fucked him up. His parents were also doctors/pharmacists or something. I don't remember much because I nearly forgot about this fag.

>his hand
fuck I ment arm

He only got into pony because of Equestria Girls.
It was the first MLP related thing he saw and it later got him into it.

In that case, maybe he just got butthurt because the rest of /mlp/ called him a fag for liking >nohooves