Are any of you really fascist?
Or are you all just white nationallists who believe in Democracy?
Fascism isn't Democracy
I like the way ancient greeks concieved democracy, slaves and women could not vote.
Letting this people vote is too much, they end fucking up society.
>believe in democracy
democracy is a fucking joke. it's tyranny of the mediocre trash.
i'm absolutely fascist. i don't believe you've got any rights and you need to prove you're a human otherwise you might as well be an animal.
I'd be OK with some sort of multi-party advice-giving legislative assembly in addition to the fascist government. Still dominated by fascists and no commies allowed though.
Ayoo, fascist reporting
It has it's uses, but to apply majority rule on everything is just wrong.
And even in the cases wuere Democracy could be used I am against the notion of "universal Vote". Voting in important issues should be a privilege, not a right
>White Nationalist
I am a Taco-Nationalist
Fuck off paco
build firewall
Personally, I'm all for Democracy as long as it's based on a fascist constitution.
Everyone wins when I'm the leader.
Partidism is a huge fuck up. Parties are supposed to allow people in a democracy to join forces in the pursuit of a common goal. But it always end up turning into elitist mafias of people joining forces for their own greed
I don't believe in democracy.
This is also my ideal totalitarian government
Democracy has failed us.
A limited democracy where you would have to take a fairly complicated test and pass it in order to vote would be fine by me.
That or leave the voting to landowners.
I would like to add that democracy started to rot when women's suffrage became a thing.
Consumer peasants only serve as a data point reference from which to derive new economic models.
I would gladly give up my right to vote to live in a prosperous country
there is not a single functioning democracy on earth.
based Captinul
I like the idea of a democratic system, but it would need to be purged of party politics and restructured to fit within the context of a corporate state.
t. Mosley
Democracy; giving the 51% the power to take away the rights of the 49%, splitting the country in two and impeding progression since it's conception.
fuck. checked
Remember when you were a shitty kid and your mother caught you.
Your excuse would always be "well everyone else was doing it"
And your mothers response would be "if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?"
Democracy is being forced to jump because everyone else chose to jump.
Democracy works if only the "ideal" of a society can vote
America would be fixed in 10 years if only straight white «not (((white)))» property owning males could vote, and got extra votes for wife and kids
>No Goyim. Freedums are the most important right you can have. Absolutely everything must be given up in the name of freedom. Your individuality is above the future of mankind
I like to think that fascism gives us a more "Real" freedom in the practical sense. Anywhere else you are free to fall into vices and degeneracy; things that basically enslaves you. While on Fascism you are free from vices and thus can fulfil your goals
More like the French Revolution
I'm not exactly a fascist but I'm definitely anti-democracy
I think it's safe to assume that none of us support democracy.
Fascism is the final form of democracy
I would beg ti differ. r/T_D Refugees love freedums more than prosperity. Such a priority always evolves into democracy and individualism
Democracy is the first step on the road to failure for a nation. People don't know what it's better for them, and make them decide for themself would only lead to their own self-destruction
Neither. I'm in the Chad anarcho-monarchist master race.
Fucking life doesn't change anyways so much in a democracy - it just changes to the worse actually. Leaders are always constant, but due to fake struggles they can be incompetent. The fascist state is honest and works towards its people's dominance.
white males don't believe in democracy, but they've been so cucked by commies in the education system they lack the mental fortitude to formulate an opinion of their own
Democracy is absolute shit. People with no vested interest in society are given a say in running it? What fucking retard thought that was a good idea?
Statist cuck
1776 will commence, faggot, and youre going with them.
democracy is fascist though
it indeed values the group more than the individuals it's made of, which is the very definition of fascism (whatever fucktards salt this concept with)
monarchy is best
The German & Spainish examples showed the usefulness of democracy in nuturing right-authoritarian movmements.
If democracy were limited to people capable of rationality (men) then we would have already won. The main problem with modern democray is that society creates too many broken barren unmarried women who vote for collective suicide.
I'm a fascist and to be a white nationalist you can't be democratic. Democracy has enabled the negro to vote and replace our heritage and culture and our police are soft when it comes to communists calling for genocide. It's time to make america authoritarian again only criminals and commies have to worry about militarized police.
and that was the result of actions of democratically elected politicians.
Notice I said "us". Those refugees don't being here.
Seriously, anti democracy is what unites us, from the libertarians like myself (We either want a really strong republic with VERY limited popular democracy or no social input at all) to the fascists.
/po/ is satier
Excellent point user, women belong in the traditional home care role. Women have emotions that can not be controlled and their physical status is inferior. Women do not belong in the military, police, or work force. Womens' rights was the start of the degeneracy in western civilization.
Democracy atomises people. Fascism is about unity, you do what's best, not what is popular
Democracy can suck my dick.
Fascist. Collectivism is the only way a nation can truly prosper.
Fascism is for weak minded idiots who didn't have a father figure growing up.
I'm basically a white nationalist who's also a Social Democrat/Neoliberal if that's at all possible to conceive.
>He is ruled by 2 women
I dont believe in Deocracy because ther isnt such thing as real Democracy anymore.
Just like Aristotle said in The Politics.
>You cant call hand a "hand" if its seperated from body and doesnt perform any basic things hand should.
I have noone to vote for because lifer politicians and i cant vote for important isues that will effect my life and my people.
Plus people have it too good. Little totalitarian fascism would work amazing on SJWs, PC people, religious fanatics, soccer hooligans, hobos and people that are mean to each other in public spaces.
It's not like that man
It's just that it offers strength to us, a group that looks out for us
Government and media is failing people and people are simply seeking that which gives them strength
People who are interested in fighting this tide should find a way to offer an alternative to it
So plenty of people in your country.
