
>Real-Time Irma Guidence
>Storm Visualization:

Emergency Info:
>Florida Department of Emergency Management

>The Weather Channel - Music from Local Forecasts in the 1980s-1990s

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Comfy tier stream

>that face

first for floating bodies

oh shit I thought you guys were just meming

There's nothing to worry about.

Live coverage
Comfy Virgin Island feed

Remember :


This is it boys and girls, the storm of the century!

gainesville fl reporting bassically middle of florida i should be fine right guise?

HMON still sniffing that good shit.



Do you know the time it's supposed to hit the Virgin Islands?

It would be perfect if Houston got hit again and was just curb-stomped while it's down. I want to see a city obliterated old testament style.

>just makes a fucking 90 degree turn specifically to fuck Florida as hard as possible

>pressure keeps dropping
>nowhere near a landmass

I nutted

Isn't CAT 5 as high as it gets?

is it going to hit puerto rico?

First for Puerto Rico is fucked.

It hits Houston if Kek wills it.

We're expecting it tomorrow at about 12:00pm so I imagine they'll feel it today at night.

Yes, but they may make another category just for this storm.

kek, he's right you know?

Miami user here in my 40 story apartment overlooking the bay. How fucked am I?


If those verify Florida will take years to recover. Hopefully in north Florida it won't be as bad as south Florida but damn that's the whole state pretty much.


It is, people are fucking around, anything Cat 5 is catastrophic damage.

she's a big storm

It still could hit NY on 9/11.

It's gonna rip us apart. So far it hasn't gone north like the models were predicting.

As long is it doesnt hit PA then idc. Would be cool to see Houstan be wiped off the map tho

North FL user here.
Note that cat 5 is >156mph, but at 175mph it's basically a cat 6 at this point.

RIP Cuba, we hardly knew ye.

There's also the theoretical hypercane with 200mph+ winds

If kek wills it we will see history

Lake County reporting in.

It's fucking anarchy at most of the stores right now

I think your building fell over

This could still be a big nothingburger but we need to prepare anyways. You have hurricane glass so shouldn't be too bad, if the storm is heating right for us go stay with a friend that lives inland maybe if their house is decent.

>Mfw it shoots the gap and makes it's way straight into Texas.

This will be a once in a hundred year storm.

Prey for Florida cunts.

Category 5 is literally like a giant tornado that could destroy anything in its path, it's no joke.



holy shit i didnt expect the pic to be sideways and that shit scared me for a sec

Is you building rated for sustained 175mph winds?

Probably not

nah, the storms are classified by damage to buildings
5 is defined as EVERYBODY RUN AAAAAA...
not sure what could 6 mean

Sorry bro. Your post 404'd

239 reporting in, if this thing doesn't turn we are fucked inland too. I know it will hit Miami first but it won't decrease in size quick enough to not Fuck up inland Florida as well. Kind of worried, I dunno if I can ride out a cat 5 with my cats even if I love in Lee county.

What do bros, I have 2 cats I can't hit up a hotel if I pack my shit up and leave :(

>if kek wills it

Categorizing is for communicating to normies how fucked are they going to get
Cat 5 is the highest because it means DEATH

RIP Puerto Rico

175mph winds with gusts at over 215

If there were a category higher than 5 this would be it

Hypercanes are over 500mph

>Hasn't yet hit the warmest waters it will encounter

Fucking trips of truth!

>it's still possible this thing could swing off into the gulf
top kek

Witnessed. Kek hates Texas.

FL here

I'll continue shitposting as long as possible

215 MPH

When it hits warmest waters it will spin up like a turbo!

>tfw gonna be /comfy/ in a hotel out-of-state while my shitty house gets btfo

Idk its brand new. Just signed the fucking lease like a month ago and spent $5k moving all my shit in....

Any mandatory evacuations set in motion?

>Gators in the streets fucking up lootniggers

RIP in peace Leeward Isleniggers

>not sure what could 6 mean
Atomic bomb level, total destruction, nothing will survive its path, not even specially made anti hurricane house like most Caribbean house are could survive this, the wind will literally shatter the walls.

Yes, because Category 5 is just the threshold for "everything's getting fucked"
Creating higher categories would be redundant because the purpose of the system is to categorize how damaging the storm will be, and Category 5 strength is already "total destruction of all ordinary property"

A "hypercane" is a theoretical storm system that could arise under circumstances that are already apocalyptic, a continent-sized hurricane forming over an ocean superheated from an impact event or supervolcanic eruption.

a hypercane only forms when the ocean reaches 50 degrees celcius.

by the time that happens we're all dead anyway.

>I want to see a city obliterated old testament style.
That's reserved for California.

>my bullshit diversity class I took as a requirement will be getting BTFO and I can relax back home
feels fucking good man

Based, good luck out there, kek be with you


>180 mph/290 kph

This is .... The fuck is this?This will be like one giant razorblade.

Floridafags need to evacute now.

To all those who have had too long between Cat 5 happenings, this is what a Cat 6 would be like.

Did you get renter insurance?

If not go see an insurance agent right now. Renter insurance is cheap. Get replacement value coverage or else they don't pay you shit. Also catalogue everything you own.

Rip :(

Cat5 practically means "we are not even counting anymore"

Very fucked

Mostly because even if your building may hold, the building next to you could topple or hit yours.

Turn our structures into rust?

>Isn't CAT 5 as high as it gets?
Category 5 is the highest category of the Saffir–Simpson scale. These storms cause complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings, and some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. Collapse of many wide-span roofs and walls, especially those with no interior supports, is common. Very heavy and irreparable damage to many wood frame structures and total destruction to mobile/manufactured homes is prevalent. Only a few types of structures are capable of surviving intact, and only if located at least 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 km) inland. They include office, condominium and apartment buildings and hotels that are of solid concrete or steel frame construction, public multi-story concrete parking garages, and residences that are made of either reinforced brick or concrete/cement block and have hipped roofs with slopes of no less than 35 degrees from horizontal and no overhangs of any kind, and if the windows are either made of hurricane-resistant safety glass or covered with shutters. Unless all of these requirements are met, the absolute destruction of a structure is certain.[5]

The storm's flooding causes major damage to the lower floors of all structures near the shoreline, and many coastal structures can be completely flattened or washed away by the storm surge. Virtually all trees are uprooted or snapped and some may be debarked, isolating most communities impacted. Massive evacuation of residential areas may be required if the hurricane threatens populated areas. Total and extremely long-lived power outages and water losses are to be expected, possibly for up to several months.[5]

Same here, except I'll be with family in the panhandle. Rip house. I actually know the person who made my house and she's in her 60s. No way in hell my house standing after this

Irma will completely level Little Saint James Island down to bedrock

God I hope Florida gets wiped out of existence. Its another center of degeneracy that truly deserves it.

and when it does hurricane winds will melt the steel on the new world trade center

Miami here, people are slowly entering panic mode, I can feel it.

Are you the user i rolled for survival previously with the house being destroyed? If so, good on you for getting out on time.

Into dust

Yeah. Retirement is degeneracy.

If I never got home insurance, can I get it now and it will be active before it hits??

I like it.

Also you're up pretty high, which could be quite bad if it hits directly. No power = no water. I'm also high up nearby and I have a flight ready in case on friday.

Soon first blood from Irma, I guess? Not too long before it affects some of them islands.

i can feel it comming guys, see you space cowboy


Remain calm, you will all have a chance to be gouged

these hurricanes are natures disapproval for latinos voting for trump

I didn't see any lines at the gas stations this morning in 305.

If you aren't ready yet, go buy your suplies user.

Get out of there Florida-anons!!!

Very cozy view though. Sorry you're about to lose it