Imagine the moment soccer hooligan destroys private or public property and he gets publicly beaten by police with sticks till hes barely alive.
Alot of people would stop their shitty behaviour.
Fuck no the "fascists" arent for real. They might get a Nazi boner but none of us have truly lived under fascism. Most people just fucking despise the left (me included)
I believe in democracy but I think the franchise should be limited to those that have served in the military or pay more in taxes than they receive in government aid. Otherwise politicians use the taxpayers own money to buy votes.
You have to buy in to a company to be a part of the decision making process, why should a nation be any different?
If democracy exists it should be only on a local level over something that pertains to something you're involved in like the way your personal industry is run. who manages it, etc. Which was actually one of the original platforms of fascism. Other than that fuck democracy.
>who didn't have a father figure growing up.
So about half or more of modern children.
...exactly why Sup Forums is full of MGTOW virgins afraid of women.
Fascism is an expression of individual weakness necessitating the collective, while living vicariously through the myth of a dictator.
>individual weakness necessitating the collective
*flawed humans needing order even if they do not want to
democracy is a scam even the founding fathers realized that a pure democracy would lead to a tyranny of the majority and as such thats why the us is a representative democracy.
Democracy only works with a responsible population and a responsible population is only nurtured through Fascism so democracy is obsolete.
>even the founding fathers realized that a pure democracy would lead to a tyranny of the majority and as such thats why the us is a representative democracy.
also democracy relies on an educated population to make a disision most normalfags dont know shit about things like economics so there vote is often useles and influenced by the lying kike media.
Democracy has had its run, and has shown it does not work. One party comes in and does good things but not enough, and another party reverses those and puts in some bad stuff, and it just flip flops like that.
Humans need to be lead like every other thing on this earth. Alone a person is weak, together they are strong, but together with one person leading they are near unbreakable.
You are not worthy of the title of a citizens of this nation if you can't prove you should be worthy of it.
How do Nazi lovers defend their entire upper glass reveling in the destruction of their hard working men on the fronts from 42-45 while continuing to party?
What is that picture? Axe-Faggot? Faggot of Axes?
We a free because we are strong, we are strong because we are together
Where the hell do you get the idea that the German High Command was gleefully reveling in the number of dead German soldiers? And Hitler certainly didn't party. His time was mostly spent at his Eastern headquarters in East Prussia or visiting troops in Russia. He was also said to live a very Spartan lifestyle, devoid of creature comforts. If anyone was partying it was Churchill who was still racking up high bills on expensive champagne and getting drunk. There's a book about his extravagant expenditure during the war I believe.
Freedom makes people weak, freedom cause people to think they are strong, but people are only truly strong being lead.
read the fascist manifesto of 1919 before you call it undemocratic.
Go home Reddit. You do not belong here
the civil police of spain have this logo
fascist in spanish democracy
There's freedom to do everything you want and freedom from vice
Not really, fasces are a symbol of authority, you can see them everywhere
dunno if i'm fully onboard with Facism yet but Democracy is far too exploitable and has done absolutely no good since women's suffrage.
I do think people benefit from strong leadership - i include myself in this, not trying to say i have all the answers for running a nation, smarter people than I would do that.
I am really a fascist.Democracy and capitalism can eat my dick,it brought us mre misery than communism
What are your thoughts on Oswald Mosley?
Wait a moment..
I'm fine with democracy if it's like early America or Starship Troopers. Being an adult is not enough reason to vote
What's this...?
No way...
Well for one, I'm Irish - so anyone who opposed the Black and Tans earns points in my book
However it's difficult since nearly all English Right Wing or Fascist movements are incredibly, incredibly anti Irish - so i tend towards European Identitarianism
I'm anti-democracy. Democracy leads to corruption and corruption leads to societal decay. A strong government is required to combat the evils.
Democracy is fine, but only with restricted voting rights. Letting everyone, vote was a mistake.
white nationalist who believes in democracy
i feel like most of pol is but thats not (((the narrative)))
Democracy creates division and polarization.
Democracy is terrible and ineffective.
A democracy composed of different fascist parties might be interesting to see. That's far down the road though, after the people have been accustomed to fascist thinking. In the beginning, I'm absolutely fine with a dictatorship.
I lost faith in democracy a long time ago now. I prefer Absolute Monarchism to Fascism, though
>tfw monarchist
Democracy should only be at most a county level. Anymore than that people lose scope and let feelings influence them.
Its because you are a false state occupying the British land, which could be used for factory to not put huge risks to the island of great Britain and we can force the Irish who are below the British to work there until they all die out.
> only criminals and commies have to worry about militarized police.
Until criminals and commies take power, which happens more often than not. Especially when commies start offering gibs to the police.
I'm a Hoppean Monarcho-Fascist
I support fascism, monarchism, and Hoppean anarcho-capitalism.
Fascism is a transitional stage towards monarchy, which is the ultimate and ideal system.
That's hardly the darkest aboard.
Did British fascism advocate giving the king actual power? Or did they want an arrangement like in Italy?
Monarchy would work very well but with the current Royal Families I highly doubt it would work, you would need to bring one up from birth to lead and not just be a figurehead.
>i support capitalism and fascism
Can't have both kiddo. Fascism is directly opposed to the pure profit motive of capitalism in favour of moralism etc. Moreover you will have a degree of state corporatism to centrally plan a nation's economy for what is needed most for the people.
You can't have that and capitalism.
Was Mosley anti-Irish? I admittedly don't know much of what he thought about the Irish. I know he did move to Pan-Europeanism after the war.
There's a difference between capitalism as an ideological stance and capitalism as an economic tool, I think. Fascism favors what's basically a mixed economy- there's planning in terms of goals and priorities but not "produce x boots at y factory".